chapter 12

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I awoke with a groan sometime late afternoon. Pietro was not next to me, he must of gotten up and left you thought. Your body protested at you when you moved to get up but you needed to stretch your muscles, you could feel your power and energy back to being normal which you were grateful for. Your door opened and Wanda walked in, holding your phone.

"Oh good your awake, you have a phone call, someone called Maria?"

You took the phone from her and gave her a nod in thanks.

"Maria, its Luna, everything OK?"

Oh Luna! I'm sorry to call but I have an emergency. I have a man here that I'm not sure how to treat.

I quickly went into the lounge area and grabbed a pen and paper.

"OK Maria describe the symptoms."

He has a deep slice and stab wound of the abdomen, a high fever with a cold sweat and I cant stop the bleeding.

I sighed. "OK Maria, it sounds like something has hit an organ, try to slow the bleeding as fast as you can and I'll be there in an hour, try and keep him stable."

Yes miss Luna.

I hanged up the phone and ran back into my room to change, Wanda and Pietro stayed seated on the couch watching me rush around to make sure I had everything I need.

"Pietro?" I asked, packing a bag.

"Yes princesa?"

"Do you think you could run me back to the clinic but a few street's away?"

"Of course but you shouldn't go, HYDRA are still looking for us." he protested.

"I know but I need to go help someone who will die if I don't." I said. Pietro pouted at my answer but I had already decided to go.

"Fine" he mumbled, "But you need to contact Wanda as soon as your ready to be picked up, deal?"

"Deal" I nodded. 

When I was ready he picked me up and ran me back to the city. It took longer then usual as we were on the other side of the mountain but he dropped me off in an alley way two streets down from the clinic.

"Be careful" he whispered then sped off.

I walked to the clinic using the back alleys, trying to avoid from being seen. It was close to eight by the time I managed to get to the back door of the clinic, I knocked a few times before Maria opened the door. We wasted no time with hello's and went straight to the injured man, his abdomen was covered in blood and his breathing was shallow. I made a quick assessment of the injury and took his temperature, it was way to high even if I could close and dress the wound in time he would mostly die from infection.


I place my hands over the mans abdomen and focused, using my powers I healed as much as I could, but the damage was more serious then I thought. I had to stop before I passed out, but I managed to get the bleeding stopped and have him in a more stable condition.

"Maria, dress the wound and give him something to fight the infection, I need to rest before I can give him another healing." she nodded in response and began to dress the wound, I made my way out the room and crashed onto a small couch we had for people who were waiting.

I slept for a few hours and woke up around one in the morning, I made my way to the man and began another healing session. When I finished the wound was close to sealing itself up, which was good, then I could control the infection. I once again stumbled to the couch and glanced at the clock, 3 am flashed on the screen. I sighed and drifted of to sleep again.

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