Chapter 7

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The more Drista thought about it she finally felt free. "So this is what not being stuck in the same place for basically all your life feels like?" Drista joked to Tommy, who stared blankly at the water. "Heyyyy! Earth to Tomathy!" She sat down crisscrossed, so she didn't get wet and stared at Tommy until he acknowledged her. Drista figured he was upset but she had no idea what to do. When Dream was upset she'd normally throw flowers at his face until he felt better, but that was her brother and Tommy isn't. It made her think of all the times she and Dream would act like normal siblings, not one constantly making sure the other didn't talk to ANYONE(besides him and sometimes X and GD)because he was being reckless. Drista snapped back to reality, she had to make him feel better somehow, she got up and went over to a tall dandelion. She plucked the flower from the ground, went back to where Tommy was sitting, then weaved the flower through a small braid in his hair. Tommy looked at her and went to touch the braid to find that it was intact. "What did you put in my hair?" He stared at her with a 'What-The-Fuck-Are-You-Doing' face. Drista shrugged and nodded to the water. Tommy looked in the water to see the braid, "Why did you put a flower in my hair?" It was clear he was confused. "Well," Drista explained, "When Dream is upset I normally throw stuff like grass and flowers at him till he feels better, I figured you didn't want a flower thrown at your face. I mean I wouldn't!" Drista smiled awkwardly after trying to explain. Tommy laughed at her attempt to make him feel better, "You may not be an idiot but that explanation sure did make you sound like one!" He continued laughing at her until she kicked him of course.

Everything was a blur, she couldn't see anything. "Hello?" Drista called out trying desperately to see anything or at least hear anyone else. The smoke cleared and all she saw was a hole that goes all the way to bedrock then something she wished wasn't there. It was Dream. Did her brother do this? He couldn't have, she knew he wouldn't... or would he? She knew his morals were twisted and messed up but not this bad. Could she talk him out of it in time or not? That didn't matter all she knew was that the cloud of dread and fear was crushing her and she had to leave. "What is this? I want to go back, I don't want to be here!" She screamed at whatever was keeping her here. Drista didn't know what to do. All she knew was that she had to run, but she couldn't. She was frozen in place as everyone she had met in L'manburg slowly appeared from the ash. The smoke cleared showing the entire scene. Everyone but Techno and Dream were distraught. She couldn't bare to watch this any longer but she had too. She memorized the entire scene. If only she had known what happened before this. What caused this conflict? She knew it wouldn't be long until she awoke when everything froze.

Drista woke up where she had taken a nap near where the games were getting final touches. Drista noted she wasn't in creative anymore but didn't care. Tommy looked down at her. "Are you gonna stay here and sleep during the entire festival or no?" Drista rolled her eyes as she grabbed Tommy's hand so he could help her up. The two walked to where Tubbo and Ranboo were talking and making sure that everything was going okay. "Mark my word Tommy, one day im going to just bully you relentlessly." Drista responded back to Tommy's comment about her being short. Blue trotted up to Drista because he had fallen behind. Drista picked up the cat, "So when is this festival gonna start?" Ranboo shrugged as he looked at Tubbo. "I'm surprised Sapnap didn't kill your cat by now." Tommy joked. Drista glared at him, "I will throw him on you and mind you his claws are very sharp." Tubbo had to stop himself from laughing at the two who were probably gonna kill each other. Ranboo looked concerned as he slowly left. "There he goes!" Tubbo laughed, "I'll go get everyone else I gUESS." Tubbo left Tommy and Drista alone. "You know those weird dreams. Yeah well it happened again while I was napping." Drista explained to Tommy. Tommy was in shock when Drista told him everything that she saw. "That is not gonna happen! That can not happen!" Tommy exclaimed. "Well we don't really know if it's gonna happen or not. Maybe we can stop it from happening!" Drista ensured Tommy but he didn't listen. "Look if it does happen we are fucked!" Tommy replied. Drista nodded not knowing what to do to help the situation. "People are starting to head over here so let's just find a place with shade before people steal it." Drista ended the conversation and headed towards a shaded area in front of a flea market type booth. Tommy didn't move, he was stressed and so was Drista.

Everyone gathered and the festival started, but after a while they noticed Dream building a wall around L'manburg. Tubbo was the first to notice, and ran towards Dream. Tubbo screamed at Dream asking what he was doing. Dream screamed back at Tubbo and brought the group to the community house. Drista noticed Technoblade but decided to stay silent. Her encounter with him was traumatizing, she couldn't imagine how he felt so it wasn't surprising he was here. Perhaps to kill the "butcher army"? Drista knew he was probably here for a different reason, to team up with Dream. "I know Tommy blew up the community house! It's his way of getting back at me!" Dream screamed. Drista had a sense of fear and without a thought, "Tommy was with me all day! He couldn't have! this is just a set up! You are a liar, Dream!" Tommy was surprised that Drista defended him. Dream looked shocked but quickly said, "I can not believe my own sister would help do this." Drista glared at him, "Dream I am your sister you expect me to fall for your pettiness! I might be a kid but I am not dumb! Plus why would I blow up the community house? It was the closest thing to home for me!" She protested, "You know what you can keep your stupid mask!" Drista threw the smiley face mask she had been wearing on the floor cracking it. "I know what you're up to Dream." Tommy exclaimed. Everyone was confused and Tommy explained how Dream and Techno were going to blow up L'manburg. Dream's jaw dropped, "How did you-?" Tommy cut him off, "a friend of mine that you know personally."

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