Chapter Ten

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Thank you guys for reading it ^^ Don't forget to vote ;) This is my first successful-ish story :D 

After I had changed into a blue tank and some white denim shorts, I resorted to watching some television. This really was boring. The teachers didn't want us to do anything stupid, but right now doing anything had to be better than this! Wait, I didn't just say that. Wow, I needed to stop with all of this. I'm Maya. I'm a goodgirl. And I'm going to ace this project.

I hadn't heard from Tyson, he was still in the kitchen with Lilly. Well, that's what I was hoping. There's been no screaming, or crying. Either he escaped out of the window with the baby or he was just being a really good 'dad'. Eventually, my peace was disturbed as Tyson came hurriedly walking in, holding Lilly out infront of him. I looked him up and down, and almost burst out laughing. Puke covered his chest and was slowly dripping down his bare body. Lilly's face was flushed and soon after she begun crying. Tyson looked at me, before he pretty much yelled, 

"Don't just stare, do something! What if she's dying or what if I did something wrong. Maybe I hit her back too hard, I was just trying to do that burping thing or whatever and then she puked all over me!" his words were rushed and his cheeks had been getting pinker and pinker as the words slipped out.

I stood up quickly and trotted over, grabbing Lilly from his hands. And then I started laughing. It was a genuine laugh too. Not a mocking laugh. He actually made me laugh. I held Lilly to my chest and took the time to fully look at him. He wasn't being an idiot, he actually thought he did something wrong. Tyson was looking at me like he just shot someone, he opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted, still laughing, I held my hand up.

"It's alright, what you did was meant to happen. That's what burping does. Sometimes they burp and sometimes they," I hesitated, gesturing to his chest, "Do that." Tyson seemed to calm down, his shoulders relaxing and his eyes becoming less wide. Now he took the time to realize he had puke all over his chest. He scrunched his face up.

"I, I was just messing with you. I knew what I was doing." he said in an obviously fake-proud voice. I laughed even louder.

"Seriously, you're going to play that card." I shook my head and turned around, realizing Lilly was getting quieter and quieter. She was tired, so I slowly put her into her crib. I put the pacifier in her mouth and turned back to Tyson, he wasn't there. I laughed to myself and went back over to the couch, sitting back down and sighing contently.


10 minutes had passed and finally Tyson showed himself again. He had changed and was no longer in just his boxers, but had blue jeans and a green low riding top on. He had obviously had a shower because his dark brown hair was wet and stuck to his head. He came over to the couch and sat down, next to me. But kind of not next to me. He was still far away, but he was on the same couch as me.

I tried not to look at him, this was already weird and awkward enough. He wasn't being a d*** to me today, so I didn't want to make him angry but looking at him. The only thing that could be heard was the talking from the television, just two old people arguing over some politics. Eventually he said something.

"I shouldn't have let you get drunk at the party." His words came out slowly, and awkwardly. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows, did he really just say that? He must be joking around. I turned my head, and my heart spluttered into over drive. He looked so..cute...sitting there. He was looking at me, but not in a teasing way. He was just, looking at me. Just like I was looking at him. Well, actually kind of staring at him. I turned my head away sharply.

"It's alright, it was my fault." I answered back, running my fingers through my straight brown hair. It was my fault actually, I knew better then to take a drink from a random stranger. I knew better then to drink at all actually.

"No. It was my fault. Before for the party I told you to stay with me, but then Denny and I just don't know I got caught up in the atmosphere okay. I'm sorry." Woah. Tyson was apologizing to me. The Tyson. The bad a** Tyson. The Tyson who hated me. I looked at him again, disbelief clear in my face.

"Are you being real right now? Or is this some kind of joke? Because usually, you're an a**. But today you've been decent. Why?" The words came out sort of rushed. I knew saying this would probably make him angry, and then he'd go back to the normal Tyson, but I just needed to know.

He chuckled at me, his eyes crinkling when he smiled. I was noticing things I normally wouldn't have noticed. But, I kind of liked it.

"I'm being real. I guess you weren't as bad as I originally thought Princess." he said, ruffling his hair at an attempt to get it dry. Usually I would have gotten angry at him calling me Princess, but now I could just see that it was a nickname. He wasn't being hurtful he was being.. wait. Hold on a second. I looked away, taking a deep breath. 'He's getting inside your head Maya' I told myself, focusing my eyes on the ground. I took the minute to just think. 'He's getting inside of your head so he can do what he did to Sarah. Break your heart.' My brain was talking sense, I had never ever seen this side of Tyson. I don't think anyone has actually.

But he wasn't trying to hook up with me, he was just apologizing. Making conversation. I suddenly realized I had been thinking for about five minutes so I looked back at him. His eyes were still focusing on me, but he looked confused.

"This is a new thing to register all right. You're usually so mean and bad. And now you're being nice. I just need some time to take it all in." But I gave him a smile, a genuine smile. And when he smiled back my insides did the type of thing you read about. What was it called? Butterflies, that's right. Now I understood why it was called that. It literally felt like someone had released a million butterflies into my stomach and they were bumping off the edges.

"That's fine." and with that he leant back on the couch, his head resting against the top of it. He let his eyes close and I couldn't help but smile more. Right now, I didn't care if this was real or not. I just wanted to see what he was like, as a friend. And who knows what might blossom from that.

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