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Authors POV


"From onwards our paths will be different."

Jungkook felt his heart getting stabbed numerous times with each word that left the older's mouth. Those words circulates inside his mind all the time, that he haven't yet decided where will he head to after they separates. He don't really know why Taehyung suddenly decided to survive alone, or he guesses that it might be because he killed the older's aunt. Well Jungkook wasn't guilty at all as whatever he did is absolutely right. No one would be interested in becoming a prey of a man eating creature even if the creature is his /her own family member.

Jungkook was still seated on the cold floor where the older had left him and headed straight to his bedroom. He looked aside at the corpse laying dead, the rotten smell of the blood engulfing the area around the hall. He can't believe it. The reason why the older is leaving him was due to some dead creature who was on a verge of killing both of them. Is he stupid or what?

The sound of the bedroom door being unlocked reaches his ears as he shot his head at that direction. Taehyung came out the room, dressed in a new pair of denim jeans and a black high-neck jacket. He strolled towards the couch where his bag was kept and picked it up, without even sparing a single glance at the male seated on the floor.

Jungkook felt tears blurring his eyesight, as he stood wobbly on his feet. The younger was scared. Scared to live alone in a place full of man eating creatures. He had lost his parents, but he can't lose himself. His life. He knows that he's weak and not fully prepared to face the world alone. He had become habituated to the older's presence after spending more than a week with the him. That's why he will try his best to make Taehyung change his mind.

"T-Taehyung why a-are you doing t-this to me... You're well a-aware of the fact that I'm not yet r-ready to fight t-the corpses alone.... I n-need you please." The younger pleaded, voice laced with desperation. The older sighed, gritting his teeth.

"It's not my fucking problem that you don't know how to fight them. You used to spend half of the day in gym and all, so I'm pretty sure you got all those muscles and shits to fight them. And by the way I was really impressed when you stabbed my aunt right in front of me. You're totally fine and strong Jungkook. You don't need me." Taehyung stated. And the younger noticed nothing but venom mixed with each and every word. Jungkook walked towards him and stood in front of the older tears flowing down his rosy cheeks.

"Why're talking like that?! I did that for our own good! Why're you bringing that topic up and fighting with me because of it!" Jungkook cried, stomping his legs on the floor like a child. He felt frustrated and the older wasn't helping him either. He doesn't know what's the point of arguing on that shitty thing.

"Look at you being all whiny huh.... You're acting like you did nothing. Listen here Jungkook, after what you have done I don't fucking wanna see your face. Just... Just forget that I ever existed and let's part away." Taehyung said, and felt his heart clenching at the sight of the younger hiccuping.

"Just give me a fucking reason for why you're leaving me Taehyung!" Jungkook grabbed the older's collar giving it a harsh tuck. Their eyes met as a desire to let out all the anger on their opponents surged in them. Taehyung kept his mouth shut unable to gather up the actual answer. Why is he leaving the other? For killing his aunt? Or his Ego? A chuckle from the younger broke the chain of his thoughts.

"Guess cat got your tongue. The reality is that you don't have a fucking reason! You're leaving me because now I'll be of no use to you. You've seen my vulnerable side and think that if I'm by your side there's no scope of luck. You're a mastermind Kim Taehyung." Jungkook pushed the older and wipes his tears away. Ignoring the older's eyes at him, he walked towards his small bag at the side and picked it up. He then neared the entrence and was about to pull the door open.

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