Chapter Six

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Mrs. Holler glanced at her clipboard before she looked back up at me.
“You’re baby will be Lilly Rose Roff. You two are in house 9 and your bags will be delivered.”
I let out a sigh of relief, we didn’t get the boy. Atleast one thing would be easy this month. I glance at Sarah and force a small smile as I quickly walk up to the lady holding the baby. Before she transfers her into my arms, she says something.
“I hope you learn alot from this experience. Take good care of my little Lilly.” she smiles and then before i know it, I’m holding a baby. The weight takes me by surprise. It’s not like I’ve never held a baby, but I haven’t for a very long time. I don’t even glance at Tyson so see what he’s doing, I just hold Lilly tightly as I make my way to House 9.
It wasn’t that far away, just past a couple other houses towards the back of the field. The brown door loomed infront of me and a big number 9 was printed onfront. I shifted Lilly so one arm was supporting her as I gripped the handle and pushed it open. The smell greeted me first. It smelt like the doctors surgery, or the dentists office. Like it was clean, too clean.
The first room that greeted me was the kitchen, on the right. It had a fridge, sink, microwave, oven and a small bench. I keep on walking down the hall and then I spot another door on the left. Pushing it open, I see that it’s the bathroom. A small shower, sink, toilet and mirror were situated here. Suddenly Lilly starts to squirm in my arms so I shut the door and keep on walking untill I’m greeted with the Lounge room. A big tv, two couches, a coffee table as well as a small baby cot, baby bouncer and baby mat are here. I briskly walk over to the cot and place Lilly inside. The blue eyed baby looks up at me as I walk away, hopefully she goes to sleep.
I take alook at the rest of the house, which has a bedroom and an office, before I take a seat on the couch. Finally, peace and quiet.
“Sweetheart I’m home!” 
You have to be kidding me, I look towards the hall as Tyson walks through, a can of soft drink in his hand.
“You know, I could get used to this. A free house, free food, free drinks, free entertainment. The only bad thing about this project is you and the baby.” 
He walks over to the cot and looks inside, reaching down and doing I don’t know what to the baby,
“Well, I suppose the baby isn’t that bad. What’s her name again?”
I sigh, sitting up straighter. “Lilly, her name is Lilly.”
He smiles, “Lilly.” he repeats. 
I raise an eyebrow as I look around. The house was pretty small, but it wasn’t that bad. The thing that I couldn’t get out of my head though was that there was on only one bedroom.
“So, ugh, Tyson.” I begin and his head turns towards me.
“There’s only one bedroom and I don’t kno-”
My words were cut off as he started to laugh.
“If you think we are sharing that bed, your wrong. You can sleep here with the baby while I take up the whole bed.”
I look at him, “But that’s not fair…” I begin but he stops me.
“Don’t argue with me, Sweetheart, because we all know who’s going to win the argument.” He winks at me before walking off, towards the bedroom.
My head falls back onto the couch and I rub my forehead. How will I survive a whole month with him?
Did I realise that I had fallen asleep? Not until screaming filled my ears. Startled I awoke and sat upright, my eyes darting around. The screaming didn’t stop and then I realised what it was. I stood up quickly and hurried over to the cot, gazing down at Lilly. Her face was red and tears were streaming down her face,
“Come on!” I cursed to myself, reaching down and picking the infant up. Bringing her up onto my shoulder I began to awkwardly pat her back, bobbing up and down on my heels. The screaming didn’t stop. I tried to recall all my lessons from last year about taking care of a baby. Food, Changing, Affection… Maybe she needs to be changed. Turning around I lay the screaming baby onto the couch and peer under her dress. Taking hold of the diaper, I pull it abit and peer inside. Nope, she’s good.
She must be hungry. I pick her back up and pat her back again as I make my way towards the kitchen making ‘shhh’ sounds as I went. Where the heck was Tyson, wasn’t he want to be helping? But then I realised he was Tyson and I’d be doing all of this by myself. As I entered the kitchen I made my way over to the cubboard. I shifted Lilly onto one arm and slowly tried to open the cupboard door, scared about dropping her. Pulling it open I grasped a bottle and pushed the door closed, earning myself a louder screaming baby. I couldn’t do this by myself, I just couldn’t.
“Tyson!” I practically screamed, rocking Lilly. No reply came.
" Tyson come here!!" I screamed again, the baby never shutting up. Finally I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall until, an annoyed Tyson stood at the kitchen doorway.
“What the he** do you want?” He said meanly, looking at me with his dark eyes. I lost my thoughts and didn’t know what to say.
“I…I could use some help making Lilly a bottle. If you could just take her for a -” but my words were cut off. 
“No way am I holding that screaming thing” he cursed, glaring at me.
“Fine, then make the bottle. The process is stuck to the Bench.” I said, pointing to a piece of paper stuck to the table. He grumbled but did as he told and I watched with satisfaction as he made the milk and then heated it. As quickly as it started it was over and I was sitting on the couch with the TV going holding a bottle as Lilly drunk, her screaming ceased.
Tyson had immediately made his way back to the bedroom, obviously there was a TV in there or something. I looked down at the baby and smiled, she was actually pretty cute. I don’t know why Tyson doesn’t like her. When her bottle is finished I rock for a minute before I place her back into the cot, when suddenly I hear ,y name being called out. Ugh, what now?

The Baby Project *unfinished and discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now