I hope we're not too late

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Draco looked at Y/N, hoping she was alright then he looked at Amanda who had a smirk on her face.

"Let us go! Y/N wake up, love." Draco pleads desperately. "Amanda, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, I never meant to hurt your feelings but you don't need to do this." Amanda listened to Draco as she lowered her wand.

They were starting somewhere. He looked cautiously at Y/N who was still unconscious.

"I guess your lover returned to save you, how romantic." Amanda laughed. "She doesn't have a chance in saving you. I'm gonna kill both of you and no one can stop me."

"Amanda, please...don't do this to me or Y/N," Draco begged through his tears, he tugged on the chains but was no use. "Amanda think of what you are doing. You won't get anything from this."

"She!" Amanda pointed to Y/N. "Stole you away from me, I thought you loved me—you played with my feelings, you deserve all the pain."

Amanda walked closer to Y/N and knelt, she stroked her hair and began to stare at the unconscious body.

"Of course, you had to get Draco first and have his son, sometimes I wished it was me who met Draco a long time ago and probably had his child. I always hated you from the moment I met you with your stupid son." She sneered. Draco looked at Amanda as she taunted Y/N, he needed to find a way to save them.


"Mommy? Daddy?" Scorpius' voice echoed throughout the home. Blaise closed his book and stood up to find Scorpius standing by the doorframe. "Uncle Blaise, where are they?"

"They were gonna find your father." Blaise tried his best to explain. Scorpius' nodded and sat down on the couch. Blaise watched as the small blonde sat there quietly. "Are you ok?"

"I'm scared," Scorpius confessed.

"Scared of what?" Blaise asked.

"Amanda hurting us again." Scorpius' eyes began to fill up with tears. "I never liked her from the start and I guess mommy didn't like her too."

"Scorpius, she won't hurt any of us," Blaise spoke.

"She's evil." Scorpius crossed his arms. Blaise cocked his head to the side.

"What do you mean?" He asked then Scorpius began to explain what she had done to him. "She scratched you."

"Yup." Scorpius nodded. "She hated me because I existed."

"Scorpius, you bring joy in everyone's lives," Blaise said. Scorpius smiled.

"Sometimes I wished daddy never met that lady." Scorpius sighed. He wished Amanda disappeared out of their lives, he decided to play with his toys while Blaise went to cook some food.


"Where could they be?" Pansy asked as they roamed around the house. "She said Draco was here."

"What if Amanda knew about us saving Draco." One of the Aurors said.

"It could be," Pansy replied. "We need to find them before it's too late."

"Let's go."


"Get up!" Amanda tugged Y/N by the shirt. She was already awake.

"Where are you taking her?" Draco asked, trying to know what she will do to Y/N. Amanda looked at him and glared at him.

"That's not any of your business." She hissed as she grabbed Y/N's arm.

"Let me go!" Y/N exclaimed but Amanda's grip tightened.

"Shut up!" Amanda shouted as she dragged Y/N out of the room with Draco calling her name behind her. Amanda turned around. "Silencio."

Draco kept opening his mouth but no words escaped from his mouth. He felt the tears threatened to spill as he felt helpless watching Amanda dragging Y/N out of his sight. He sat there as tears streamed down his face.


Draco looked up to see Pansy and two Aurors right behind her. He had some hope that they could be saved. He tugged on the chains and one of the men said a spell to remove it from him. Draco stood up and made his way to her.

"Where's Y/N?" Draco opened his mouth but nothing came out. An Auror said a spell and Draco began speaking.

"Amanda took her," Draco said. "I don't know where they went."

"We gotta find her...we don't know what Amanda is capable of," Pansy said. Everyone nodded. "Let's find her."

Before anyone could react they heard a high pitch scream. Draco knew who it was.



A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter. What did you think of this chapter?

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