Chapter Thirteen

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Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

That's all I could think when he said those six, foreign words. I didn't know he was talking about me! Those things he said...sweet..pretty...they were all directed to me? Usually this woul dhave bothered me, but did it now? I wanted to say yes, I wanted to admit tht I still hated him, but he's made my brain flip inside out, he's turned my insides into mush. I like him. I really like him. And he just asked me out. I felt like doing one of those girly dances, but my body was frozen. Open your mouth and say yes. That thought now took over the breathing thought. 

"I-" but that's all that came out. Tyson had obviously seen the surprised look on my face, so he took no time to clear everything up.

"Princess calm down, I was joking." he started laughing to himself, and he turned away, closing his eyes and laying back on the couch. What.. he was joking. That's what. I felt like slapping myself a million times. Ofcourse he'd never like me, what was I even thinking? And now I've admitted that I like him to myself, that's even worse. I felt my feelings all bubble together into one big mess. An angry mess.

"Once an asshole, always an sshole right." the words came out of my mouth before I could do anything. I stood up briskly and walked away. Having nowhere else to go, I headed to the bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it from the inside. I thought he was changing, I thought he was turning into a good guy, I thought he liked me.

"Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid." I cursed to myself sitting down heavily onto the bed. I felt like ripping my hair out, tearing the walls down. I felt like getting out of here and never returning. A sudden thought entered my mind. The bathroom window. The weakspot. I could slip out and leave... I stood up, reading to do that when I heard a knock at the door.

"Maya, what'd I do?" Tyson asked, sounding confused. I scoffed to myself. What an amazing actor. He knew what he did, and he was probably finding this so hilarious. He knocked again, harder this time.

"I'm being serious right now, what the hell did I do." He was starting to sound angry, but I barely noticed it. Sighing I sat back down, I guess I'd have to wait untill he left before I broke out of here. But then I calmed myself, 'Woah Maya. What are you thinking? You can't let yourself lose control like this.' Once again I felt like slapping myself, and I did, right across my forehead.

"Well, this is confusing me, but I'll leave you alone I guess." and those were his final words. I heard dim footsteps untill it was silent. Stupid boys, why were they even invented in the first place. I laid back, letting my breathing slow.

I still couldn't believe I had actually thought he was being legit. It's Tyson. Why the hell would he like me. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. And now he was acting like he didn't know what he did? Seriously?! I groaned, loudly, and looked around the room. I felt like smothering myself with a pillow, or looking myself in the wardrobe and never coming out. And then I heard cries, that eventually led into screams. 

"Perfect timing Lilly." I muttered to myself, sitting up. Tyson would surely handle it. So I waited, a couple of minutes, then ten minutes passed and Lilly was still screaming. Whatever Tyson was doing, it wasn't working. I quickly stood up and unlocked the door, walking out into the hallway. No Tyson. I made myself walk fastly into the loungeroom, no Tyson. Looking into the crib, lilly was on her back, face red and tears streaming down her face. No Tyson. I picked up the baby and gently patted her back. She didn't need a change, her last bottle wasn't that long ago. She obviously just woke up and wanted some attention. Eventually her cries muffled and were gone all together. I pulled her infront of me. She was asleep, again. I smiled. Goodgirl Lilly. Placing her back in the crib, I turned on my heels and decided to make my way back to the bedroom.

But I risked a look around before I left. No Tyson. Anywhere. Curiousity pricked at me, but then again this was a good thing. I never wanted to talk to him again. So calmly I made myself over to the bedroom, looking inside quickly, making sure Tyson wasn't in there. Nope. Stepping in, I turned around and shut the door. Then I locked it.

Now what was I going to do. I made myself slowly over to the bed and laid down atop the covers. This day was just the best day of my life. Not. The start was good, Tyson was being amazing, he was like a friend. Even the part where he asked me out was good, because I believed it at the time. And then when he said he was joking, that's when it all went downhill.

Stupid ignorant boys right? But part of me couldn't help but wonder where he was now. He wasn't in the house, because otherwise I wouldn't have seen him by now. Maybe he slipped out the bathroom window and went to get some fresh air. Or get drunk again. You know what? I don't care. I closed my eyes and let all Tyson related thoughts disappear.

He wasn't going to change. He will never change. He's Tyson, he will always be Tyson. Obviously the thoughts didn't want to leave, because all I could think about was Tyson. Suddenly I was jostled out of my thoughts when a loud clash of thunder boomed overhead of me.I listened for the cries of Lilly, but they never came. I rolled off the bed and made my way over to the window, glancing outside. It was dark, storm clouds were right over our little house. Suddenly rain started to pour down, and the sky was lit up with a clash of lightning.

If Tyson was outside, surely he'd come back now..wouldn't he?

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