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Author's POV

Nowhere to rest

Darkness engulfs the high up heavens, stars being sprinkled all over, red and orange hue emits far away at the western horizon while the east side shows the faint image of the half moon. Weather being their enemy decided to spread it's coldness all over the island with high shivery breezes. The small colony at one side of the huge island seemed dry and abandoned. Street lights flickering, all the houses at the sides have no lights inside them, but in a certain house, golden lights of the CFL bulb falls on the floor which was of white with red color hand prints.

Sounds of footsteps echoed around the hall as a particular male walked out of his room, eyes puffed and rheumy. His vision fell on the two rotten dead bodies, lying in the pool of red crimson. Tears clouds his eyes, but he chose to blink those away. Because there's no point of crying now. Gulping the saliva he had been storing inside his mouth cavity, he glanced at the blond haired male who was dozing off on the couch.

For a split second, the younger thought of choking him to death and locking the older forever in this house with the dead bodies of his parents, so that even his soul would be ashamed for living in such a body. But then he thought about the deal he made with the brunette. Well, as long as younger is benefitted from him, he's gonna keep him.

"Taehyung." He called in his monotone voice, which rangs inside the older's eardrums. Fluttering his eyes open he stared at the younger who was standing in front of the main door with a small bag slung on his shoulders. He rubs his eyes and gets up grabbing his small bag. He was about to say something, but the younger interrupts him.

"We're going out now. Let's go." By saying that he made his way out of the house leaving Taehyung behind. The younger's rude behavior sends thousands of arrow through the brunette's heart but he still tries to ignore it as much as possible. Heaving out a sigh, he shot a glance at the two dead bodies but quickly looked away.

Closing the door, a cool gush of wind hits his body as he clutches the fabric of his dress tightly. It's literally late summer but still the amount of cold was pricking their skins. Well, it's probably due to all those cycles of nature called land and sea breezes. He looked up at Jungkook who stares at the sky above. As there were no lights around the colony, the sky somehow looked more clear and full of tiny stars. The older clears his throat, gaining the attention of the latter.

"Oh you're here. So, where are we going now?" Jungkook asked adverting his gaze from the sky to the brunette. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows thinking about the places were they can go. He looked around and strangely found the whole colony dead silent. This is hella creepy.

"Uhh.... As we don't have any places to go, let's just first get out of here and find a suitable spot for staying." The older said as he saw the younger shrugging. Jungkook was about to get on the bike, but a tug on his sleeve made him stop. He gave the older a questioning look.

"I don't think it will be a good idea to take the bike. It's really noisy and will attract the zombies. So, I guess it will be better if we walk. " The younger was slightly irritated when those words left Taehyung's mouth. But he nods nonetheless. Their feet collideds with the road, and they look over all those house only expecting to see a little of source of light inside them. An awkward silence sets itself between them, both of them kept their mouths sealed. Taehyung chattered his teeth slightly, because of the continuous blowing of cold wind against his frame. He should have brought a jacket with himself or would have borrowed one from the younger. But he was doubtful that the younger would agree or not.

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