Who is it gonna be Draco?

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Pansy split up from Draco and Blaise to find Amanda. She wanted to find out the truth about her intentions and where were Scorpius and Y/N. She walked around Diagon alley when she spotted Amanda leaving a shop, she followed her until she turned into an alley. Pansy raised her wand and pointed directly behind Amanda's back.

"Stupefy!" Amanda fell down. Pansy ran up to her and they apparated back to her house. She placed Amanda on a chair. "Incarcerous." Ropes appeared behind Amanda's hands and tied her hands together so she wouldn't escape.

Draco and Blaise appeared as they saw Amanda tied up in a chair while unconscious. Draco walked towards Pansy.

"How did you find her?" He asked, staring at Amanda.

"It wasn't that hard honestly." Pansy shrugged. "We just need to wait until she wakes up." Draco nodded. He wanted to find Y/N and Scorpius, he wanted to know if they were ok.

The three of them waited until Amanda woke up. Amanda stirred and open her eyes to find herself tied up in a chair. She looked around to see Draco, Blaise, and Pansy staring at her.

"Where am I? Why am I tied up to a chair? Let me go!" Amanda shouted angrily as she tried to remove the ropes off of her.

"We know you have Y/N and Scorpius, tell us where they are," Pansy stated. Amanda smirked and let out a laugh.

"I will never tell you where they are. They could be dead by now." Amanda said which caused Draco to tense up. "Don't worry Draco, our baby is healthy."

"Alright then, let's do this the hard way." Pansy grabbed Amanda's jaw and forced open her mouth as she poured the liquid in her. "Were you the one who used polyjuice potion to kidnap Scorpius?"

"Yes!" Amanda exclaimed frantically. Pansy looked at Draco who only nodded for her to continue.

"Where is Y/N?" Pansy asked.

"She's with Scorpius!" Amanda told them as she tried to untie herself but with no luck.

"Where are they?" She asked with fury in her eyes.

"They are at a small cabin! They are still alive!" Amanda replied.

"Are you pregnant with my child?" Draco asked, he wanted to know the truth if she is expecting his child.

"No!" Amanda exclaimed.

"Are you even pregnant?" Pansy asked as Draco processed the information.

"No! I used my friend's pregnancy test to lie to Draco that I was having his child!" Amanda explained. Pansy was satisfied with the information as the potion wore off. Amanda felt defeated they now knew where Y/N and Scorpius were and knew about her fake pregnancy.

"Take us where they are," Pansy demanded, looking at Amanda. She shooked her head as she looked down before looking up at them.

"I want Draco to go with me. Him only." Amanda smirked, everyone looked at Draco before he nodded.

"Fine, I'll go with you," Draco replied. Pansy grabbed his arm and led Draco out of the room.

"Draco, are you sure you want to go with her? What if she does something terrible?" Pansy was worried, Draco could get hurt or Y/N and Scorpius. Draco sighed.

"I'm sure Pansy. I have to find them whether she hurts me but I won't allow her to hurt them." Draco replied. "Get the ministry involved, tell them that Amanda is the one who kidnapped Scorpius and Y/N. If she only wants me to go with her then I have to go with her." Pansy nodded as the two walked out of the room.

"Draco." Pansy began as tears formed in her eyes. "Be safe and please bring them back." Draco nodded. He had never seen Pansy like this, she never showed her emotions out to anyone but seeing her like this made him wrap his arms around her and comfort her.

"I'll bring them back, I promise," Draco reassured but in reality, he wasn't sure he was able to keep his promise but he will do everything in his power to bring them back unharmed. The two of them separated from the hug and headed towards the living room to find Amanda still thrashing around in the chair. "Let's go."

Draco untied Amanda's ropes and grabbed her by the arm.

"Draco, you're hurting me," Amanda whined. Draco rolled his eyes and walked out of the door with her.

"Lead the way," Draco replied. Amanda let out a huff and led him to the location. Draco began to prepare a plan to get Y/N and Scorpius out of that cabin without anyone getting hurt. The two of them walked near a wooded area. Up in the distance was a little cabin Amanda mentioned.

"We're here." Amanda smiled as she opened the door. Draco took a deep breath before entering the cabin. Draco inspected the area, trying to find them but it was silent.

"Where are they?" Draco asked. Amanda smiled as she closed the door.

"I don't know." She laughed. Draco furrowed his eyebrows and glared at her.

"Where are they?" He hissed which caused Amanda to be afraid by the tone in his voice. Before she could answer Draco heard desperate cries coming from far away.

Scorpius. He thought as he heard Scorpius' desperate cries. He began to walk further when Amanda stopped him.

"You thought you can get them back easily." Amanda taunted him. Draco heard Y/N trying to calm down their son.

"Please don't harm them, Scorpius is just a child. He doesn't deserve what's going on between us." Draco began. "Let them go, I'll do anything you want me to do but please let Y/N and Scorpius go." By now Draco had tears running down his face. Amanda smirked and began to twirl a piece of her hair around.

"Anything?" Draco nodded frantically. He didn't care what would happen to him but he wanted Y/N and Scorpius to get out of here. Amanda grabbed his arm and led Draco to a dark room. Draco heard some whispering.

"It's ok Scorp, we will be alright." Y/N soothed Scorpius as the small boy let out a quiet sob. Draco began to approach them until Amanda stopped him.

"Don't you dare move or they will face the consequences." Amanda threatened. Draco froze in his track. "Drop your wand."

Draco looked at the ground, debating if he should follow her orders or not.

"I said drop it!" Amanda ordered. Draco didn't listen to her, he was thinking of them. "Cru—"

"No!" Draco cried out as he dropped his wand. He turned around to face Amanda who had a sly smirk on her face. "I dropped it, ok? Just don't them." He pleaded as he knew what spell she was about to use and to who it was meant for.

"Very good." Amanda smiled. "If you want to save them you have to follow my orders." Draco nodded frantically. "You want to save your little family?"

"Yes." He replied. She smirked at him as an idea formed in her head.

"You can save one of them," Amanda said as she walked around. "You can save your son Scorpius or your precious Y/N." She taunted him, making Draco shudder as he need to choose who he needed to save. Amanda knew she got him there. "Who is it gonna be Draco? Scorpius or Y/N?"

Draco turned around to see Y/N and Scorpius a few distances from each other. He didn't want to choose between the two people he love.

"Chose wisely Draco, remember you can only save one and if you think about picking up your wand I'll kill both of them." Amanda threatened. Draco felt tears welling up in his eyes as he began thinking about what was going on. "I'll leave you three alone, but you have little time to decide so think wisely."

With that Amanda walked away, taking Draco's wand with her. Draco broke down into tears as he fell to the floor. He had to choose between his son or the woman he loves but who was it gonna be?


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, I know it was a little dark chapter but I gotta add some drama.

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