Over the past few days, Y/N began packing her things with Scorpius's help.
"When are we going to live with daddy?" Scorpius asked. Y/N smiled.
"Soon," Y/N replied, the small blond nodded and ran off to play in his room. Y/N finished packing the last boxes. She plopped down on the couch and sighed. She packed all these boxes without magic and she was tired. She decided to check on Scorpius.
"Hey, Scorp." Y/N stood beside the door frame. Scorpius looked up from his toys and smiled happily.
"Hi, mommy." Scorpius cheered. Y/N sat down next to him and looked at her son.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked, looking at Scorpius's toys.
"I was playing with my toys," Scorpius replied. Y/N smiled and nodded. She heard Scorpius's stomach start to grumble.
"Somebody's hungry." Y/N cooed at her son who nodded. "What are you hungry for?" Scorpius thought for a moment before replying.
"Mcdonalds." Scorpius smiled. Ever since Scorpius's birth Y/N took Scorpius to the muggle world and he loves it. Y/N remembered when she took Draco to the muggle world he acted like he hated it but secretly he enjoyed it. "Can daddy join us?"
"Sure," Y/N replied. She got up and began to write a letter when Scorpius ran up to her.
"Can I write my letter to daddy?" Scorpius asked. Y/N nodded and gave him a separate piece of parchment. Scorpius looked down and pouted. "What should I write?"
"Write I love you, dad." Scorpius nodded and began writing his letter while Y/N wrote hers.
"Done!" Scorpius exclaimed, putting down the quill.
"Can I see?" Scorpius nodded and gave it to his mother. Y/N read his letter;
I love you.
I can't wait to see you again.
Scorpius Malfoy.She smiled at the letter and gave it back to Scorpius.
"Is it good?" Scorpius asked. Y/N nodded.
"Let's send it," Y/N said as she rolled the two pieces of parchment up and placed them on her owl. "Draco."
Y/N and Scorpius watched the owl fly away and they traveled to the muggle world. Y/N and Scorpius walked to their regular Mcdonald's restaurant. Y/N saw the line and they both waited in line.
"Mommy, I want 10 nuggies," Scorpius said. Y/N shooked her head.
"You're getting six, like always." Y/N was very strict about her son's diet. Scorpius groaned but then smiled.
"Then I'll try to convince daddy." He smiled. Y/N shooked her head and laughed.
"You're just like your father." Y/N chuckled. Scorpius smiled feeling proud at her comment.
Draco finished reading the letters and was impressed with Scorpius's handwriting, for a four-year-old he had somewhat decent handwriting. Draco traveled to the muggle world and walked to the place where Y/N mentioned. Draco opened the door of the restaurant and saw a couple of people in line. There in the back of the line was a certain Y/H/C trying to calm a grey—eyed child. Draco picked up his son from behind, Scorpius let out a squeal.
"Daddy, convince mommy so I can have 10 nuggies." Scorpius pleaded. Draco looked at Y/N while she gave him a stern look.
"Sorry buddy, but you can have 4 nuggies," Draco said. Scorpius nodded and the family made their way to the counter. They ordered their food and sat down near a booth, they began to talk about their day. The food arrived and they began eating then they left the restaurant and walked to a central park. "What do you usually do at a muggle park?"

Fatherless | ✓
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] After the war Y/N finds out she is pregnant with Draco's child but when she goes to the manor to tell Draco the news. She learns that he died in the war. Four years after his death, Y/N is a single mother raising her son, Scorpius. But w...