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I stared in utter shock, seeing Draco sitting near a table as he stared at his menu. He looked different from the days at Hogwarts. He was no longer a scrawny teenager, he looked a lot healthier. His eyes were no longer bloodshot from our sixth year, he still looked attractive. I walked up to him and cleared my throat. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Y/N." He said in utter aw. I send him a soft glare.

"Malfoy," I replied, you see normally I would have been happy to see him but since he just vanish without a trace for four years I'm pretty pissed about that. I took a seat in front of him.

"I—uh...I have already ordered my food. You can order yours." He said, awkwardly. I nodded, I picked up my menu and scanned the different choices of food. A waiter came over and waited for my response.

"I'll have a cajun shrimp pasta," I said as Draco and I handed the menus back to the waiter.

"Alright, your order will arrive shortly." He scribbled on his notepad then disappear to the kitchen. It was total silence between the two of us, I'd like it to stay that way.

"Um...I know you are mad at me for disappearing but I had a good reason why I disappeared." Draco spoke as I looked at him.

"Please enlighten me. I spend four years believing you were dead, why did you vanish from the world? Why you come back now? How do you know about our son? Where have you been all this time?" I asked a bit angrily. He sighed and looked down before looking up at me. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Well? I need an answer from you."

"You want to know the real reason why I vanished?" He questioned as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"Yes! I want to know the real reason!" I exclaimed.

"I had to escape from them. They were hunting me down." He answered, I raised an eyebrow. Who was he talking about?

"From who?" I asked. He sighed again and looked down.

"From the ex-death eaters. Some managed to escape Azkaban and began searching for other ex-deathers who betrayed the dark lord. I had to stay hidden until it was safe." He said as he reached out for my hand. "When I left the wizarding world. I had no idea you were pregnant. I didn't know you were carrying my child, I wouldn't have left you alone to raise our son by yourself and I'm an idiot for doing that but I want to be in our son's life. I want to see Scorpius growing up...seeing him get his first letter to Hogwarts, him talking to me about his first crush, teaching him to play quidditch. I want to be involved."

I stared at him as tears roll down my face. I can't forgive him that easily. "You should have told me! I could have run away with you! Remember during our sixth year, I helped you through your task. I was there for you during that difficult time, you should have been there for me as well!" He looked down in shame, not knowing what to say. "How do you know about Scorpius? How did you find out we have a son together?" I questioned. He looked up and opened his mouth.

"Pansy told me." He simply said. "She was the only one—well beside Blaise that knew I was still alive. She informed me about everything, about your pregnancy. The birth of our son, she sends me photographs of Scorpius as he got older. One time when she was babysitting Scorpius she allowed me to come to your house and I met Scorpius. He was only a few months old when I first saw him and Pansy let me see him every time she babysat him. I still remember clearly." Draco said



Draco waited patiently as he watched Y/N leave her house. Once she was out of sight, Pansy gave Draco the signal. He walked inside Y/N's house seeing pictures of Y/N holding their baby boy who was only nine months old. The young infant resembles Draco.

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