chapter 26

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Its been a 3 months since I was rescued from Hydra and I thank the team everyday by making them food every meal. Pietro took care of me until I was fully healed and Wanda and I started training to unlock all my new powers, most of my new powers extensions of my elemental powers like making electricity or ice powers. But my most valuable power was connected to my earth powers, I could turn rock into any earth bound substance like gold or vibranium. We kept that power secret to protect me from people who would want to abuse it.

Pietro has never left my side the whole time unless it was for missions, I didn't mind it as we became closer then ever. When it came time for my heat again for some reason it didn't come, confused I spoke to Nat and Wanda about it and they shared a look. Nat quickly ran to her room and came back with a small box and handed it to me, I looked at the box and went wide eyed.

"You thi-" I stuttered.

"Do they test and we will see" she said and pushed me into the bathroom.

I did the test and the next 3 minutes were the longest of my life, when the time we set went off we looked at the results.


My hand flew to my mouth, I was shocked, stunned. I looked at Wanda and Nat who had the biggest smile on their faces, I didn't know how to feel.

"Oh god" I whispered, "What's is Pietro going to say?"

They both didn't say anything at first and we sat in silence for a few minutes. Wanda took a hold of my hand and made me look at her.

"Luna everything will be fine, I'm sure he will be happy" she tried to reassure me.

"How am I going to tell him? How am I going to tell the others?" I said trying to remain calm.

"Don't worry yourself about the others for now and as for Pietro how about Nat and I go and get him and we will near by if you need us"

I slowly nod and they left to find Pietro, I looked at the test in my hand, I'm going to be a mother.

They came back 20 minutes later with Pietro in tow, Pietro sat next to me on the couch while Nat and Wanda hanged back in the kitchen.

"What's up princesa?" he asked smiling. I just held out my hand with the test and have it to him, he took it and stared at it until he finally realized what it was. He looked at me wide eyed, shock in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered to him.

He didn't say anything, just stared back at the test. I was starting to get worried and gently touched his arm, he quickly pulled his arm away like I had burned him.

"I gotta go" he said and ran out.

It felt like my heart broke in that moment, he left. Wanda and Nat ran over to me asking me what happened, I told them what he said and that he ran.

"He doesn't want this, he doesn't want me" I cry as tears fall down my face. 

Nat wrapped her arms around me while Wanda went in search of her brother, I was shaking and Nat knew I needed someone stronger then me to make me feel secure and calm me down. No one did this better then Steve and Bucky, Nat called for Friday to get them here as soon as possible.

Steve and Bucky came rushing to the apartment, When they saw me crying Bucky took me from Nat and held me to his chest. He knew what I needed to feel safe, we had bonded early on when he came here from our shared experience in Hydra and he was like a brother to me now.

Nat explained what happened and told them I was pregnant, Bucky lifted my chin to look at him.

"I'm gonna be an uncle?" he asked with a grin. It made me chuckle and nodded to him smiling.

Steve came over and hugged me tight while Bucky still had hold of me, they smiled at each other and I felt happy for them. They had both suffered over the years but eventually the had confessed their feelings for one another and became a couple a few months ago.

After a few hours of snuggling on the couch Wanda returned with Pietro in tow, I was sitting in between Steve and Bucky when he came over to me. The super soldiers gave my hand a squeeze before joining Nat and Wanda near the kitchen, Pietro was quiet for a minute and didn't look at me.

"Princesa, I'm so sorry for how I reacted. I was terrified at the thought of being a father, not because I don't want to be one but because I'm scared I wont be a good one" he choked out.

I raised my hands and cupped his face, making him look at me.

"Pietro you are the most kind hearted and loving person I know, you will be a great father I know it. I was worried you were rejecting me, rejecting the baby." I said.

"Never princesa, never"

He cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss.

"I love you speedy"

"I love you Princesa"

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