Chapter Nineteen

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Thank you all for being patient, I have a very busy schedule right now. Yes, I may be on summer break ((Australia woo)) but I still have things to do. I ask you to please remain being patient. On a happy note, I have an idea for a prequel if you guys are up for it. The story isn't really close to finishing yet, but I've already got ideas for the next one. Please continue to support me, by voting, commenting, telling others about this book. As my first novel, it may not be well writting, but it does mean alot to me. Ily xx

I fell asleep rather quickly that night, it didn't take long for my brain to block out all the thoughts that were bothering me. I just told myself to forget about Tyson, Lilly, to forget about everyone. I fell asleep to the smell of hospital and the sound of a ticking clock.

When I woke up, I could vaguely hear some talking beside me. My eyelids were heavy, and it was a battle to get them open. I turned my head, and saw my doctor talking to my Mum, who was...inside the room...

"Mum?!" I groggily shouted, pushing myself up into a sitting position. My Mum, who by the looks of it looked like she was having a very relaxed conversation with my Doctor, trotted over and pulled me into a big huge, which I returned.

"So I'm fine?" I gasped, feeling tears well up in the corners of my eyes. I looked over my Mum's shoulder to the doctor, who smiled warmly at me before nodding his head. I felt a great weight lifted off my shoulders, I wasn't going to die. 

"I vaguely knew from the start that you had not contracted ugonjwa, but it was protocol to submit you anyway." The doctor said, "I will leave you to share this joyful time with your mother." And he spun around, about to exit the room.

Suddenly in one big wave a huge feeling of emotion swamped over me, "And Tyson? L-Lilly?" I stuttered, remembering seeing the fight my Mum and the doctor had outside my room.

I saw the doctor stop walking, but he didn't move. I felt my Mum pull away, and she looked at me sadly, before turning her head. I looked from her, to the doctor, who had now turned around to face us. His eye were down and his face was grim.

"I'm, I'm very sorry." he begun slowly, "But neither of them made it."

And in that instant I felt my heart explode, I felt my body droop. I felt my brain collasping, I felt myself dying from the inside out. "They're dead." the doctor repeated, to make his point.

"Please, no, there must, there must be a mistake!" I screamed, pushing my mother away from me. "We're in a hospital, you are supposed to keep them alive, it's your job!" I shouted, standing up, my hands balling into fists. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, and I felt my heart hammering against my chest.

"You're a stupid, stupid doctor. You can't do your job, you can't do anything! It's your fault they're dead, it's, it's your fault!!" My eyes scorched over him before they caught sight of a vase of small 'get well soon' flowers. My hands were around it immediately, and I picked it up, not hesitating at all I threw it at the doctors head. It smashed against him, and I saw the blood begin to trickle down his face before he hit the ground.


I woke up, grasping my chest, my breaths coming out rapidly. I looked around crazily, searching for the injured doctor, searching for the scattered pieaces of vase on the ground. I turned around quickly, looking around the room, before reality finally set in.

"It was a dream." I muttered slowly, raising my head to rub my head. "It was just a dream." I said again, sobbing lightly. I felt my heart beat angrily inside my chest.

I stayed in the same position for a while before I heard the door open and footsteps come over to my bed.

"Good morning Sweetie," a sweet voice I knew too well sounded. I started sobbing before she wrapped her arms around me, "Mum." I sobbed, smelling her rich perfume. I instantly knew what this meant, her being here. I  was fine, I didn't have the stupid disease. I was fine.

"I'm here." she said, rubbing my back slowly.

"Mum, how are the others? Please, how is Tyson? How is Lilly?" I sobbed, grasping onto my Mum's jacket. The dream, it was so real. Was it so real, that the both of them were actually dead?

"Tyson is fine hunny. The doctors said he had a strong immune system which fought off the influenze as well as the heavy amoutn of antibiotics that were pumped into his body. He's currently with his father at the moment." I felt my body shudder with relief, "Good, that's so good." I muttered, letting go of my Mum. She sat down beside me on the bed, and smiled at me warmly, but fakely. I immediately felt my heart quicken.

"And how is Lilly?" I said, my eyes searching hers for any signs of stray emotion. I saw them sadden,  before she looked away, exhaling a deep sigh.

"The doctors said she had contracted the influenze from Tyson. Because of her young age, and her weaker immune system.. the disease got to her blood stream and her brain. She died late last night, when you were asleep. I'm so sorry Hunny, please remember that it was not your fault. Things like this happen!" She was back to looking at me, but I wasn't looking at her. All to soon I started violently sobbing, and that quickly turned to full on crying. I held my hands over my eyes as I remembered Lilly's cute little face, the way she reached up to grab your cheek when you were holding her, the way her adorable little eyes looked around at the world, wanting to see new things. 

Those thoughts soon turned to the worst, as I begun to imagine her little heart stop beating, her little lungs stop filling with air. I imagined her adorable eyes closing, no longer able to see new things. Her little hand limp at her side, cold and lifeless.

The emotion was too much and very soon I felt like I was starting to go crazy. "It's my fault, my fault. I over-reacted and Tyson left, it's my fault he left, my fault he got this stupid disease, my fault he passed it onto Lilly, my fault she's dead, my fault her mother is no longer a mother. My fault, my fault." The words came out rushed, and quick. My Mum looked at me worringly, reaching out to sooth me. But I slapped her hand away.

"It's not your fault, sweet heart." she said quietly and urgently, as if the thought of me blaming myself was too much to bear. "It's not your fault, listen to me, it's not your darn fault! It was a freak accident, things like this happen. You listen to me, it's not your fault."

I looked at her sadly, "I want to see Tyson." I said, changing the subject, as if I didn't want to hear anything she said. "I want to see Tyson, I want to see him now."

How is it that just after a few days I went from hating Tyson's guts, to just wanting to be near him. To feel his sympathy, not her mothers. How was it, that Lilly went from being an adorable, healthy baby to being a little corpse who would soon be put into a little coffin, and lowered in the ground... How?

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