Why do you need this potion?

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Y/N and Scorpius went to Pansy's home. Scorpius was taken by Blaise while the two women discussed.

"Wait, so Draco is having another kid with his ex-girlfriend?" Pansy questioned as she gave her a cup of tea. Y/N nodded as she let out a sigh. "That bastard but does Scorpius knows?"

"Yes, he is pretty upset that he has to see Liz frequently. I overheard him talking that he doesn't want to see that troll—looking clown."

Pansy burst out laughing, she knew Scorpius had somewhat of Y/N's personality. Y/N rolled her eyes at her friend but let out a chuckle. "What's gonna happen between you and Draco? Are you mad at him?"

"It's complicated Pans, can Scorpius and I stay here for a while?" Pansy nodded. "Thanks, Pansy."

"You always welcome here, you're like a sister to me...I'll deal with Draco when I see him." Y/N nodded and got up.

"I'll be upstairs." Y/N left the room just as the door knock. Pansy let out a sigh, having a feeling of who it was at the door. She opened the door to see a frantic Draco standing on the other side, he didn't say a word but just walked in.

"Pansy, I need your help. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! That pregnancy was never to happen—I messed up." Pansy rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hip she shooked her head.

"That sounds like a you problem, not a me problem." Draco glared at her and gasped.

"Pans, you're supposed to be at my side no matter what. I need moral support." Draco said.

"Draco, you got yourself into this mess, now you have to own up your mistakes. Go talk to Y/N and sort out your relationship but can I ask you something?" Draco nodded.

"When was the last time you and Liz had done it?" Pansy didn't want to know but she had some suspicions on Liz of why she is telling Draco after he finally got Y/N back. Something didn't sit right with her and she wanted to find out Liz's real intention.

"Three months ago," Draco answered, Pansy nodded and tilt her head.

"Why is she telling you this right now? She would be three months along unless she slept with another guy a few weeks ago, wait! Didn't you tell me that the day when you broke up with Liz she got upset." Pansy stated Draco nodded but thought of nothing of it.

"Your point?" Pansy rolled her eyes at her oblivious friend, god she felt like Granger right now.

"Don't you think she is doing this for revenge? I mean Y/N's house was set on fire while Scorpius and her were asleep and now she is telling you she's expecting your child. I have a feeling that she is behind this, she gives me bad vibes." Pansy warned him. Draco began to think everything about Liz. He remembered how she didn't like children and now she is having a child, he remembered how she treated Scorpius or how she wasn't concerned about Scorpius' disappearance.

"I mean she did tell me that she didn't like children and she tried to accept Scorpius but she treated him horribly. Scorpius told me that when he wanted to apologize to Liz, she pushed him against the wall and insult him then she pushed him on the ground." Draco explained. Pansy's eyes widen as she clenched her fists.

"That bitch did what to my godson?!" She asked. "If she is not pregnant I'm throwing hands at her, I'll drag Y/N to cheer me on." Draco chuckled and shooked his head.

"Remind me how we are still friends?" Draco asked.

"Because you are stuck with me since day one," Pansy smirked Draco rolled his eyes. Y/N heard everything from their conversation and began to wonder about Liz as well. She didn't have a problem when Liz and Draco began dating but the way she treated Scorpius or Y/N, she didn't like that.

"I agree with Pansy, I always felt uneasy with Liz. I didn't mind when you began dating her but the way she acted with our son or me she always felt like me and Scorpius were a threat to her. Have you told Pansy about the note you found?"

"What note?" Pansy asked. Draco let out a sigh.

"When I went Y/N's home to retrieve the stuff that was able to be saved I found a piece of paper that was written this is just the beginning. I didn't think anything at the time but with what you and Y/N are telling me I'm getting my suspicions on everything." Draco explained.

"I'm gonna let you and Y/N talk with each other." Pansy left. Draco looked at Y/N, unable to find words.

"Look Draco, I'm not mad at you I mean we weren't dating while you slept with her. I'm just in shock that you're gonna be a father again, Liz could be telling the truth about this but now you can experience fatherhood with a newborn." Y/N said in a hopeful tone. "Right now it's too complicated, can we just be friends?"

"I'd like that, we can raise Scorpius together. You mean so much to me,  I know this is complicated but I want to protect you and Scorpius." Draco spoke quietly.

"I know but we are fine. I'm gonna stay with Pansy for a few days, you know to clear my mind." Draco nodded. He understood she needed some time to think. Draco left Pansy's home and Y/N decided to take a nap.


"Is it done yet?"

"This takes time, be patient." A voice spoke. The person rolled their eyes. "Why do you need this so much?"

"That's none of your business." The person hissed. A few minutes have gone by and the worker finished the potion. "Here you go."

"Thank you." The girl grabbed the polyjuice potion and smiled.

"No problem Liz."

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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