chapter 1

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TW: bullying

(Karl POV)

Most people don't notice the nerd who hasn't spoken since his dad died in seventh grade. Staying mute helps me stay invisible.

Most of the time.

But everyone notices when the popular kids -- aka the jocks and the cheerleaders -- do anything in this school. All eyes are on them as they walk down the hall. This gives me hope that I can somehow sneak down the hall without anyone noticing me. Like I'm trying to do right now.

I press my shoulder against the lockers and start walking down the hall. I hunch my shoulders and look down. Just avoid them, and it'll be fine, just avoid them and it'll be fi-

Someone shoves me from behind and my things go flying. I hold my hands out, bracing for impact on the floor as the jocks laugh. I land on my wrist a funny way and I gasp in pain. I push away my tears and hurriedly start picking up the things in my reach. 

"Are you okay?"

I glance up to see a tall boy with raven hair and a white bandana tied around his head. A black sweater drowns out his body. He's crouching in front of me, holding out a few papers towards me. I can see some slanted writing covering them. 

My stories. 

He hands me the papers, a soft smile on his lips. "Sorry about that. Keith is super clumsy," he says. I absolutley don't believe that, but I still smile gratefully and take the papers. Heat creeps into my cheeks as I stand up. 

Nick Snap. The boy I've liked since sophomore year. On the varsity basketball team, broke almost every cheerleader's heart, has at least 5 colleges eyeing him right now, and he's only a junior. I've never had the courage to talk to him, not that I would. Only one person at this school has ever heard me speak, but I don't think he remembers what I sound like. I intend to make sure no one else knows what I sound like. 

This is a school for prodigies and people talented in one or more specific areas. I'm good at writing creatively and drawing, but not much else. Nick is a prodigy in math and amazing at basketball. His friends excel in being douchebags. 

I nod at Nick and hurry away from his friend's angry glares. I duck into my History class, something I'm fairly good at, and sit down in my seat. It's tucked into the far back corner of the room, where I can draw and write in peace. 

But today, I can't get Nick out of my head. It's always been a struggle to do so, but it's significantly harder today. His smile is glued to my brain, his voice ringing in my ears.

"Hello, class," a gruff voice says from the front of the room. I sigh and look up. I try to shove Nick out of my brain and focus on the class, but I'm sure we all know how that goes.

(Nick POV)

I don't even know what that guy's name is. I still defend him best I can when my friends pick on him. They told me they bully him, or "have fun" with him, because he's nerdy and mute, and therefore an easy target. Bullshit.

I feel bad for him, though. I don't know why he can't speak, but I talk practically 24/7, so I wouldn't understand. I guess it's not my fault, really. I'm just popular. 

I guess that part is kind of my fault.

"Why'd you help him, man?" Keith asks. "It wasn't as funny after that." I glare at him.

"Because you guys were being dicks. Again," I snap. "Y'all need to stop picking on him."

"Jeez, dude, we're just playing," Matt says, slapping me on the back. I frown at him, too.

"Yeah, when did you get to be such a Debby downer?" Tony asks.

"Or such a simp for such a loser," Keith teases. Everyone starts laughing. 

"Aw, is Nicky in love?" Lisa asks, draping her arms around my neck. I swear, one of these days, I'm just going to-

"I'm not in love. I just don't like it when you guys bully people like him," I retort, unhooking Lisa's arms. 

Noah groans. "We don't bully him. We're just having fun."

"Apparently your fun is another boy's nightmare," I snap, storming off.

I hate it when they get like that. I guess they are like that most of the time... But we have had fun times. That's the only reason I hang out with them (sometimes) after school and after basketball. 

I walk into my next class, which is also my favourite and easiest class. Math is my strong suit. My talent. Besides basketball, at least. That's why I'm at this school.

I slide into my seat, already bored. Math may be my favourite subject, but it's really easy sometimes. The teacher walks in and starts going over what we did yesterday while my imagination takes over and my thoughts drift to the quiet boy. 


I want to be his friend. I want us to be close enough that maybe, just maybe, my team while take a hint and stop bugging him. I know he can't talk, but he communicates somehow, right? He seems nice and he's kind of cute.

My team doesn't know I'm bisexual. This school is terribly homophobic. There's probably so many closeted students, and I'm one of them. If I came out, that would probably give other students enough confidence to do the same, but I'm sure some colleges would move off of me and on to Keith, who's not at my level in basketball, not at all, but he's kind of close. I'm sure everyone would look at me like I was an alien, my team would probably beat me up, it would be something I don't want to experience. 

So only my closest friends here know. In fact, they helped me come to terms with who I am. I trust them with my secrets and, if it came down to it, my life.

The bell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. I jump up and run out of the classroom. I grab my money from my locker and run to the cafeteria. As I'm waiting in line, I scan the heads in the room for poofy light brown hair. I don't see anything.

I order my food, grab my tray, and take it out of the room. I check the courtyard, the hallways, the field, the bathrooms, nothing. 

I give up and go sit with my team. I'll try again tomorrow.

Word Count 1113



i have decided to write something that isn't DNF. i know. its crazy.

anywho, i keep seeing DNF fics where George is mute and Dream has these ways to communicate with him and whatever, so I flipped it around and did the other too-loud top and colorblind bottom. (yes, Karl is slightly colorblind.) so this is basically them making up signs and opening up to each other. *cue the dramatic "aw"s*

there will be violence because bullying, metions of death because Karl's dad died when he was in seventh grade, and anxiety and panic attacks probably. i'll put fluff, but no smut. can't write it, dont want to.

ok, well i hope you enjoy reading this fanfic :D


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