Chapter Twenty Nine

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Tyson pushed open the door to Rosie's for me, turning back to smile as I walked past him. I felt my arm brush against his as I entered the cafe', and immediately I got butterflies in my stomach. 

"So, what do you want?" he asked, as he stood beside me at the register. It didn't take me long to answer.

"Just a latte, please." I answered, smiling at him as he nodded and made the order. Eventually we both had a steaming hot cup of coffee in our hands, and we were walking along the sidewalk chatting. 

"So.. I heard some people talking yesterday when I was walking home." he began, and I intently listened. Quite frankly I could listen to him talk about bubbles and dogs all day, the sound of his voice was soothing, and the way his facial expressions moved with his speech intrigued me.

"Hey.. earth to Maya?" he asked and suddenly I was rushed back to reality. My eyes widened for a second before I quickly apologised. 

"Oh my god, sorry, I spaced. What did you say?"

"Apparently the school is getting sued." he answered.

I could feel my mouth begin to widen, but I pushed it back shut. 

"Oh, really?" 

"Yeah, apparently even though the parent's signed contracts saying they knew what they were getting into, the school failed to abide by their terms. The fact that the camera's had loop holes and stuff, it didn't settle well with the parents, especially after what happened with Li-, you know."

I noticed his eyes dart away when he began to say her name, and I didn't blame him, I couldn't even think about Lilly.

"Wow, but it makes sense. Honestly, I think the whole baby thing was stupid.. and irresponsible.. and it makes me wonder what the hell our principle said to those mothers to get them to agree to this."

Tyson nodded, agreeing with me. Was it possible that our principle,  Mr. Whitnester, somehow.. pursuaded those mother's into giving us the babies? But why would he do that, I mean it's not like he would have gotten anything out of it. No, it was crazy.

"So, ready for the adventure?" he asked me, as he threw his empty coffee cup into a bin on the side of the pathway. I still had some left, so while I gripped my cup I answered him, "Definitely."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious, and excited, about what adventure he would be taking me on.

"Great. Well, it's quite a walk, so we should probably pick up our pace."

He lead me through our little town, through the main street with the little shops and the many families going about their day to day lives, through some streets I'd never even been down before, past the 'rich district' with all their mansions and neatly trimmed gardens, to the outskirts of town.

He stopped at the edge of the forest that surrounded our town. To get to Oakwood you had to travel for hours through a dense woodland, and all sides of the district is skirted with trees. Probably how our town got it's name. 

I looked into the forest, but could see no pathway. He looked at me and smiled, before he began to walk into the woodland.

"Wait.. we're going in.. there?" I asked, confused.

"I said it's an adventure." he answered with a laugh, leaning against a tree as he waited for me.

"I know.. but won't we get lost?" Great, now I sounded like a big baby.

"I've been through here over one hundred times, I know the way like the back of my hand, trust me.. you're safe with me." He held out his arm now, his hand palm up and open, inviting. I didn't even hesitate as I slid my hand into his, and immediately felt safer as I followed him through the trees.

With the recent rains, the forest was as green as ever. Dew was stricken against the leaves and moss that covered the many variations of trees. If you looked up, you could just see the cloudless sky between the many dancing leaves and branches. Beneath our feet, all you could hear was the crunching of pine needles and twigs. We didn't speak much, didn't want to interrupt the peace.

As we walked on, a large fallen-over tree lay in the direction Tyson was walking. He stopped, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I guess with that storm, it was blown over." he said, as he placed his hands onto the top of the trunk.

"I guess we just have to go around it." I said, as I began to walk to the end of the tree, but his hand that had just let go quickly grabbed mine again, tugging me back.

"And what sort of adventure would that be? There's something in our path, so we will defeat it."

I rolled my eyes, he sounded like a true 5 year old boy right now.

"Okay miss Maya." he said, gesturing for me to come up to the trunk. It was very large, and went right up to my chest. I placed my hands on it. Was he expecting me.. a girl who had only ever stayed indoors to study.. to climb over this thing?

"Tyson.. I can't.. I'm not even dressed properly.. I have a dress on.." 

But his smirk stopped me speaking and he moved behind me. Suddenly his hands were on my hips, and I felt my skin begin to burn and my settled butterflies began to flutter again. I slowly looked down, looking at the fingers that were holding onto my body.

"No one said you had to climb." he said gently, his mouth right next to my ear. His words sent shivers down my spine and made goosebumps appear on my skin. And without any warning, he lifted me.

I had figured Tyson was strong, but not so strong that I barely had to scrambled onto the top of the trunk. Now I stood on the fallen tree, looking down at the guy that had lifted me onto there. He was smiling at me, and I couldn't help but smile back. It didn't take much effort for him to climb up, and suddenly we were both standing on top of a fallen down tree. I wasn't expecting this to happen today.

He jumped down before I could say anything to him, and now on the other side turned to look at me. 

"Come on, Princess." he gestured, opening his arms. 

I couldn't jump from this height, no way. 

He must have guessed from the expression on my face that I had doubts.

"Trust me. Just bend down, lean forward and let your hands fall onto my shoulders. I won't drop you."

Did I really trust him? Obviously I did, as suddenly I was bent down and tilting towards the earth. I would have screamed, if my hands didn't grab onto Tyson's shoulders and his arms didn't wrap around my body. 

I didn't even touch the ground, I was just in his arm's, his strong, never-letting-go arms. I let my hands move from around his shoulders to behind his neck, and looked down, into his chocolaty-brown eyes.

My favourite lop-sided smile came before I bent my head down and kissed him. It was soft, and it sent sparks flying through my body. We stayed like that for a few moments, before he slowly let me slide to the ground.

"Let's keep going." he said, his voice thick with emotion, and he grabbed my hand once again. I was so caught up in the moment that I couldn't speak, so I followed him in silence, the biggest smile plastered on my face.


Once again thanks for all of the support! I can't believe something I began writing when I was 12 has gone this far. Love you all! I'll try update again very soon. xxx

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