Chapter Twenty Five

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I stood frozen in.. shock?... as Sarah walked away with the girls we had always bitched about behind our backs. I felt my file slipping from my hands, so I quickly regained my self and gripped it tighter, my jaw stiffening and eyes narrowing. Two can play at that game. Sarah thinks she can throw me away like a peace of trash, well she has another thing coming.

Later on, in Homeroom, I wasn't shocked to see that Sarah sat with Angelica and her 'friends' on the opposite table. I ignored them, focusing on everyone else but them. That was, until, Angelica's snobby little voice made it's way through the air. 

"Hey Maya, how's your project baby? Oh right, she's dead." followed by a cackle of laughter, one of which was Sarah's.

My eyes squished up as I felt tears poke their way through, but I held them back. I didn't turn to face them, I didn't even acknowledge their existence. Finally, the bell sounded, and I grabbed all my stuff as fast as possible. And then I realised I had Health Studies first. Great.

As I left the room, Sarah pushed past me, almost making myself loose my footing, but someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. I looked around in shock, and my eyes met blue ones.

 "Careful."  he said, letting go of my arm. It was Luke, Luke Crimswater, Tyson's bestfriend and ultimate jerk. I stepped away, remembering all the cruel things that group had said to me, but then remembered that Tyson had changed.. Tyson had changed alot.. was Luke different as well?

"Ah, thanks." I stuttered, turning around and walking away. I cast a glance back, and saw Luke's body walking the opposite direction, before he disappeared around a corner. Letting out a breath, I continued my way to the next room, many thoughts running through my head.

When I got there, I walked quickly to my desk and sat down. Mrs. Holler sat behind hers, and I heard her take a breath as I walked in. 

"I did not expect to see you back so soon, Maya." she said solemly, and I smiled as best as I could back at her. "I'm fine." but was I really?

Eventually, the class began to fill, and the thing I had been dreading since this morning happened. Sarah took her seat next to me, as everywhere else was taken. Her strong scent of perfume, which I had never noticed before, took all my oxygen, and I found myself shifting away from her on my seat.

"Alright class, Welcome back. Now I know the last few days have been... troublesome.. and confusing... and down right terrible... but we're back now, and that's all that matters. So could everyone please take out their books and turn to page 94, we are moving on to exercise and body functions."

I let out a deep breath, thank god I wouldn't have to learn more about babies,just thinking about it made me feel sick.

"Wait, what happened to Birth?" a male voice called out. I shrunk into my seat.

"It's because that one baby died, didn't you hear?" another voice called out, and I shut my eyes.

"Enough!" Mrs. Holler spoke loudly, "We will not hear anything more about the subject. Now everyone, turn to page 94 now or detention for you all!"

Thankfully I heard the turning of pages around me, except for Sarah. When I turned to look at her, she was staring at me intently.

"What?" I spat, and she turned her head, opening up her book. I stared at her for a couple minutes before I too opened my book.

As Mrs. Holler began to take the roll, my heart skipped a beat when she called Tyson's name. Ofcourse there was no answer, but part of me was hoping that maybe he would be there, ready to save me from everything that I was feeling.

The class went forever, nothing stuck in my mind at all. Luckily Mrs. Holler didn't call on me for any answers, and for that I was very grateful. As I left class for Math, I realised today was going to be a very long day.


As I slumped down onto my bed and threw my bag across the room, I stiffled sigh came out. The day went worse then expected. After Health, there was even more bitchy comments coming from Angelica and Sarah and even more questions about Tyson and Lilly. I was about ready to give up, but I felt saved when the last bell of the day sounded.

I laid my head on my pillow, and noticed my phone on the bedside table. I must have forgot to bring it with me. Grabbing it, I turned it on and my heart lurched as I read the texts.

They were all from an unknown number, but then I vaguely remembered it from somewhere. Then I realised, it was the number Tyson had called me on. Before even reading the texts, I went into my contacts and changed the number to 'Tyson'. Then clicking on my messages, I read through them.

"Hey Maya."

"What you up to?"

"Is your phone turned off?"


"Doctor said I can go home today, and be back at school in a few."

"You there?"

"I think we have some.. stuff.. to talk about.."

I ran a hand through my hair before answering him back.

"Hey, sorry I left my phone at home today while I was at school. Yeah, we definitely have some stuff to talk about, call me?"

I read it over three times before I pressed sent. Putting my phone back down, I stared at the ceiling for a very long time until I heard the ringtone of my phone.

Picking it up, Tyson's name flashed on the screen, and for the first time today, I smiled. Pressing answer, I brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Heyyy! There she is!" Tyson laughed into the phone, and I felt myself giggle a little.

"You went to school today? Man, you sure are one tough girl, how'd it go?" he asked, and I felt myself shrink a little.

"Not too good, to be honest." I answered, shocked that I was actually letting him in a little.

"Aw, why not?" he asked sincerely, and I felt my heart beat a little faster.

"Why don't we meet up and I'll tell you all about it?" I asked, shocked at my own words. Since when did I, Maya, want to meet up with anyone? Especially the school's bad boy who I may have kissed yesterday.

He laughed before answering, "Sound's good, where and when?" he asked.

I thought for a moment. "That cafe down the street, Rosie's, in 10 minutes?" I answered.

"Sounds like a date." he agreed, which made me take a breath. 

"Date? No, Ty-"

"See you soon, May may." he said cockily, before hanging up. I stared at the phone in shock, before laughing. Putting the phone down, I walked over to my wardrobe and looked through my clothes. Deciding on something casual, I slipped it all on before glancing in the mirror. My makeup was okay, no it actually wasn't, but I didn't care. My hair was a mess also, but I couldn't be bothered fixing it up. Smiling, I slipped my phone into my pocket and said goodbye to Mum, ignored the questions as I stepped outside the door. Tyson, here I come.

The Baby Project *unfinished and discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now