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jason threw open the door, allowing his fuming roommate slash best friend inside their dorm. he was ready for the bombardment of angry yelling that he was going to receive. i should be angry at him for interrupting me and cat.

"you do realize that my keys and wallet were in your car, right? and that even if i had find a way back here, i wouldn't have been able to enter since i left my id card in my wallet..that was in your car.. and guess what? you can't enter the building without your id card, wow! on top of that, you didn't pick up your fucking phone. who does that to a brother?"

cat froze in her spot on the bed. that can't be..

"tom-" jason started before getting interrupted.


what floor were they on? if she jumped, do you think she would die? "hi tom."

"you guys know each other?" jason was confused, looking between the two.

"yeah, sort of. she's.. she's zendaya's friend."

she had met tom a couple days ago, at another sorority party that zendaya, gigi, and she went to. zendaya's boyfriend was funny, smart, and a perfect fit for her friend. he had a similar body frame as jason- muscular, tatted, lean. though jason was slightly bigger and taller, she admitted to herself that tom was a hottie and zendaya was lucky. cat, at the moment.. not really.

"i went to the party with zendaya and two other girls," cat explained. all she could think about was the fact that she had no panties on and couldn't bolt out of the room even if she wanted to. "i kind of ditched them too."

"without telling them anything. they were terrified that you died."

shit. she was too engrossed in jason that she had totally forgotten about her friends.

"look bro, sorry that i ditched you-"

"nah. i'm over it. it seems like you guys had some fun." tom eyed cat's red panties that were hanging from the bedpost of jason's bed.

she could die from falling from at least three stories right? if she fell correctly and hit her head and just bleed out?

jason grabbed the underwear, holding back his laugh at cat's embarrassment. "it was alright."

cat glared at him, not trusting her voice to say anything. she was too busy thinking of other ways to kill herself.

"right," tom chuckled. he grabbed his dorm key and wallet that jason had kindly brought up for him and placed on his desk. "anyways, i'll leave you two to it. i just needed a change of clothes. i got to meet up with daya again to make sure she's alright, drank a little too much. you should text her by the way, to let her know you're not dead."

he aimed the last statement towards cat, who just nodded, immediately grabbing her phone and clicking on the group chat the four girls shared. tom grabbed an extra pair of clothes, before heading towards the door. he patted jason on the back, saying a bye to cat, and quickly left.

dangling the panty in the air in front of the girl, who just assured her friends that she was okay, jason laughed. "you probably need these."

she snatched the lingerie that was in his hands, before quickly throwing them on. "thanks."

cat quietly hopped off the bed, grabbing the rest of her clothes that was thrown in every corner of the room. bra, pants, pumps, everything she had came with during the party left with her from the party, thankfully. she was about to take off his long sleeve before he interrupted her.

"keep it. i need an excuse to meet up with you again."

all the embarrassing, almost-regretting thoughts vanished from her mind. she looked up at him, her small height without her heels made it almost impossible for her to look at his face. he smiled, and she chewed the insides of her cheeks.

walking up to the taller man, she placed her hands on his shoulders before pulling him down to meet her lips, and his hands laid on her waist. she couldn't get over the feeling of kissing him.

"i'll see you." and she left the dorm, a huge grin plastered on her face.


walking across campus bare feet, holding her clothes in her arms, raised many eyebrows from girls and knowing smirks from guys. cat ignored them. they're in college now, get over it. people have sex. leave her to her walk of shame alone.

she walked up to her dorm building, gathering her clothes in one arm in order to grab the key card from her phone case to unlock the door, when a kind looking girl opened the door, holding it open so that cat could walk in.

"thanks so much." cat smiled gratefully.

"no problem." she let go of the door once cat entered the building, walking the opposite way, her red hair swaying in the wind. cat recognized the ginger; sophia doyle was one of the new pledges for kkt alongside her. she had met her at the party, and just like cat, her friends had made her join, the only promise was that they could go to the parties. they took a shot together afterwards.

since miley was the designated one to have the keys, cat knocked on their dorm door, mentally preparing herself for the angry farm girl.

"what is wrong with you? do you know how worried zendaya, gigi and i were? you just disappeared! no texts, no calls, nothing! you could've at least said bye! and whose shirt are you wearing?"

cat threw her dirty clothes in the hamper and her shoes down besides her desk. sliding her underwear off, she grabbed a fresh pair before throwing them on along with a pair of comfortable shorts. she decided to keep jason's shirt on.

"i'm sorry miles. i lost track of everything. i met this guy and ended up leaving with him."

"well, of course. i hope the sex was worth, cause you look like you went through hell." miley sat back down on her bed, watching as cat tied her hair up in a bun and grabbing a makeup wipe.

"except, it wasn't hell." cat smiled to herself. "it was the opposite. he was..great."

miley smirked. "then i'm not mad at you anymore."

"good, because i can't sleep knowing that you're mad at me." she grabbed a fresh towel, cleaning the rest of her face off before laying down on her bed. cat plugged her phone into the charger and the two girls knocked out almost immediately, not seeing the flashing messages the school had sent out.


who do you think got murdered? who do you think murdered them?
i really like writing this story. short chapters means fast updates, but this means that i don't write lost or any other story since this is so convenient/fun to write. oops...



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