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The beginning

Author's POV

The blue sky above was covered up by the fluffy white and grey clouds like a blanket. The sun would occasionally peek out from behind the untouchable cotton balls, but soon would go back into its hiding place. The ocean below the huge space was spread wide, with sparkling amber like water making a mesmerising sight. The seagulls up the sky were flying across the huge clouds grazing down at the little island beneath. The island's known as "Amberlite island." It is located in the Northern Pacific Ocean, just on the upper left side of Hawaii. The island is a resource rich one, having a large quantity of manganese and copper nodules within its territory which are imported to many other countries too. The health and education systems are also working smoothly in this small island.The inhabitants living here are well educated and they all are of decent nature.

Other than it's natural boundaries everything available in this island is as same as in other big counties. It is really very pleasant in living a life in a habitat like this. Enjoying all the varied seasons, smelling the salty-sweet smell of the ocean, and grazing at the sunrays throwing it's long hands towards every side possible. It was one such beautiful day, for a beautiful boy who was on his way towards one of the most prestigious collages in the whole island.

Big buildings on the side of the lane, preventing the sunlight to fall on the busy streets of Amberlite, but the sunrays were clever enough to find it's path between the gaps, and they straight fell on the young ravanette's face. He squinted his eyes, in order to look at the front properly and continued his walk. Today's his first day of collage after a prolonged summer holiday which was no doubt gone bop!

After few minutes of walking, he at last found himself standing in front of his collage gate. Heaving out a stressful sigh, he went inside the large building. He passes many students, practically ignoring them as he gripped his bag more tightly. On his way towards his classroom, he suddenly tripped over something, which was probably someone's leg and collapses with the cold floor of the hallway. He hisses in pain, when his knee touched the ground, practically making a blue wound on it. He narrowed his eyes and tried to look up at the crowd gathered to see the drama, and also the shitheads who were the main characters of it. And then his eyes came in contact with some familiar faces.... And a particular face among them which was the last thing he wanted to see.

Dark brown eyeballs, pointed nose, a thin pink pair of lips on which a smirk has made it's place, dirty blonde dyed hair with a bandana stuck on his forehead preventing his silky locks to fall on his eyes. A Devil with god-like features. That's how the little ravanette describe this man. The brunette cleared his throat before kneeling down, so that his face in right in front of the smaller boy. "Well well, look who we have here! Long time no see huh? How're ya doing Jeon? I hope you missed me, right?"

The ravan haired male just wanted to place a tight slap on the cocky male's face, but he thought of doing it in some other way. A small mischievous smirk crept on his plum lips as he shot his eyes up to look at the boy in front of him. Suddenly out of nowhere, he pushed the brunette on the hard floor and crawled onto his lap. The crowd of the students went wild and loud cheers and gasps echoed through the hallway. The raven haired male's smirk even go wider when he felt the other, getting hard inside his pants. His small fingers found it's way to grab the older's shirt collar as he leaned towards the brunette's ear. The closeness was so deep that all the blonde head could hear, is the younger's hot breath. Is was all good untill, something rang throughout his brain.

"N to the O!!" Screamed the younger on the top of his lungs, which made thousands of nerves getting crash inside the blonde haired male's eardrum. The younger shoves the other male and stood up grabbing his bag from the ground. Everyone present there, eyed the ravanette with shocked looks, but he the latter couldn't care less about it.

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