Chapter Eight

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It was chilly outside, and suddenly I wished I had grabbed a jacket or something. I gribbed my arms as I followed closely behind Tyson, skirting the back of the house. Only then did I realised he had changed his clothes. He had black denim jeans on, and a loose red jacket over his shoulders. I couldn't see what shirt he had on, because obviously I could only see his back.  I shook my head. I can't believe we just snuck out of a house that was guarded with cameras..wait...

"Tyson how is there a party when the house has cameras in it?" I stopped dead in my tracks. Was this a trap? Was he going to murder me. He stopped slowly, and turned around. For a minute I thought he looked confused, because his expression changed.

"I don't know, maybe it's like outside or something. Hurry up, we're going to be late." I sighed and followed reluctantly as he began to walk again. Why was he taking me anyway? I snuck out, now he could go do what he pleased.

I heard the music as we climbed the fence into the backyard of a house. The lights inside were on and I could hear talking. A few people were skirted outside, and they nodded at Tyson as he passed. I looked at them skeptically..they didn't go to our school. I didn't like this, I didn't like this at all. First of all, people who we didn't know had somehow turned up, second of all how dumb can people get, throwing a party in a house with cameras through it, third of all I was here with Tyson, which would probably get me a name at school. As we got to the door, I peered inside through the glass. People drinking and dancing was all I could see. 

"Tyson..I don't want to go in there.." I muttered quietly, seeing how some of the boys were dancing with the girls. He glanced at me quickly. I was expecting him to laugh and push me inside, but instead he muttered something back.

"Just stay near me and no one will touch you." And then he slided the door open. Instantly people's heads turned and called, "Tyson!" as the school's most popular guy enters the house. The music was so loud, it was damaging my ears just listening to it. But I did what Tyson said, and stayed directly behind him, looking around nervously. I watched him as he spotted one of his friends, Denny, and he walked over to him, me practically being a shadow behind him.

"Dude, nice." Tyson said, giving the other guy a high five.

"I know right. All I had to do was cover the cameras. I'll just say I wanted some privacy, I'll get in trouble but they'll never know we had a party."

Tyson chuckled, before they all made their way over to the drink table. Glasses were lined up, alcohol bottles behind them. Tyson grabbed a bottle and filled up a glass, clinking it with Denny's as he finished his.

Tyson was about to drink when Denny suddenly looked behind at me.

"Jesus girl, go away. You're hovering. He's hot, I know, but Tyson doesn't want to talk to you. Shoo." I felt hurt, but looked at Tyson. Surely he'd say something, he was the one who told me to stay with him!

"He's right Princess, go away." he flicked his hand and I was left standing there staring at him.

"Fine, whatever." I mumble, turning around and heading towards the door. Suddenly I was blocked, as a guy stood infront of me.

"My my, you're a pretty girl." he slurred, holding out a glass of alcohol. "Drink with me?" he winked.

I looked around, my emotions from Tyson hurting me like that and the environment of the party obviously got to my head, because I took the glass and gulped down the liquid. It burnt my throat..but I liked it. It made me feel free. Before long the glass was empty, along with five  more glasses, and I was on the dance floor with the mysterious guy. He was touching me in places where he probably shouldn't, but I was too drunk to care. Suddenly I felt the guy disappear, and realised he'd been pushed. I turned my head and..Tyson was it? Was standing there, looking at me.

"What I sight to see! You're drunk!" he was obviously drunk too, as the words slipped out of his mouth and barely made sense.

"One more drink won't hurt, Princess." he gave me the glass in his hand and I gulped it down, throwing it aside as he grabbed my waist. Then he winked. And the rest of the night was a complete blurr.

I woke up, groaning as my head throbbed. I didn't want to open my eyes, everything hurt. I couldn't remember anything from the party, only arriving there and having that one drink.. I suddenly realised I don't know where I am. I force my eyes open and look around. A bed, in a room. In..Tyson's room? I quickly glance to my side, sighing happily as I saw no naked Tyson lying there. Well atleast I can cross that disgusting thing from my mind. Why I was here, I didn't know. My head hurt, my throat was dry, my lips stung. Obviously I was experiencing my first hangover. I slapped my forehead, what came over me lastnight? I have seven glasses of you know how bad that is?

I'm so lucky that my parents won't find out about this. I'd be grounded for life, and probably wouldn't even be allowed to go to college. Which was my all time dream. I groaned, rolling onto my side. The bed was so soft and comfortable, I didn't want to move. But Lilly..

Shit! Lilly! I sat up in a hurry, earning a head rush while doing so. How late was I last night? Did Lilly die? Oh my god what was I going to do! I slipped out from under the covers and realised something...

"Where the hell are my clothes!" I almost screamed, looking down at my naked body. Surely Tyson..he wouldn't of..he didn't...undress me? I steady my breathing before I hold my forehead. 'It's alright'. I think to myself, 'you probably got undressed when you got home from the party.' Hell this was turning out to be a fun morning. I looked around the room and found my clothes from yesterday strewn across the floor. I'd have to wear them for now, as my bag is in the loungeroom. Walking over there felt like the journey of a lifetime as the ground spun beneath me. As I finally picked up my clothes the scent that greeted me made me want to puke. Alcohol was all I could smell, but I slipped them on without a fuss.

Now I was ready to face the burden. What had happened to Lilly? My feet skirted the carpetted floor before I pulled open the bedroom door and entered the hallway. The house was eerily quiet. Shouldn't Lilly be screaming? If she was alive that is. The trip down the hallway seemed to take forever as my feet kept stumbling, but finally I made it into the loungeroom. But I was not expecting to see this.

Sprawled across the lounge was Tyson. He was asleep, suiqetly snoring. He had no shirt on, and my eyes probably lingered on his chest for more then they should have. His hair was messing, and his face was flushed. But that wasn't the surprising thing. Lilly was in his arms, pacifier in her mouth. She was asleep too.  Slowly I made my way over there, touching Lilly's arm. When I felt her move I felt a great weight lift off of my shoulders. She was alive.

I tried not to let the scene in the loungeroom bother me, so I made my way over to the kitchen. Pulling open the white fridge door, I grabbed the water jug. Placing that on the counter, I grabbed a glass from the cubboard and poored myself a drink. The refreshing water was like ice as it slid down my burnt throat. It hurt, but it felt so good. 

"Asprin." I mumbled to myself, beginning to look through all the drawers and cubboards. My head felt like an elephant was standing on it, but I had no idea if there was any Asprin, or panadol, or anything in this house. I spent the next ten minutes rumaging through everything in the kitchen, but I was still unlucky. I leant against the fridge and rested my head on the cooling surface.

"Looking for this?" a familiar voice echoed, and I lifted my head warily. tyson had just walked in, he merely had on a pair of boxers. He threw a packet of Asprin across the room and it landed on the table infront of me. I quickly grabbed it and shoved two tablets down my throat, never letting my eyes leave him.

"Where's Lilly?" I asked skeptically, putting the Asprin into a drawer. He sighed as he continued to do what he was doing, grabbing a glass by the looks of it. I didn't get an answer untill he came over to the fridge, grabbing the water jug.

"In bed." he said simply, pouring himself a drink like I had done. As he drunk it, I suddenly felt awkward as I rememberd last night. Tyson and I had danced, and drunk together. That means we probably came home together, and I don't even want to think about why I was naked in bed this morning. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Better get some answers.

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