The lie to separate them

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Liz walked around her house with a small pout on her face. She needed a way to get Draco back to her. Her friend watched in amusement as Liz continued to pace around.

"What's up with you?" Her friend ask Liz stopped and stared at her.

"I'm just thinking Renée," Liz replied Renée rolled her eyes and sighed. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Well since you are just walking around I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant." Renée smiled as she placed her hand on her stomach. "I'm only a few weeks along and I haven't told Tyler but I'm so excited, those muggle pregnancy tests are accurate."

An idea popped into Liz's mind. All she had to do to is come up with a lie and she could get Draco easily back. "How accurate are those muggle pregnancy tests?" She asked

"99% accurate. I took three tests to make sure and all three of them came out positive." Renée replied, not knowing what her friend was going to do.

"Can I see them?" Liz asked, hoping to get her hands on one of those tests. Renée nodded she checked her purse and pulled out a pregnancy test she handed it to Liz as she stared at the test. "What do the two lines indicate?"

"It means you're pregnant," Renée replied Liz nodded and smiled to herself, she had in plan in action. "I want you to be the godmother."

"I would be an honor, what do you want the baby to be?" Liz asked she looked up to see Renée getting up.

"Well, I don't care about the gender as long the baby is healthy." Renée smiled she looked at her watch and began to walk fast. "I need to go I have to make the food for Tyler and share the good news with him."

"Good luck," Liz called out as Renée left her home, forgetting about the pregnancy test. Liz stared at the pregnancy test and smirked to herself she didn't care about the consequences she might face but she wanted to see Y/N and Draco suffering from this lie of hers. She wanted to separate them she decided to put her plan into action tomorrow she decided to take a nap.


A groan escaped Draco's lips as he emptied himself inside of Y/N he collapsed next to her and pulled her into his arms. They were both sweating and panting he pulled her chin upwards towards him and kissed her passionately she bit his lower lip teasingly and pulled away.

"I love you Draco," Y/N whispered she caressed his face he smiled.

"I love you too. I want to spend my entire life with you and Scorpius, I can't imagine myself without having you or Scorpius by my side." Draco replied. "Let's sleep, I bet you are exhausted from what we've done." He smirked Y/N slapped his chest lightly.

"Shut up Malfoy." She ran her hand through her already messed—up hair. "I'm going to sleep and if you try to wake me, I'll push you off the bed." Draco rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on darling, you love me so much that you won't do that to me." He chuckled. Y/N looked him dead in the eyes.

"Watch me." She huffed and closed her eyes. Draco closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Draco woke up with the sun blinding Draco's eyelids. He sat up and yawned he stretched his arms and got out of bed and slipped on his trousers, he walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower he got out of the shower and put on new clothes. He walked out of the room he made his way to the kitchen and prepared food, Scorpius ran down with a smile on his face.

"Morning!" The four-year-old exclaimed as he sat down and watched his father make food.

"Morning Scorp, what do you wanna do you wanna do today?" Draco asked as he placed a plate in front of Scorpius. The small boy smiled and began eating his food.

"I don't know, maybe the park?" Scorpius suggested Draco nodded, Y/N walked in and sat down next to Scorpius as Draco gave her food and they all ate in silence. Scorpius finished his food as he ran to his room. 

"Hurry up!" Draco called out.

"In a minute!" He shouted back happily. Y/N looked at Draco, confusion written on her face.

"Where are we going?" She asked she stood up and washed the dishes.

"Scorpius wants to go to the park," Draco replied he leaned against the counter, Y/N chuckled and turned to face him.

"Let's get going then," Y/N said walking out of the kitchen with Draco following right behind her. Scorpius, Draco, and Y/N went to the park as Scorpius ran to the playground while Y/N and Draco watched him. The two adults talked with each other when they heard someone calling them.

"Draco, Y/N. How are you?" They turned around to see Liz with a smile on her face. Y/N had a scowl on her face.

"We're fine, what are you doing here Liz?" Draco replied putting an arm around Y/N, making Liz slightly jealous at his gesture but quickly hid her expression and forced a smile at the couple.

"Well Draco, can I talk to you in private?" Liz asked, she wanted Y/N to hear what she had to say. She saw Scorpius playing on the swings and she formed another plan in her head.

"If you have something to say to me then you won't mind if Y/N listens as well." Draco glared at Liz. He just wanted her to stop bothering them.

"Um—Oh! Y/N you have something in your hair." Liz reached her hand out and tugged a piece of Y/N's hair.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Y/N exclaimed angrily. Draco glared at Liz. "Just tell us what you want to say and go away!"

"Well, Draco you're gonna be a father. I'm pregnant." Liz handed Draco the pregnancy test. Draco stared at it with a shocked expression. "The two lines mean that I'm pregnant." Liz felt herself smirking on the inside watching Y/N's expression matched the same along with Draco's.

"What? How? We used protection." Draco stammered out, still surprised by this sudden news. He has been intimate with Liz when they dated but they also used protection. He never thought he would have a second child with a different woman.

"Well, I guess it didn't work." Liz rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. Y/N looked at Liz and stormed off.

"Y/N, wait!" Draco ran after her. Liz smiled to herself as her plan worked she made her way to Scorpius.

"Hi, Scorpius." Liz greeted the blonde boy. Scorpius looked up to see Liz, he glared at her.

"Go away." Scorpius turned away, hoping she would leave. "Just stay out of our lives!" Scorpius screamed which caught everyone's attention. Liz began to panic.

"Don't worry, he is just having a bad day," Liz reassured. Everyone went back to their own thing. Liz shot a glare at Scorpius. "Now Scorpius, that isn't a way to treat someone."

"You aren't anything! Just go away!" Scorpius shouted angrily. Liz smirked and looked at the toddler.

"Well I can't go away, you are having a half-sibling. I'm having a baby with your father so I won't be leaving your father's side." Liz watched Scorpius' expression as the blonde boy began to get upset with this news. He was getting a sibling, which he didn't want.

"Go away!" Scorpius shouted, he began to hit her which caught her off guard. She scrambled away, muttering angry words. Scorpius brought his knees above his chest and wrapped his arms around himself and sighed.

"Scorpius, we're going to stay with Pansy!" Y/N called out. Scorpius nodded and stood up he grabbed his mother's hand and walked away with her. Liz caused damage between his parents and he didn't like that at all.

A/N: I can feel the comments will go wild but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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