Chapter Two

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I felt my cheeks burn as Tyson’s figure disappeared down the stairs. I collected myself, gently pushing my glasses further up my nose. I felt anger bubble up inside of me but I controlled it. I merely shook myself before I took the last steps to my homeroom. The blue door shone before me, and I pushed it open simply. Straight away the noise of chatter filled my ear drums and I sighed as paper aeroplanes were thrown across the room. I stepped in and without glancing at anyone else, I stalked across the room untill I reached the familiar destination of my seat. It was against the far wall, right next to a window. I loved my seat, I could look down at the courtyard as teenagers bustled to get to class. I pulled the seat out and sat down, placing my files onto the desk. I looked over to the seat close to mine, and felt disappointed when Sarah wasn’t sitting there. She must still be with Mr. Whitnester. My eyes return to the window and I took the time to listen to the gossip around me.
“Oh my god! Have you seen what Tyson’s wearing today? It’s so fab fab.” a too happy voice chimed. I cringed, could her voice get anymore annoying? Angelica McRigger is the schools most popular girl. She has straight blonde hair that falls down below her waist and baby blue eyes. She wears so much makeup I bet no one knows what she really looks like. Everyone adores her, except me. I believe she’s really a devil in disguise who knows nothing about grammar. Fab Fab? Really. I shake my head and continue listening, ignoring the feeling to slam my file into her face.
“He’s so hot, he’s like the king of Oakwood. And ofcourse by the end of this year, I’ll be his Queen.” Angelica said and I heard giggles from her friends around her. Well, I wouldn’t call them friends. More like followers who put up with her for the popularity. Weirdo’s if you ask me. When I decided to concentrate on her voice again, I couldn’t hear anything. Only the chatter of the other people, but not Angelica. I turned to find out what happened when I saw her blue eyes were strained on me.
“Hello, Maya.” she greeted, flicking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t see you there. So Maya, how was your holiday?” I could hear the sarcasm in her fake voice. It made me want to scream. I knew whatever answered I said, she’d find a sarcastic answer for it. Luckily, the door swung open saving me from Angelica’s torture. My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Riddles, strode across the room. Mrs. Riddle was a rather large lady, with short brown hair, a pair of black glasses and two chins. When she walked, her two chins wobbled. Students often call her Turkey. But I like her, she’s a decent homeroom teacher.
She took a seat behind her desk and began to look through the wad of paper that already sat there. Obviously looking for the roll call paper. I looked at Sarah’s desk again, she still wasn’t there. Maybe Mr. Whitnester was in a bad mood today. Oh well, knowing Sarah, she’ll find a way. Finally Mrs. Riddle found her sheet and began to call out the names, earning a ‘yes’, ‘yep’ or ‘present’ from the students. When she asked for Angelica’s name she replied with a “Oh yes Mrs. Riddle, I am ofcourse here.” Ugh, so fake. I answered with a simple ‘yes’ as she called my name. Before long, she put down the roll and waved her hand, signalling the class to go back to chattering. As noise filled the room again, I looked at the clock. Two more minutes untill homeroom was over, and Sarah still hadn’t shone up. Mrs. Riddle marked her off as absent, so I sure hope she knew what she was doing. I grabbed my time-table sheet from my file and glanced down at “Monday- Period One”. Health was written there with room ‘6’ and ‘Miss. Holler’ underneath it. I scowl, Health was probably my worst subject.
We learn’t nothing in it. But this time, I was looking forward to it. Because I knew Sarah would be with me. When we got our new time-tables, the first thing we did was check what we had with eachother. And Health was one of the subjects. I pretty much jump in my chair with excitement, we’ve never had Health together. The bell rings and I stand up, grabbing my files and briskly walk out the door.

The walk to room 6 was strangely peaceful. The excitement about coming back to school has simmered down and the chatter was less loud. No one shoved me as I bounded the stairs and rounded the corners until I finally appeared at Room 6. I opened the blue door and peered inside, only to find no one else had arrived. Scoffing to myself I walked inside, nodding my head politely to Miss. Holler who sat behind her desk. I looked at the benches. They were placed in the room in Pairs, which excited me. Sarah and I without anyone else butting in.I pretty much skipped all the way to a pair of desks at the back. Placing my files ontop, I pulled out a chair and took my seat. Now the waiting game began.
The first student to enter after me was Rowley Fishman. He was a large, chubby boy with ginger hair and a billion freckles covering his chubby face. He’s the boy that a Grandma would fuss over and pull his cheeks. He sat down at a desk towards the middle. Then entered Lucy and Holly Striplate. They were twins, and you could barely tell the different between them. Both had curly black hair that was always tied up in a bun. They had bright green eyes and darker skin. They always stayed together, no matter what. They chose two desks infront of me and I smiled politely at them as they sat down.
More people began to enter and eventually the classroom was buzzing with chatter. I looked to my left at the desk by me. Sarah wasn’t here yet. This wasn’t like her, she’d always arrive on time. But I shrugged it off and turned my attention back to the door, waiting for her bubbly figure to walk through. Minutes passes and Miss. Holler was obviously ready for class, as she was standing infront of the interactive whiteboard, holding a piece of paper in hand.
“Ah! Such a nice thing to see your lovely faces once again. For those of you who I didn’t teach last year, I’m Miss. Holler and I will be your Health and Body teacher this year. Now, while I go through the roll call please remain quiet.” She pulled a pen out from her pocket and began to call out names, ticking them off one by one.
Where was Sarah? She still wasn’t here. I looked at the door anxiously, waiting for it to swing open. But it didn’t.
“Sarah Cooper?” Miss. Holler called. The class was silent, no answer was received.
“Sarah Cooper? Here or no.” she called one last time. And as if on cue, the door swung open and Sarah walked through, followed by Tyson.
“I’m here Miss! Sorry I’m late.” She said breathlessly as she hurriedly trotted over to me. She pulled the chair out and sat down, neatening her hair while doing so. I looked over at her curiously.
“Where were you in form? Miss –“ I broke off to answer ‘yes’ as Miss. Holler called my name.
“Mrs. Ripple marked you off as absent. And if you were a second latter Miss. Holler would have too.” 
I saw Sarah think for a moment, thinking about what I didn’t know. But then finally she answered.
“Mr. Whitnester was in a bad mood today. He wouldn’t let me change one of my classes around. Eventually I just gave up and realised I was going to be late for Period One. So I ran here, which is why I’m so hot. Tyson was obviously late because of something too.” She explained, smiling lightly at me.
“Tyson’s not late because of a reason, he’s late because he wants to be.” I scowled, straightening my white headband. Suddenly Mrs. Holler’s voice boomed from her desk.
“Alrighty, guys! So as you know, you’re all Juniors this year. And in Health when you become juniors, well it’s not the best time to be studying health.” Oh oh. I think I already know where this is going.
“I thought just to get it all over and done with, we’ll study the nitty gritty this term. First up is Birth. We’ll be watching a video of a birth and then following up I’ll be giving you a project right away.” She finished, turning to her computer. A few things were clicked when suddenly the interactive whiteboard lit up. Miss. Holler signalled to the class to be quiet, and then she pressed play. The torture began.
When Miss. Holler pressed stop once the film was finished, everyone had blank faces. Their eyes were staring at the whiteboard, as if what they just saw hadn’t registered yet.
“What did we just watch?” I heard Sarah ask me, her voice barely audible. I shook my head and looked at her while rubbing my eyes.
“Something I never want to watch again, for sure.” I answered, wondering why a teacher would put as through this. I looked at Tyson from the across the room, his phone was in his hand. Obviously he hadn’t paid attention at all. I shook my head, frowning, when Miss. Holler spoke up.
“Alrighty class. Now for your Project.” She trotted over to her bench and went through some papers, until she found the one she was looking for. She held it up, and immediately my stomache dropped. Oh no.
“Okay, Class. I knew you’ve all heard of this project, it won’t be quite the same this year but hopefully you’re all familiar with it. This class, it the Baby Project.”

The Baby Project *unfinished and discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now