Chapter Thirty

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The smile never left my face. After all these years of being the nerdy girl who no one wanted to hang around with, being bullied by so many guys including Tyson, I never thought I'd have such a cute, perfect little moment. Tyson never let go of my hand as we continued walking through the woodland.

The birds seemed to be watching us today, following us and whistling their little tunes. Eventually instead of following behind Tyson, I moved up to his side, letting our bodies touch eachother with every step.

"So, are we actually going anywhere or just walking?" I asked eventually, my eyes looking at the beautiful landscape around us. Tyson laughed a little before answering. 

"Shouldn't be too far now." he said, and I turned to look at him, peering through my eyelashes.

How did a boy who I used to fear become this cute guy I was holding hands with, walking through the forest with and kissing with his arms around my body. How did everything change so fast?

From a simple baby project, to a disaster... to this. I turned my head slightly, letting my gaze drift over Tyson's figure beside me, and my heart spluttered in my chest. Maybe I did get sick, like Lilly. Maybe I've been hallucinating this whole entire thing, maybe it's not real, at all. I almost start to panic, but then I feel Tyson's grip on my hand, and my body brush against his as I step, and take a deep breath. 

"It's okay Maya, this is really happening." I thought to myself, and smiled a little.

"What you smiling at?" Tyson asked curiously, as he led us around another fallen tree. I internally sighed, feeling my cheeks start to burn.

"Nothing." I said quietly, and Tyson raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't say anything more.


The walk seemed to last forever, but it was beautiful, and Tyson never dropped my hand. With the sunlight cascading through the tree's leaves and dancing along the floor, the fresh smell of nature around us, and the sounds of our footsteps as they crunched along the pine-needles, it was like a scene out of a movie. And then, suddenly, I was pulled from my little day dream as Tyson stopped.

It almost shocked me, we had been moving for what seemed like hours. He turned to face me, and he had an almost child-like grin on his face. I couldn't help but smile, even though I didn't know what he was smiling at.

"Okay, so. The place I'm about to show you is my own little secret. You've got to promise not to tell anyone." he said, narrowing his eyes at me. I rolled my eyes, seriously? What were we, five?

"Promise!" he said with a laugh, letting go of my hand and grabbing my hips instead, pushing me against the nearest tree softly. My breath flew from my lungs, but it was a good feeling. The butterflies, who never seemed to stray too far now-adays, fluttered around my stomach again. His eyes were looking into mine, and his child-ish grin made him look so, so cute.

"Promise." I said, with a small smile. He smiled wider and leant down, and for a split second I thought he was about to kiss me, again, but he just said, 'good', and pulled away, grabbing my hand and tugged back to standing upright. Not going to lie, I was immensely disappointed, but I didn't let it show. 

And then we were walking again, the tree's seemed to grow thicker around us, until we had to squeeze between two of them to get any further. And then, there were no trees.

But what I was seeing before me was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was a small field, not too big, and daisy's had sprouted, covering almost the entire ground. The sunlight glazed down on it, making it shine, making it welcoming.  

"Wow..." I muttered, looking around, my eyes wide.

There was a tent set up in the middle, and I could see through the open door a sleeping bag inside. Suddenly the butterflies returned. 

"We aren't staying the night though.. right? I need to be bac-"

He nudged my shoulder with his, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, princess, it's always there. I escape here some nights, it's alot more peaceful then sleeping at home." Tyson said, and I looked at him sadly, my thoughts going back to his Dad, and how cold he seemed.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he looked at me with a soft smile, before beckoning me over to the tent, which I now noticed had a nice sized log infront of it, with a small campfire, which was unlit, a few metres away. 

He sat down on the log, and I sat beside him, our knees bumping together. 

"So, what do you think?" he asked me, glancing over.

I looked around once more, slowly, taking everything in again. It was like a small piece of wonderland, secluded, everything light and warm, no sickness, no people.. just us.

"It's amazing here, how'd you find it?" I said, looking back at him.

His smile faltered a little, but he didn't lose his mood.

"I got into a bad fight with my Dad one day, a while ago. I wanted to run away, as far as possible. So I ran into the woods. Honestly it was a pretty stupid move to make, I could have gotten lost, or murdered, or anything. But, I didn't. And instead, I stumbled upon this little piece of paradise. I laid in the grass for a few hours and watched the clouds, regaining my thoughts. And when I went back home, I packed a bag, and brought a tent. Now I know if I ever need to get away, I'm prepared with everything I need." he said, looking back at the tent and I followed his gaze.

"I'm sorry, Ty, about your Dad, and everything." I said softly, and he looked back at me slowly. 

"Yeah, yeah me too." he said with a sigh, lifting a hand and running it through his hair. For the first time, I made the first move, and I grabbed his hand as he brought it down, laying it in my lap. He smiled at me, leaning forward, and leant his fore-head against mine. I took a deep breath in, and let my eyes close shut. 

And then, he pulled back, and smiled at me happily. 

"So, tell me about yourself." he said, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Why..?" I asked curiously, watching him intently. 

"Because, I want to know. Don't worry, I'll tell you about me too, but you first. Hobbies, interested, favorite food, colour, anything, go!" he said with a laugh and I smiled.

We sat there for hours, just us and the woodland, and talked. But all too soon the sun had moved pretty far and after Tyson checked his phone and told me the time, I knew it was time too go. He stood up slowly, reaching out for my hand, and I took it strongly, using his weight to pull myself up. He smiled at me again, a smile that reached his eyes, and as we both turned around and headed for home, a feeling of untouched, pure happiness exploded inside me.


*Sorry for the delay! Been pretty unmotivated lately, but here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy :D*

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