Chapter Twenty Seven

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As soon as I entered the house, Mum called out to me.

"Was that a boy?" she asked, leaning against the wall infront of me. I shook my head, adverting my eyes to the ground. She walked up to me, cupping my face with her hands.

"Yes it was. I was watching you two from the window." she said, and I gently hit her shoulder, pouting my lips.

She laughed and let go of my face. "He's the boy from the hospital." she stated, and I slowly nodded my head. 

"Tyson." I answered. Mum nodded her head, turning around and walking into the kitchen, I followed close behind her. 

"Where'd you two go?" she asked, opening the fridge and getting out the milk. She grabbed a cup from the cupboard, offering me one but I declined. After she poured her milk, I answered. 


Her eyes immediately flew up to meet mine, and I gave a weak smile.

"Rosies." she sighed, pulling out a chair from the dinner table and sitting down. Her eyes were behind me now, focused on the family portrait on the far wall.

"I used to love Rosie's." she said, her words low and distant. I nodded, knowing exactly what she met.

We used to go to Rosie's every friday night, with Dad and Leslie. We would always order something different, to make it exciting. We would stay there for hours, laughing and chatting, then we'd come home and put a movie on, make popcorn and watch it together.

And then everything changed. I walked over to mum and put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her to my side. She began to sob, and the sound of her crying made tears well up in my eyes as well, but I pushed them back. I was getting good at pushing the tears back. 

After a few minutes Mum stopped, and standing up she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I still have you." was all she said, and I nodded my head, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Yeah." was all I could say, in fear of crying. Eventually she pulled away, her now red brimmed eyes looking sadly at me.

"I'm going to head to bed." she said, even though it was still early hours. 

"Okay." I mumbled, watching her walk past me, her cup in her hand. Once she was upstairs, I walked in the loungeroom and fell onto the couch, putting my legs up and switching the tv on.

After I found a decent enough channel, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and smiled when I saw I had a new text from Tyson.

''I had a really great time.''

Was what it said, and I smiled even bigger. Only then did I notice how quickly things moved. We went from being 'friends' to being... what? Were we a couple? Did I even want a boyfriend?

I sighed, my smile disappearing, and decided not to answer him, putting my phone on the coffee table.

Soon enough, my eyes grew tired with watching the boring programs, so switching the tv off and grabbing my phone, I bounded up the stairs. Before heading to my room, I stopped at Mum's door. Gently pushing it open, I peaked inside, and smiled lightly when I saw Mum asleep. Pulling her door shut, I walked to my Mum, shutting the door behind me.

I threw my phone on the bed, walking into my bathroom. Switching the light on, I grimaced when I looked into the mirror. I really didn't care what anyone thought of me tonight, did I? My hair was a mess, and my makeup was atrocious. I looked like someone out of a horror film who had just been chased through an entire forest by a sadistic killer.

Turning away from the mirror, I turned the shower on and slipped my clothes off. The water was hot, and in seconds steam had surrounded the shower. I sighed as the water soothed me, and leant my head against the side. 

I don't know how long I was in the shower, but it must have been long enough as my fingers were wrinkled and soft. Turning the shower off and drying myself, I then wrapped the towel around my body as I rummaged through my cupboard searching for some pj's.

Settling on an over-sized spiderman-shirt and some plain white flannel shorts, I jumped into bed, pulling the covers over my legs, and grabbed my phone.  

The text from Tyson greeted me again, and guilt began to well up in my chest. Just because I was unsure of my feelings, didn't mean I had to ignore him. Swiping the text, I typed in my answer before pressing send. 

"So did I :)" was all I answered him with. Before I had time to even switch apps, my phone vibrated with a new message. 

"We should do it again some time." Tyson had replied. I smiled. 


"Looking forward to tomorrow?" he typed back, and I sighed. Part of me was, but part of me was concerned. What made me agree to ditch school to hang out with a boy? Shaking my head, I answered with a half truthful text. 

"Yes! What are we going to do?"

"I have something planned ;)"

After I read that, my heart did a little jump. He had something planned? Why did he use a winky face? He wasn't referring to... no, I told him I wasn't ready. 

"Can't wait ;)" I replied, before switching off my phone. I decided it was enough for one day, so putting my phone on my bedside table, I pulled the covers all the way up my body, laying my head on my pillow. Before I let my thoughts over-run my mind, I reached over and grabbed a sleeping pill from the drawer, swallowing it without the help of water.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath in, and then eventually the darkness took over me and I went to sleep.


Boring chapter I know! But just thought I'd give you guys an update. :)

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