This is just the beginning

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Y/N and Scorpius arrived at Malfoy Manor. Draco stood in front of the door with a worried expression on his face.

"Y/N, Scorpius. What happened?" Draco asked as he took Scorpius from Y/N's arms. He looked at his son who had tears stained on his cheeks.

"The house," Y/N spoke quietly. "It's gone...all of Scorpius' pictures are gone, everything is destroyed." Y/N cried softly. Draco wrapped an arm around her and held her close towards him.

"Shh, you and Scorpius stay here while I check out the house." Draco handed Scorpius to Y/N and apparated to Y/N's home, he saw that the fire was put out and authorities were talking with each other.

"Sir, you can't go behind this line." An authority said. Draco looked at him and saw people removing things from the house.

"My girlfriend lived here, I wanted to see if anything was saved?" Draco told him. "Was this an accident?"

"No." The man shooked his head. "We found a gallon of gasoline beside the building. We need to talk with your girlfriend and tell us what happened." Draco nodded and took in this information.

"I'll tell her that you want to talk with her," Draco said. "She is still shaken up from this fire."

"I understand. Since you are her boyfriend, we will allow you access to take things that we managed to save from the fire." Draco nodded and the man led him to the things that were saved. He hoped one of the things that were saved was Scorpius' baby pictures. He rummaged through the pile of things until he found a book. Scorpius' baby photo album. He picked it up and looked at the cover. It was somewhat burned but nothing too serious. He flipped through the album to see most of the photos were not burned and he smiled to himself.

"Sir, may I ask you where were you when the fire started?" The man asked as he held a notepad and a pen. Draco turned around and nodded.

"I was at home. My girlfriend and my son were planning on moving in with me tomorrow and were packing their things when the fire started." Draco explained. The man nodded and wrote in his notepad.

"You have a son?" Draco nodded. "May I ask how old is he?"

"He's four years old," Draco replied. The man nodded and wrote it down.

"Do you know someone who would set this place on fire?" The man asked. Draco began to think, no one hated Draco nor Y/N. The death eaters were captured. He shooked his head.

"Alright, that's all." The man walked away. Draco noticed a piece of paper near the pile of scattered things. He read it;

This is just the beginning.

Draco was confused. A pit in his stomach began to form as millions of thoughts began to form in his mind. Were they trying to hurt Y/N? Or Scorpius? He couldn't let that happen, they both mean everything to him. Draco folded the piece of paper and placed it in his pocket. The same man walked up to him.

"We will find out who did this. You can leave." Draco nodded and grabbed the things that were saved from the fire and headed back to the Manor. He walked in seeing Y/N sitting on the couch. He walked up to her and sat next to her.

"This was saved from the fire." Draco gave Y/N the baby album. She gasped.

"How?" She asked as she looked at the photos, none of them were damaged.

"Don't know but the fire wasn't an accident. The authorities found a gallon of gasoline near the home." Draco explained. He took the piece of paper out of his pocket. "The person who caused this wrote a note saying this is just the beginning."

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