chapter 3

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I waited for Pietro out the front of the clinic after closing. The sun was slowly going down and the hint of night was coming into view with the first few stars. It was quiet and somewhat peaceful.

After about 5 Minutes Pietro walked up to me, he was wearing tight black jeans with a simple blue button up shirt that was also tight and showed lines of a muscled chest. I quickly looked down as I realized what I had just thought, embarrassed. He saw my reaction and laughed which just made me go even redder.

"Hello princesa" he smirked at me and kissed my hand.

I gave him a smile.

He lead me along the streets until we reached a little green patch of grass just on the outskirts of the city bordering the woods, He had a picnic blanket and food all set up waiting for us.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"Its beautiful Pietro, no one has ever done something like this for me before" I said smiling at him.

We spent the next hour just talking about everything, he told me about his sister and how he lost the rest of his family at a young age. I could sense his uneasiness at the mention of his family and gave him a hug, he was surprised by the hug at first but he relaxed into it and held me a little bit tighter. When I pulled away he looked more relaxed and happier and smiled at me.


"Yes Pietro?"

"Who was that man earlier today? The one who upset you?"

I sighed. "That was my brother".

He gave me a confused look.

"He came to tell me that the other people I used to live with want me home, but I told him no, I left for a reason and I have a life here now with people I care about."

I felt Pietro's arm circle my waist and he pulled me closer to him so that my head leaned on his shoulder. We sat in silence for awhile just enjoying being close to each other, it was comforting to know I felt calm enough to share my problem with him and he could share with me.

It was getting late and we packed up the little picnic. Pietro held my hand as he walked me back to the clinic.



"I have to leave for a few weeks for work and I was wondering if I could have your number so I can talk to you?"

I felt a little deflated that I wasn't gonna be able to see him but I was happy that he wanted my number too. I gave him a nod and typed my number into his phone.

We arrived back at the clinic and before I could thank him for walking me back he pulled me against his chest and wrapped one of his arms around my waist while his hand cupped my cheek, He leaned in and gave me a soft but passionate kiss. I was surprised at the sudden kiss at first but after a second I leaned into him and the kiss, my arms around his neck. After what seemed like forever we both pulled back and I stared into his blue eyes, a wide smile appeared on his face and he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Goodnight princesa" he whispered; "I'll message you when I can."

I nodded to him and he walked away.

As I laid in bed my mind thought back to the kiss, the feel of his arm around me, the softness of his lips on mine, it was the best kissed I had ever had. My phone beeped and flashed, I looked at the screen and saw a text from Pietro.

Good night princesa, cant wait to kiss you again. :P

I laughed and replied, Good night handsome.

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