chapter 18

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Over the next 2 months my jaw healed quickly, thanks to me using my powers. The team went on more missions, my relationship with Tony was much better and we had even spent time together just hanging out or in his lab working on things. Pietro and I grew closer everyday, we spent most of our time together and he always had a smile on his face. Wanda was growing closer to Vision as well, much to Pietro's annoyance, but I reminded him that Wanda deserved to be happy too.

Pietro and Wanda were at training today and I was by myself watching a movie. Half way through the movie I felt a slight tugging sensation in my stomach," shit" I mumble.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y can you ask Nat and Clint to come here please and can you tell me what the date is?"

Of course miss Luna. The date is November 4th.


After a few minutes the elevator dinged open and Nat and Clint walked out.

"Hey Lo what did you need us for?" asked Clint as he fell onto the couch, Nat followed suit.

"Hey, I asked you here because I need you to contact Jonah for me." I said.

"Is it that time again soon?" asked Nat. I nodded. "How long do we have to prepare?".

"I would say maybe tomorrow then I'll have to be there tomorrow night, I felt the tugging not long ago." my face grew red at the thought of going into heat. 

Damn animal powers. Being able to shift into animals means that about 3 times a year I go into a painful heat for around 3 days. While in Sokovia I had used the hut to isolate myself away from people but I don't have the luxury this time, before I moved to Sokovia Nat and Clint had a friend, Jonah, who ran a wildlife preserve and he had set up a small one bedroom cabin on the far side for me to use.

Clint pulled out his phone and went to the other side of the room to call Jonah, Nat gave me a grin.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why don't you just asked Pietro to help you"

I sighed and slumped next to her.

"Nat Pietro and I haven't...done....that yet." I said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I've been to afraid to....since HYDRA every time I think about taking the next step I freeze and panic, the memories of that time haunt me." I said wrapping my arms around myself as images flash in my mind and remembering the pain.

Nat's arms wrapped around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze, I looked up at her and I could tell she understood. After a few minutes Clint came back,

"Okay Lo, all set."

"Great thanks Clint, I suppose we better get packing."

"Lo you need to talk and tell Pietro" Nat said.

"How can I Nat? How do you bring up something like this in a conversation?!" I was getting frustrated.

"I know its not gonna be easy Lo but he loves you he will understand and besides we cant keep it a secret for 3 days and lie to him on were you are." she said.

You sighed in defeat, she was right, you couldn't lie to him about this. But the thought of having this talk with him made you feel nervous, would he accept that this is part of you? Or will he decide to end things.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y? Where is Pietro?" you called to the AI.

He and miss Wanda have just finished training. Would you like me to tell him that you wish to see him?

"Yes, thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y"

Nat and Clint gave you a quick hug and left you alone to talk to Pietro, this is going to be an awkward talk you thought to yourself as you sat on the couch.

"Hey Princesa" Pietro called as he stepped out of the elevator. You gave him a small smile.

"How was training?" you asked.

"It was good, but I think Wanda was going easy on me" he grinned. You gave him a small smile again but you knew he could tell something was off.

"What's wrong Luna?"

You sighed, "Pietro I need to talk to you about something", you turned to face him.
"Tomorrow I'll be going away for a few days"

"Why? And where are you going?" he asked, worriedly.

"I'll be okay, there is a wildlife preserve about and hour from here that I'll be staying at for 3 days."

"But why do you need to go?" he demanded.

You hesitated before replying; "Pietro you know how I can shift into animals? Well because of that a few times a year I go into......a heat" I muttered.

"A heat?"

"Yeah, for 3 days I experience pain and the urge know."

Pietro raised his eyebrows as a smirk came across his face, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap.

"Pietro while I'm in heat I need you to stay here, you cant come to the preserve with me."

"What?! Why?!"

"If your there I might not be able to control myself around you, I know you have wanted to take the next step in the relationship but to be honest it scares me and when we do do it for the first time I don't want to force it on you." I softly said trying to fight back to tears in my eyes.

"Princesa I wouldn't ever pressure you into anything and if I was there with you and something happened just know I would want it too, you wont force me to do anything, I love you and that wont change. But if you wish for me to remain here then I will but promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"If you need help and it hurts to much to manage on your own please call me and I'll be right there."

You nod, "I promise".

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