Where has she gone?

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Y/N woke up to see Pansy sleeping on the chair. She sat up and saw that she was still in Scorpius' room, it's been a few hours since his disappearance and she haven't heard any news which she became desperate. She got out of bed and quietly walked out of the room making sure not to wake up Pansy from her sleep.

She slipped on a jacket and left the home, she began walking down the empty streets when she felt like someone was following her. She turned around and saw someone following her, she couldn't see their face since the person was wearing a hoodie. She walked a bit faster and so did the person, Y/N was about to lose the person but was knocked out.


"Wake up." 

Y/N opened her eyes to see her son shaking her up, is this a dream? She looked around and saw that she was in an unfamiliar room. She hugged Scorpius who quickly cried.

"Scorpius, are you hurt? Where are we?" Y/N asked, checking her son to see if he has any injuries.

"I'm ok, I just want to go home and never see Liz again." Scorpius whimpered. Y/N kissed his forehead.

"We will find a way out, ok? I won't let anything hurt you." Y/N said. They heard some clapping, Scorpius and Y/N looked up to see Amanda with a sly smirk on her face.

"Aw, mother and son bonding how adorable." Amanda laughed. Y/N glared at her.

"What do you want from us? Amanda." Amanda's eyes widen, how could Y/N find out about her real identity?

"Wha—How?" She stammered out as she paced around. Y/N stared at her.

"They are looking for you, you're not Liz Holster you're Amanda Brewer. What do you want from us? You can be angry at me but to Scorpius, he is just a boy. He hasn't done anything." Y/N said. "Just let Scorpius go, look you can have Draco. I'll just want to go home with Scorpius."

"It's not easy for you to leave! You took Draco away from me, you have a son with him." Amanda snapped. Scorpius' eyes widen and looked at his mother. "I got all of this plan it out. I lied to Draco about expecting his child, pulling a strand of your hair to make a polyjuice so I could kidnap Scorpius. This was all part of the plan, now that I have you and Scorpius here. Right now Draco might be worried about you and Scorpius' safety." Amanda laughed.

"You won't get away from this. You will get caught." Y/N spat at Amanda who only received a slap from her.

"Draco will always be mine, I will get rid of you and Scorpius." Amanda threatened. Scorpius' eyes widen and hugged his mother.

"Mommy, are you ok?" Scorpius asked worriedly, no one hurts his mother. He turned to Amanda and shot her a glare.

"I'm alright Scorp," Y/N replied as she touched her cheek. Scorpius kissed her cheek, Y/N smiled at the gesture.

"We will get out of here. I know it." Scorpius said. Y/N felt stupid for not having her wand with her.

They were in danger.


Pansy woke up from her nap to find Y/N gone. She sat up and looked around the room.

"Y/N?" Pansy called out as she got up and walked around but there was no answer. "Where could had she gone?"

She saw that her jacket was gone so she must have gone out but to where?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard voices coming from downstairs. She walked towards the voices to find Draco and Blaise talking to each other.

"Hey, Pansy," Draco said as he took off his jacket.

"Hey," Pansy replied. Draco felt if something was wrong and he didn't know if it was about Scorpius?

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, a bit curious about why Pansy was a bit concerned.

"Have you two seen Y/N? Has she gone to find you two?" Pansy asked with a bit of hope in her eyes.

Both men shooked their heads, now concerned about Y/N's whereabouts. What if she was hurt? Draco didn't want to think about the negative thoughts but they always came back to his mind.

"I thought she was with you." Draco paced around. "What happened while we were gone?" He looked at Pansy.

"After you two left, Y/N was asleep and I guess I fell asleep. By the time I woke up, she was gone." Pansy explained. "She took her jacket with her but left her wand behind."

"Where could she be?" Draco rubbed his forehead, an idea popped into Pansy's mind.

"We have to interrogate Amanda," Pansy said, the men looked at each other. Pansy rolled her eyes. "She must know something and I have that veritaserum. We have to find her and we will get the truth out of her."

Draco and Blaise nodded, Draco wanted to know where his son and the love of his life were and he wanted to know if they were alright.

"But we don't know where she could be?" Blaise asked thoughtfully. Pansy looked at Draco with a stern look on her face.

"Draco, do you have any idea where she could be?" Pansy asked. Draco thought for a moment before nodding.

"She would usually be at home or out at a club," Draco replied. Pansy nodded and grabbed her jacket.

"Alright, let's find her and get the truth out of her. We must find Y/N and Scorpius, let's go." Pansy ordered as both men nodded and walked out of the house. They were gonna find them, that was their mission. Draco hoped they weren't harmed, he couldn't imagine if something terrible happen to them. He would never forgive himself if that happened.

He was gonna find them and Amanda was gonna get away with this.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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