The mysterious letter

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I walked up to the manor, I had to tell Draco about our baby. I haven't seen Draco since the war. I knocked on the door and waited, Lucius, opened the door and glared at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, bitterly

"I need to tell Draco something," I said. "It's very important."

"Draco is not in the manor." He said

"Then where is he?" I asked. Looking around behind Lucius' shoulder.

"He's dead." He said with a blank expression. Tears flow freely down my face.

"Liar! I know he's here." I exclaimed. I hit his chest and made my way inside. "Draco! Draco! Are you here?"

Lucius grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "He's dead! He died in the battle!"

"No, he can't be dead...He promised me he would never leave me." I looked down as I collapsed to the ground. He can't leave me alone to raise our child.

I woke up, covered in sweat. I looked around to see that I'm in my room. I looked next to me to see my son sleeping peacefully, It's been four years since Draco died. I gave birth to a son which I named Scorpius. Draco once told me if we had any children together and if it's a boy he wanted to name him Scorpius. I tell stories about his father to Scorpius, everyone tells the toddler he bore a strong resembles his father. I moved his bangs out of his eyes, he shifted slightly.

"Mama?" Scorpius asked quietly, I smiled.

"Ssh, go back to sleep," I said he closed his eyes and fell back to sleep. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't. I quietly got out of bed and went to the living room, I picked up a photo album that contains photos of Draco and me of when we were younger. I flipped through the pages as I scanned all of the photos. I picked up a photo of Draco from his 17th birthday, I stared at his beautiful face. "It's been four years Draco. I never stopped loving you...Scorpius knows all about you and he acts just like you. I know you are proud of us...I love you Draco, soon we will be reunited together in heaven."

I kissed the photo as tears streamed down my face. I tried to move on with my life but I can't. I looked at the clock to see it's 2:56 am, I went back to bed.

"Mama." A small hand touched my cheek. "It's time to get up, Scorpius is hungry."

I smiled and opened my eyes to see Scorpius on top of my stomach. "Good morning to you."

He giggled and jumped off of me. He ran out of the room, each day he is more like his father. I got out of bed and took a quick shower, I went to the kitchen to find Scorpius drawing in his coloring book.

"What are you drawing, Scorp?" I asked as I took a peek at his coloring book. He looked up at me and smiled.

"It's us, mommy." He said as he pointed at each figure in the drawing. "There's me and you holding hands and in the clouds, daddy is waving at us."

I could have sworn my heart shattered into a million pieces. I noticed he also drew a small ferret right next to Draco. "Why did you draw that ferret?"

"So daddy wouldn't be lonely." He said innocently. I completely lost it. I wiped away a tear from my cheek. "do you like it?"

"I love it Scorp. I bet your daddy would have loved it as well." I smiled. Except for the ferret drawing. He smiled.

"Mama, can you tell me the story when you and daddy met." He said, giving me the puppy eyes.

"I told you that story when I put you to bed," I said as I stared at my son.

"Please." He pleaded. I sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Well, this story begins on September 1st, 1991." I began the story.


September 1st, 1991

11-year-old Y/N Y/L/N was looking for an empty compartment. She found an empty compartment, she saw a young blonde boy staring out the window. She cleared her throat he turned around.

"Um...excuse me. Is this seat taken?" She asked, shyly. He stared at her in awe.

"No, it's not." He said. She gave him a small smile and sat across from him.

"What's your name?" She asked

"Malfoy..." He cleared his throat. "Draco Malfoy."

She smiled sweetly at him. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N."

"That's a beautiful name." He said sincerely. She smiled.

"Thanks, Draco isn't a bad name." She replied. He smiled.

"Wanna be friends?" He stuck out his hand.

"Sure." She shooked his hand as they began to get to know each other.

End of Flashback

"Your father and I became best friends and he would always protect me when there was danger," I said as Scorpius stared at me intently.

" daddy was a hero?" He asked

"Yes, he was a superhero. He was my superhero." I said he frowned. "But you know what your daddy left me."

"What?" He asked

"You," I replied. He looked at me confused.

"Me? Why?" He asked, I smiled and stroked his platinum white hair.

"Because it's a reminder that your father left me a beautiful gift and that's you," I said, he smiled and hugged me.

"I'm glad I'm here mama. I will love you forever!" He cheered. I chuckled

"Alright Mister, What would you like to eat?" I asked as I took out a pan.

"Um...Pancakes!" He exclaimed happily. I smiled.

"Alright, come help me make the pancakes." He nodded and hopped off the chair and stood on a stool. He poured the batter into the pan. I began to flip the pancakes as Scorpius just watch me. I finished making them and handed a pancake for Scorpius. We ate in silence then I took him to the park. I watched him play with other children. I felt like I was being watched, it made me uncomfortable. I got up and called for Scorpius. "Scorpius! Let's go home!"

Scorpius ran up to me and pouted. "Why?"

"I don't feel well," I said he nodded. I grabbed his hand and we went home. We reached the front when I found a mysterious letter. I picked it up and we went inside, Scorpius ran to his room while I opened the letter. I was surprised by what I read;

You don't know me but I know that Draco is still alive. He didn't die as his father told you and he also knows about his son. Please write back and I can lead you to Draco.



A/N: This is the first story of my new book, Fatherless. What did you think of it? Draco knows about his son but how? Should Y/N write back to this mysterious person?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

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