Chapter Twenty One

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Looks like school got the better of me again, sorry for the wait! Here ya go x

My stomach felt as if it was going to burst. I felt my head spin, as I sat down on the bed beside him. 

"Okay." I said simply, fiddling with the hem of my nightgown. I looked up at him, and saw him swallow almost nervously.

"I was only kidding." he stated, and I felt my eyes drop. Ofcourse he was, why had I even got my hopes up? When he was on the ambulance he was full of medication and drugs, it wasn't true. Ofcourse it was a joke. In that one moment I felt sad, and angry again. But then I realised, I over-reacted. I got caught up in the moment. I sighed, as he continued.

"I didn't mean to like hurt your feelings or anything." he mumbled, running a hand through his untidy hair. His eyes looked down at the ground before back up at me. I shook my head, forcing a small smile.

"No, ofcourse you didn't. I over-reacted." I continued, the words slipping out of my mouth. "Friends?" the word was cold, and almost didn't have any meaning behind them. I held out my hand, smiling at the boy beside me. Tyson chuckled before grasping onto my hand and shaking it. "Friends." he confirmed, looking into my eyes for a brief moment before they looked back down at the ground.

"So, Lilly." I began, feeling my heart splutter just at the words. Tyson looked at me sadly, nodding his head. 

"Yeah, I heard. I actually can't believe it. I mean, it's like my fault right? I was the one who snuck out and contracted it. If I had just stayed indoors, we wouldn't be here." he concldued, shaking his head sadly.

I shook mine as well, he was wrong.

"The doctors said they got in wrong. It wasn't you who gave it to Lilly, Lilly gave it to you. Ugonjwa is a new disease, that hasn't had much research done on it. It's unfortunate, but it occurs majorly in babies, and the fact that you caught it was rare. The disease was in Lilly's system before we got her, she hadn't been immunized against it. Either way, Lilly was going to get sick. It just sadly had to be with us." the words slipped from my mouth and I sighed, Tyson looked at me sadly.

"Sucks." he muttered, and I could hear his voice almost cracked. I didn't pressure him to talk anymore, I knew he was on the verge of crying. I thought bad boys never cried? I was tempted to place my hand on his shoulder and comfort him, when my mother walked in the room.

"Oh, Hi." my mother muttered, looking from Tyson to me. It must have been a sad sight, two teenagers almost crying over a dead baby.

"The nurse told me this is where you would be. You've been discharged, all you got to do is get changed and then we can go home." she said, and I felt happy all of a sudden, but it was shortlived as Tyson asked her, "Have you heard anything about me?"

My Mum shook her head sadly, "No I haven't, but I think you might need to stay over-night. Even if you're better, you had the disease in your system so I think they want to be careful. Where's your parents? I'm sure they'll have more information." she stated, and then we heard a gruff voice from behind her.

"'M here, and no I don't have any information. Bloody doctors won't talk to me." said the large man I saw outside before, Tyson's dad. He was menancing, and scary. I felt myself shrink back into the bed as he walked into the room.

My mother looked at him, and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lillian, Maya's mother." she said, and Tyson's dad looked at the hand grumpily. He eventually shook it, "Jason." he muttered gravely, before his cold eyes turned over to me. I felt my blood go cold, his eyes were full of such hatred that I almost wanted to get up and run away. How did Tyson live with this man?

I looked over at Tyson quickly, he wasn't looking at anyone, just staring gravely at the floor. I looked back at our parents, before standing up.

"Nice to meet you, but I think it's time I go get changed." I stated, walking over to my Mum, who put her hand on my shoulder. I looked back at Tyson, who was looking at me with such sorrow filled eyes I wanted to cry. He still blamed himself, and not only that but he had to put up with his Dad, who doesn't look like the most fatherly person in the world.

"Seya later Tyson." I said quietly, and managed to muster up a smile. He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes. I turned back and walked out the door, my Mum right beside me.

"Well, Jason certainly doesn't look like the kindest man does he?" she asked, her voice full of a certain emotion I couldn't figure out.

"No, he doesn't." I answered, as we walked along the hallways.

Two hours later I was at home, sitting on the couch with a blanket over my lap. I couldn't stop thinking about Tyson. It was like I needed to be with him, help him through this tough time. But I couldn't, because he was on bed rest and I was discharged. Mum walked into the living room, her hand grasping a green mug. She handed it to me, and I looked into it. Hot Chocolate, my Mum's hot chocolate. She was the best at making them. I smiled at her, "Thank you." I told her, bringing the mug up to my mouth and taking a sip. The sweet liquid flowed through my throat and warmed up my whole body.

I spent the majority of the next few hours laying in Bed, watching tv but not really paying attention. I had long ago finished the hot chocolate, the empy mug was now sitting on the coffee table. I looked at my cellphone, which was sitting next to it. Something daunted on me, should I call Sarah and tell her what happened? Explain that I'm okay? I picked up the phone and was about to, when I remember that Sarah wasn't the girl I thought she was. I shook my head, how did she not tell me she was with Tyson when she was with him, instead of when they broke up? It was all too confusing. I went to put my phone back down, when the screen flashes and it started ringing.

I looked at the screen, it had an unknown number. I never usually answered those calls, but something in my brain was telling me I should. I pressed the answer button and brought it up to my ear.

"Tyson?" I questioned, as I heard his voice through the speaker. He was talking fast, I barely managed to catch on until a few bold words stuck out.

"You did what?!"

The Baby Project *unfinished and discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now