chapter 7

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It was dark and I had been walking for 3 hours through the woods. I heard shouting in the distance and guns going off, I cursed as I made mad dashes through the trees trying to conceal myself as I went. The yelling was getting louder and soon I was just outside a battlefield, I peered around the tree I was hiding behind in time to see Clint and Nat fighting off HYDRA.

Shit I muttered to myself.

I watched the battle continue, my chest hurt at the sight of Nat and Clint. They were the closest people I had gotten along with, along with Bruce, over the last 2 years. We had sent messages to each other here and there but I tried to distance myself from the team but I was never able to sever the bond with those 3.

Clint was on his own now shooting arrows when all of a sudden he was knocked down by a blue blur. I saw Pietro sudden standing near him and my eyes widened in shock, what was he doing here? Before Clint could do anything Pietro ran off. Clint stood but then a shot rang out and he collapsed to the ground holding his abdomen, I looked in horror as he had been shot. Not caring that HYDRA was around I ran over to him and kneeled next to him, he looked at me in shock.


"Be quiet" I whispered back. 

I placed my hands over his wound and quickly began to heal him, within a few minutes he was healed and I felt a little weak from the healing but I knew I could manage. He sat up and pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you Lo." he said as he hugged me.

"I've missed you to Hawky" I chuckled.

He pulled away from me and gave me a quick once over, once he was satisfied I was okay he helped me to stand up.

"Why did you leave Lo?" he asked me. I was shocked he didn't know.

"Ask Tony" was all I said and a look of confusion crossed his face.

And explosion distracted him long enough for me to slip out of his grasp and I quickly disappear back into the darkness of the tree's. I could hear him calling me but I knew he would want me to return with him, I couldn't go back, I wasn't ready to face them all, I needed more time.

When I was sure I could leave without being spotted I started back on the path towards the hut.

Once I was at the base of the mountain I started my climb and within 10 minutes I had found the hut. It was small, the kitchen and lounge were all in one while a little bedroom with a single bed was at the far back and a small bathroom next to it. The hut needed some more support as it looked so run down. I used my powers and made trees and vines wrap around the outer walls to help keep it supported as well as jump starting the water for the bathroom and kitchen.

I quickly placed my bag and weapons box under the bed but in easy reach of it just in case, I checked the cupboards and saw I still had a few cans of beans in there to last till tomorrow. The fire pit outside still seemed intact but the firewood pile only had 2 logs in it.


I sat down on the bed and sighed, I was exhausted. All the walking and running and using my powers to save Clint had taken its toll on me both physical and mentally, then my mind drifted back to Pietro, why was he at the battle? Where was Wanda? Were they okay?. I laid down in the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying not to worry.


My head snapped up and I peered around the hut trying to see where the voice came from.

Luna its me Wanda...where are you?

I relaxed as I realized she was talking to me using her telepathy.

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