chapter 11

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(Nick POV)

I want to tell Karl how I feel. I think I decorated the Haven to try to do just that. But I don't know how. 

I watch all these movies where the characters just go up to one another, say "I love you," then start making out. But, news flash, friends say "I love you." If I said it to Karl, he might think I'm just saying it to tell him he's a good friend. Which he is. But how would I say it to mean more than a friend?

Karl lets me go, smiles, and sits down in the purple beanbag. I stand there like the awkward weirdo I am as he stabs at his food. 

"Um, what do you want to do?" I ask. It's been weird how Karl is talking to me more. I'm honestly kind of hoping he doesn't respond verbally. 

He shrugs. Yay

I feel like I'm choking on all the words I want, and can't, say. Ok, to be fair, absolutely can say them. I just don't know how. But I want to desperatley.

This isn't a romcom. Take it slow. I take a deep breath.

"Have you ever been in love?" I hear myself ask. Shit.

Karl looks up at me from his sketchbook and chicken nuggets. Surprise is written all over his face. But he nods and writes something down. He holds up his page, and next to a drawing of a dog, it says I am right now.

"Oh," I mutter, my heart sinking. "I am too, actually." Karl looks up again, what looks like sadness now mixed in with his surprise. 

"Can I describe them?" I ask. Karl nods hesitantly. I take another deep breath and sit in the orange beanbag across from Karl. One step at a time.

"Well, he's really nice and funny and smart," I say. Karl smirks, scribbles something down, then holds up his page again. 


"Yeah. I'm bi. I like guys too," I say sarcastically. He snickers quietly. I look down at the floor. "Anyway, he has a big heart when you get to know him. He's caring and sweet, you can tell when you're friends with him. He's a great artist, but I don't know if he's a good author because he won't let me read his stories."

My eyes stay on the floor and my cheeks heat up. "He's not attractive just physically. He's very quiet and shy, but he opens up when he trusts you. He cares for your wellbeing and wishes the best upon you." I glance up. Karl's face is almost as red as mine. Maybe more.

"Can you guess who it is?" I ask quietly.

He nods, but doesn't do anything.

"It's you," I whisper. "I think I'm in love with you, Karl."

(Karl POV)


Never in my life have I thought that I would be in this position; sitting across from my crush after he admitted to loving me back. I take shaky deep breath as my heart races and my face burns.

I pick up my pencil again and flip to a new page in my notebook. 

Can I describe my crush?

He smiles sadly and nods.

He's the smartest person I know. He's also the sweetest. He stands up for what he believes in and doesn't let bullies get away with what they do. He deserves the world. He's strong, and great at sports. He has a strong will and strong friends. He knows what's right and wrong and won't stand down from a fight if he knows it might help the situation he's in. He'll fight for those he loves. He too is not just attractive physically. He's loving and generous and he'll do anything for you.

Nick's face heats up even more as he reads. 

Can you guess who?

He copies me and nods without a word. 

It's you.

"I love you, Nick," I whisper.

Nick smiles, slowly, maintaining eye contact. "Oh my God, four words," he jokes. I roll my eyes. You're lucky you're getting any, I write. He giggles as I punch him in the arm.

The humor evaporates as Nick reads it again. I move away the table in between us and move my beanbag closer. My arms find their way around him once more. His arms snake around my waist again. 

We hug for a while. Maybe a minute. I'm not paying attention to that. The only reason we break apart is because we aren't alone. 

A camera clicks. 

Someone giggles.

My eyes widen.

Nick pulls away.

"Well, isn't this cute?"

Word Count 766

yes, another short chapter. but its 12:21 am and im listening to heat waves

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