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it was one thirty on friday afternoon, and the girls decided to switch it up and get ready at zendaya and gigi's room instead. z and gigi were putting on their finishing touches at their desks, while miley and cat were on the floor, makeup splattered all over the rug.

"what time does the game start?"

"six pm is when the ceremony begins, kickoff is at seven."

"are y'all almost ready?"

murmurs of "yeah"s echoed the room, and cat got up from the floor, stretching out her legs.
she gathered up her makeup into her bag, placing it at the empty space by gigi's desk so she can pick it up later after the game. grabbing her clothes, she picked a corner to get dressed, as the other girls changed themselves.

"what's their mascot again?" cat asked, as she checked herself in the mirror. she had on a super cropped red t-shirt with black outlined, white block letters of the word "wallace" printed in the front over her black calvin klein bralette. paired with black shorts and black platform converses, she was satisfied with her appearance.

she looked around at the other girls' outfits, which was almost identical to hers, except miley was in a white tee, gigi was in black, and zendaya was also in red, but with black blocked lettering.

"did jason not tell you?"

"he probably did, but i don't remember."

"too busy staring at something else?" miley teased.

"maybe," cat winked, making the girls laugh.

"i'm pretty sure tom has told me," zendaya said as the girls cleaned up the area, getting ready to leave.

cat followed the girls out the door, her heart stopping when she heard zendaya's voice again.

"they're the red devils."


cat's vision was blurred by the amount of people bumping and pushing by her, and she struggled to catch up with her friends. the amount of red devils imprinted on people's jerseys blinded her. it had to just be a coincidence right? that the monster she saw in the closet was a red devil too?

after the pre game party hosted by a frat at wallace that was open to everyone, the girls made it to the football field right as everyone else was. they were drunk, hyped for the game, and using this time to mentally prepare for the night after the game.

once they made it through the crowd towards the bleachers, cat forced herself to pay attention to her friends, who were trying to figure out a nice place to sit to watch the boys. she wanted to have fun tonight. she was just going to believe that it was all a coincidence, her mind was just playing tricks on her. maybe it just wanted to let her know that her school mascot was a red devil.

that sounds so stupid.

"how about over there?" gigi said, pointing over to an empty seat on the bleachers that was almost in the middle of the field, giving them a direct line of sight to the game.

"sure, if we can make it there in time," zendaya nodded, watching as another group was eyeing the same spot. she ran up the stairs, the three girls in tow, each with a drink and a hot dog or pretzel in their hands.

beating the others there, zendaya shimmied through the benches, sitting down and watching as the field was bustling with referees preparing the field for the big game. it was fifteen minutes until the ceremony, and no one was wasting any time.

cat quietly sat at the end, eyeing the crowd. there were a bunch of college students, all dressed up in red, white, and black to support their school. most of them were drunk, like her, yelling, and cheering. the other half of the crowd were parents of the football team, or dedicated alumni who wanted to see where their team ended up after all these years.

"hey cat, you want a bite?" gigi offered her pretzel. cat nodded, taking a piece and swallowing it.

"i get so hungry whenever i'm drunk," the taller girl giggled, making cat laugh back.

"yeah, i know. we always have to make you some food after every party."

gigi gave her a thumbs up, "and it's always the best meals i've ever had."

"you can never go wrong with frozen dino nuggets."

"you got that right," the two girls high fived, luckily distracting cat from her intrusive thoughts. come on, this was her first college football game, was she really going to let herself ponder over something that might've not even happened?

once the clock hit six pm, the music that was blaring died down, and the lights dimmed. a middle aged man in a red and white tracksuit walked onto the field, a microphone in his hand while the other fixed the red baseball cap that had a symbol of the devil on his head.

"good evening wallace! welcome to the first official game of the season, and i am so excited to be here with you all. my name is scooter braun, proud to be the red devil's coach, and even more proud to introduce you to my team tonight."

the coach rambled on for another five minutes about the red devils football team history, and the crowd was eating it up. cat felt like he's said this speech about a million times, rehearsed over the past thirty some years, and the only thing he changed were the dates.

"without further a do, the red devils!"

everyone got up, including cat and her friends, cheering as the cheerleaders ran out from a corner of the field, cheering and kicking their legs while other people held up flags or confetti canons. two people ran at the front, holding a huge sign that read, "WALLACE RED DEVILS" with the same devil symbol on it that the coach had on his hat.

something tore right through the sign, and it almost made cat vomit.

it was him. the same exact devil that she faced back at chanel's house. only it wasn't menacingly staring down at her, it was jumping with its arms flailing up and down, making the crowd's yells louder and louder.

it doesn't make sense. her dream- her nightmare- did it actually happen? the creature was obviously real. it was right there in front of her once again.

she was so spinny in the head that she wasn't even able to try to find jason.

"hey, isn't that chad rodwell?" miley yelled, pointing at a tall football player who had ran out with the rest of his team behind the red devil, and was now jumping around like a monkey facing the bleachers, cheering in order to hype the crowd, which worked.


"chanel's boyfriend."

oh duh!

cat mentally smacked herself in the face. it all made sense now, it was the school's mascot. chanel's boyfriend was on the football team, they probably just needed a place to store the mascot costume, and with the big of a house chanel had, chad could've easily just asked his girlfriend to keep it for him.

that deduction relieved cat. she was worried for no reason. why was she stressing so hard for something that had such a silly explanation?

annoyed at herself, cat cheered even louder, especially when she finally spotted jason running across the field, helmet in hand. she could tell he was looking for her, and she raised her arms higher, hoping to catch his gaze.

jason looked around the crowd, hoping to see cat somewhere in the crowd. twenty/twenty eyesight, don't fail me now.

after a few seconds of scanning the seats, he caught her eye, and he grinned. she smiled back, cheering and jumping, indicating that she saw him too. jason blew her kiss, and she blew one back, giggling.

with the red devil situation behind her, cat could feel the alcohol finally kick in, and her anxiety leaving her body. she was glad that she figured it all out so she could have fun that night.
but was the answer really that simple?

answer is no, no it is not. didn't really like this chapter but here you go. see y'all next time.


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