chapter 6

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Pietro pov
Wanda and I had been called into the bosses office which was never a good thing. He pulled up a picture onto the TV screen on the wall it was a picture of Wanda, Luna and myself sitting in the park from a week ago. My breath caught in my throat.

"Maximoff's report"

Wanda and I glanced at each other, we knew we had to say something. Wanda was the one to speak.

"Her name is Luna, she has the powers of the elements."

Wanda didn't mention anything about Luna being able to change forms, which I was thankful for. The man behind the desk rubbed his chin.

"No last name?"

"No sir, she didn't say." I replied.

He typed a few buttons on the computer and a file popped up on the screen, Luna's file.

"The targets name is Luna Stark, sister of Tony Stark, she was a HYDRA asset until 4 years ago when the avengers took the asset. You job is to get it back so we may continue our efforts." he commanded.

We cant bring her back here Pietro.

Wanda spoke into my mind. I agreed. After what Luna had told us about her past Wanda and I had done some digging and found it all to be completely true and over the last few days we had also been planning our own escape plan.

Pietro we need to agree to the mission in order to be able to move around without suspicion.

My sister was right so we reluctantly agreed but nothing is ever easy.

"Good now you two are not to leave base until it is time to capture her, we already have men go to the clinic everyday to assess a time that would be best to obtain the asset. Then we will send you in. Now go you are dismissed."

We quickly left the office and headed back to our room.

What do we do now Wanda? We cant leave the base.

I know I know, I may have a plan but it means reaching out to the avengers.

I looked at her in confusion and shock as she explained the plan. It involved reaching out to the avengers with the location of the Hydra base and once they attacked we would make our escape. I didn't like it but it was our only option, I covered Wanda as she sent a message via the internet to the avengers about our location. And then we waited.

Luna pov
It had been a few days since I last saw Pietro or Wanda, I was beginning to worry as I had messaged them but got no reply. To distract myself I tired to stay busy at the clinic.

I had noticed for a few days now that men in tactical armor had been hanging around in the street outside the clinic, their uniform looked familiar like I had seen it before. I quickly walked back into the clinic and out through the back, when I was sure I was alone I changed my form into a small bird and flew our to the men and sat close enough to hear there conversation.

"Boss says to try and find out when she will be alone then we use that time to grabbed her."

"why is this girl so important?"

"She is subject 2368 that went missing four years ago, and the boss wants her back."

"Shit that's her?"

You quickly flew back to the clinic and changed back. "Fuck" I muttered. They were from HYDRA and they had found me. You needed a plan, somewhere to lay low for a while. The abandon hut on the side of the mountain should be good, you had been there a few times over the last 2 years, a smile crossed your face as you remembered the first 9 months in Sokovia. You had been living of the wild wilderness for that time and even made a few animal friends, your heart ached at the memory of the wolf pup you had rescued after only a month in Sokovia. You had found her cuddled into the dead body of her mother, she was small, weak and cold and even though looking after yourself was an issue you still couldn't leave her to die. You fed her, cared for her and raised her until she was around 7 months, you called her Starla and you had formed a close bond with her but soon you noticed a change in her, she needed the closeness of a wolf pack. You had reached out in your wolf form to the pack that claimed the mountain and they took her in.
you remembered how happy she was to go with them but also sad at leaving you behind. Maybe going back to the hut was a good thing, you might see them again.

You quickly went back inside and pulled Maria into a room to speak privately.

"Maria I need to go away for awhile, I'm leaving the clinic in your care, you have my number if a case comes in were you cannot handle it call me okay, I'll come as quick as I can." I whispered to her.

"Why are you leaving miss Luna?"

"Remember those people I told you about that hurt me?"

She nodded.

"Well they have found me and I need to lay low for awhile until they leave."

"Oh miss Luna when do you leave?"

"I'll leave tonight when its dark."

I handed her the keys to the clinic and a list of all the suppliers we get our shipments from. She headed out the room to continue work while I packed my few belongings, I didn't have much just some clothes and weapons case. I had received the case at my first Christmas with the avengers, Clint had given me bow and arrows and taught me well on how to use them while Nat had gifted me a set of throwing knives and taught me how to throw them. I had spent a year practicing using the weapons as well as hand to hand combat with Clint and Nat and I had become quite good too.

Once I had everything packed I went back to business as usual so that HYDRA didn't suspect anything was wrong. We closed the clinic and I said my goodbyes to Maria, I promised her I would be back. 

Once it was dark I slipped out the window behind the clinic and crept all the way to the outskirts of the city. The woods was just ahead of me, it would be a few hours before I reached the hut.

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