Chapter Twenty Two

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As I drove along the unfamiliar streets I started to think, think about what the hell Tyson was doing. And how the hell he can break out of a hospital? Honestly, the security in that place is top notch. But, then again, Tyson was probably used to breaking out of places, sneaking around so people don't notice. It was in his nature. Eventually, a sign came into view. "Greenbushes Park, 1k". Finally, it felt like I had been driving for hours when in reality it was maybe half an hour at most. I saw the park loom up ahead, saw the slides, the swings, the seesaws. I also saw the large river in the middle of the park, and the brilliant trees surrounding it. What a lovely place. And then I spotted Tyson sitting on one of the swings, rocking absentmindely back and forth. I parked my car against the curb, making sure to lock it once I got out.

I wasn't dressed to be in public, my lazy day clothes were more like clothes to go to bed in, but hopefully there wouldn't be much traffic around here. The park was situated away from the main street and the hospital, there were only houses around here, so hopefully there wouldn't be much traffic, wouldn't be much people to see me in this state. As I approached Tyson, I noticed he was still in his hospital gown. He looked very strange, a young man sitting on a swing with nothing but a white gown on. When I reached him, I sat down on the swing beside him. He looked up and at me, and smiled lightly.

"Hey." he stated, as if this was the most ordinary situation in the world. I smiled back.

"Hi." I answered, running a hand through my hair awkwardly. "So, ah, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him intently. He sighed and looked away, back at the grass beneath our feet. Maybe he didn't want to talk about it? But he was going to, whether he liked it or not. Idrove all this way for him, so the least he could do was tell me why.

When he didn't say anything, I spoke again. "Tyson." I said, waiting for his answer. It took him a few moments but eventually he answered.

"I felt like some animal locked up in a cage inside that place." he stated, bringing his eyes up to mine again. "I didn't like it. And then my Dad came, and well, I'm not on the best terms with my Dad. Anyway, he started getting angry, about how I dragged him away from a party he was having with his friends and that I was a liability to him." he continued, and I shook my head. I knew his father was bad news.

"So yeah, I left. It wasn't hard. I just told the nurses I was going to get a bite from the cafeteria, and then I told the security guards at the door that I had permission to get fresh air. And then I just sprinted for it. They tried running after me, but no way could they catch me." Tyson said and I sighed.

"Tyson, just don't worry about your Dad. He's wrong, and it doesn't matter what he thinks anyway. But the hospital, they've probably called the police, they probably have everyone looking for you. Heck, they might even thinking you stole drugs or something." I stated, hoping he'd get the point. This wasn't just like sneaking out of your room in the middle of the night, this was bad.

He looked away, and I knew I had reached him.

"What me to take you back to the hospital?" I asked, standing up, ready to walk away. But he grabbed my sleeve before I could move, and I looked down at him strangely.

"Please, not yet. I don't want to go back yet. Please. My Dad, he'll be even more angrier because the security would be asking him loads of questions, and he doesn't like speaking to people he doesn't know. Just please, not yet."

I noticed he sounded small, like a little kid. I looked at him sadly, and sat down on the swing again. He let my sleeve go and looked at me thankfully.

"Okay." I said simple, pushing myself a little bit so I was in motion. When I was younger, I used to love swings. For just a few seconds, you felt like you were flying. You were away from reality. He looked at me strangely before he glanced away.

"What?" I asked curiously, stopping the swing from moving. He looked back at me,

"Nothin. It's just, you aren't the person all the other guys at school think you are. A stuck up nerd." he said, and I felt myself blush. I knew all the guys at school thought that, that I was just some nerdy girl who didn't have any time for fun. But I also knew that Tyson thought that as well.

"Did you not think that?" I asked him, not really looking directly at his face.

"No." he said, which shocked me. I looked at him now, and felt something warm spread through my body.

"But you were such a dick to me, to nearly everyone. Unless they were some tanned blonde chick who put out for any guy she met." I said, remembering all the girls that Tyson would be seen with.

He looked away, "Yeah. I could be a dick sometimes. But, I didn't mean to. And all those girls, I didn't realise what I was doing was wrong. It made me feel superior, all these girls throwing themselves at me. So yeah, I took advantage of that. But not once did I ever mean to hurt any of them. Or you." he said, and my stomach erupted with butterflies.

"Oh." was all I managed to say, looking down at the ground. I saw his body move out of the corner of my eye.

"Let's go on a walk." he said, and I looked at the ground a little longer, before back up to him. I nodded, and he stood up, waiting for me.

I followed him, as he walked towards the river. I watched him, as he walked. The gown showed off his back muscles nicely, and stuck to his toned body. I wasn't even ashamed of looking this time, because whether I liked it or not, Tyson had changed. And I liked it. I liked him.

He stopped at the edge of the river, and I walked up beside him, glancing at him slightly. "That gown is quite flattering on you." I said jokingly, watching the water flow before us. He laughed lightly, and looked towards me.

"Those track pants are quite flattering on you, too." he stated, and I blushed.

"Shut up."

I could still feel him watching me for a moment longer, which wasn't good for the butterflies in my stomach.

"You know, they really should put a fence around this thing. I mean, what's stopping anyone from falling in?" he said, and I noticed he was right.

The bank of the river was quite a steep ledge, and then the water itself looked dirty, who knew what was under it's surface.

"True." I said taking a step forward to try and see how deep the water looked, when suddenly I felt my foot slip on the wet grass. I was falling, but before I was off my feet, I felt a strong grip on my arm pull me back up. And before I knew it, I was being held both sides by Tyson's arms, facing his chest.

"See?" he said, his breath fanning my face. His embrace was warm, his arms tight around my body. I looked up at his eyes now, which sent a million more butterflies exploding through my stomach. My whole body felt numb, but electrified at the same time. And my eyes left his, and trailed down to his lips. They looked soft, and welcoming. And before I could even control myself, I tipped my face forward, pressing my lips to Tysons.

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