chapter 8

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Please no more! It hurts! Please!

Stop your complaining!

My cheek burned as he slapped me to shut me up. They injected another needle into my arm. It burns! It hurts! I scream as the pain hit me again and again.

No more! Please!


I quickly sat up in bed, cold sweat on my face, I placed my hand on my chest trying to steady my breathing. Damn it. The nightmares are back. I checked my phone 4.46am. I sighed as I laid back down in bed, I hadn't had a nightmare in 6 months but after everything that has happened over the last few weeks I'm not surprised to have them. I opened my phone and saw a message.

Hey Lo
I hope your okay, Clint said he saw you and you healed him. Thank you for that, just wanted to let you know we miss you, we all do and we hope your safe. Message me back okay?

Love Nat.

A wave of guilt washed over me as I read the message, I missed them too. They were most likely worried sick about me after I disappeared from Clint, maybe I should message back to at least let them know I'm OK.

Hey Nat
I'm okay and I'm safe so don't worry, I miss you guys too.

Love Lo


I tried to go back to sleep but like usual once I'm awake, I'm awake. I pulled myself out of bed and changed into some black skinny jeans and a dark green long sleeved top, I pulled on my combat boots and tied my hair up into a ponytail. I sat on my bed with a pen and paper and wrote a list of items we would need to be here over the next month or two and trying to figure out what else we would need.

Once that was done I pulled out my weapons case and went into the lounge area, I sat on the couch and started to sharpen my arrow tips and knives like Clint and Nat taught me. After awhile I heard movement from Wanda's and Pietro's room and soon they both got up, They were surprised to see me up and dressed and sharpening weapons. I gave them a smile.

"Morning you two"

"Morning" they both replied in unison.

"Sleep well?"

"Yeah those vines are really comfy" Wanda said.

"What are you doing up so early? Its only 7am." asked Pietro,

I laughed, "I was actually awake and quarter to five so I have been up for two hours already."

They both looked at me with concern but I waved it away and handed Wanda the list I wrote. She scanned the items on the list and nodded obviously knowing what it was for, I then handed her my card to access money to buy the items.

"Get everything on the list and if you have other items you need make sure you get them, since Pietro is fast you will have a good chance to getting everything back but be careful they maybe tracking the card so once your done get out as quick as you can" I told them. They both nodded and went to change and dress.

I went back to my arrows and bow and began to strap and hook them to me and I pulled on my thigh knife holster to place my knives in them.

"Wow" I heard Pietro say as he came back out and saw me all kitted out. He sped over to me and pulled me into and embrace, I chuckled at him as he smiled at me.

"You looked fierce my princesa" he whispered in my ear, his breath sending a shiver down my spine.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and pulled away from him,

"you speedy need to eat something before you leave" I said to him and I grew a small banana tree for breakfast. He picked 4 bananas and ate them within a minute, he gave a grin and came back over to me and pulled me into an embrace again, I rolled my eyes at his silliness. He leaned into me and kissed me hard, his kiss was a sort of hungry kiss, like he was trying to devour me. He pulled away to catch his breath.

"Wow" I rasped. And he gave a little chuckle before releasing me from his hold.

Wanda came out of her room and picked 2 bananas of the tree, I only picked one as I'm not a big eater. Once we were done eating and I sent the tree away we all exited the hut, Pietro picked up Wanda and they left back towards the city.

I went further around the mountain and eventually found some deer tracks, they were fresh about 20 minutes ago, I silently followed them to a small clearing that had a small pond, Good they would come here to drink. I picked a tree that was high enough were they couldn't spot me and climbed to a branch where I was concealed by leaves and waited. After another 40 minutes the deer finally came into the clearing, I readied my bow and waited for a clear shot. The deer were cautious at first, sensing for any danger, but soon relaxed a little as more entered the clearing. I scanned the deer to choose my target, this heard was smaller then most so I choose an older looking male. Once he was in my line of fire I released my arrow, it struck the deer in his neck and he toppled over, I quickly jump from my branch and ran over to it, using a knife I gave the deer a quick death. I carefully started to strip the deer only taking enough for a few days as keeping the meat fresh was a bitch, I left the rest of the carcass to the scavengers of the woods.

Hiking back to the hut took about and hour and when I returned I started to prepare the meat for the next few days.

Beep beep. Beep beep.

I looked at my phone as it rang. Great Nat was calling.


Hey Lo!

"Hey Nat what's up?"

Just wanted to talk to you, I miss having a sister around.

"Yea I miss you too, how's Bruce?"

He is good, hasn't had a hulk episode for ages

"Hulk isn't that bad Nat"

Your only saying that because hulk likes you.


so is everything good? Met anyone?


Come one tell meeeeee

"Fine there is someone but that's all your getting, I gotta go okay? Bye"

Bye Lo, Love ya.

"Love ya too"

I sighed as I hanged up the phone, I did really miss the girl time I had with Nat, maybe only day we can again.

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