chapter 19 *smut*

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It is now 4pm the next day and Nat, Clint and Pietro were driving you too Jonah's preserve, the tugging feeling was getting stronger now but it was still manageable.

Pulling up to the preserve you could already see Jonah waiting outside for you, he was a tall man my brown hair and blue eyes.

"Ah Luna! Such a pleasure to see you again!" he called as you got out the car.

Nat and Clint spoke to Jonah while Pietro handed you your bag from the trunk of the car and he grabbed the box that contained some necessity such as food, bathroom stuff, clothes etc. Jonah quickly lead everyone to the small cabin at the far end of the reserve, Jonah showed where he kept the key hidden on the outside of the cabin. While in heat in previous years you had asked to be locked inside the cabin and the key be kept outside so that you couldn't take off if you lost control but also so that if there is an emergency they could come in to help.

Everyone quickly helped you to set everything up and said their goodbyes, Pietro was the last to leave.

"Remember your promise Princesa?" he asked.

"Yes Speedster, I promise if I need help I'll call." you gave him a kiss and watched him leave with Jonah after locking the door.

It was around 1 am when your heat finally exploded in you, you gasped at the sudden rise in body temperature and clutched your stomach as a wave of pain shot through you. Your heat never started out this bad before, it usually started somewhat as period cramps then slowly escalated, but it hit full force right at the start. Maybe being with Pietro and having feelings for another was contributing to it.

You dragged yourself out of bed after failing to ignore the pain and fall asleep for almost 6 hours, the dizziness and pain made you stumble.
You needed a cold shower, they usually helped somewhat. You made your way to the bathroom and turned on the water, you sat in the shower for a long time but the water wasn't helping. You managed to crawl back into bed and looked at the clock, it was only 11am, you needed relief.

You shoved your hand under your shorts and started to play with clit, you were slick with need as you pushed two fingers into your core. A moan escaped your lips at the feeling of being touched and penetrated. You closed your eyes and imagined that Pietro was above you, his hands exploring your body while he bit and nibbled your neck. The image of him made you scream his name as you came, you removed your fingers and relished the moment of relief. You managed to get a few hours of sleep after taking some pain med's that Bruce had given you but your heat once again woke you with a vengeance.

It was now 6pm and after hours of suffering from the pain you finally decided that you needed help, it was to painful and you couldn't hold back the tears. You reached for your phone and dialed Pietro's number.

Princesa? Are you okay?

"P-Pietro?" you cried into the phone.

I'm here princesa.

"I need help....I-It h-hurts to much" you managed to speak into the phone.

I'm on my way baby, I'll be there as soon as I can.

The phone hung up and all you could do was lay there and cry as another wave of pain torn through you and made you scream. About 20 minutes later you heard the door open to the cabin.

"Princesa?" you heard Pietro call out.

Before you could reply you screamed as another wave of pain ripped into you. Pietro was beside you in an instant, you looked up at him with tears in your eyes from the pain.

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