Movie Night - Wanda

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Y/n's POV

You were just finishing up your work-out in the training room when you heard the door open. You look to see who walked in and was met by the cutest smile, which only could belong to Wanda. Even when Wanda was wearing leggings and an old black hoodie she was still ten times more gorgeous then anyone you'd ever known.
'hey y/n'  she said while watching you unravel the tape around your hands.

'Hey wands, what's up?'

'oh, I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night with me in my room tonight?'Wanda asked excited.

'yeah sure! Give me 5 minutes to shower and I'll meet you in your room'.
  Wanda said while walking away.

You went upstairs, walking to your room. You've felt dizzy all day but ignored it and wrote it off as it being nothing. You open the door to your room, proceeding to go to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom you lock the door behind you and grabbed a towel, hanging it next to the shower so you could grab it when you're done. Quickly disregarding your clothes you turn the shower on and step under it. Suddenly you're overwhelmed by dizziness and black spots appear in your vision. You put your hand on the wall trying to steady yourself, but fail. You fall down in the shower, passing out before you hit the floor.

Wanda's POV

Its been 30 minutes, since y/n left to go shower. You wonder what is taking so long since she's usually pretty fast. Getting up from the bed I decide to walk to y/n's room to see what's taking so long. When I get to her room I see her door is open and I can still hear the shower running. Walking towards the bathroom door I decide to call out to her 'y/n/n?'. No answer.
I knock on the door and try again 'yn? Is everything okay?'. Still no answer.
I start to get worried, trying one last time I call out 'y/n answer me, are you alright?'. Again no answer. I'm getting more and more worried, Its not like y/n to not say anything back. My worry taking over I unlock the door with my powers and quickly walk inside.

I immediately come to a halt when I see y/n laying unconscious in the shower. 'Y/N!'. I rush over to her, grabbing the towel hanging on the wall and quickly turning off the shower. I cover her with the towel and hold her in my arms.

'y/n? y/n, come on wake up!'

Fear overtakes me while cradling y/n's unconscious body in my arms. My eyes starting to water. Gently shaking her I try waking her up once more. 'y/n open your eyes, please? You need to be alright, please wake up'.

Just when I'm about to lift her up and rush her to medbay she opens her eyes.

y/n POV

Before you even open your eyes, you can feel someone holding you tightly. You slowly open your eyes, only to be greeted by beautiful green eyes, filled with tears and worry.

'y/n, thank god. Are you okay? How are you feeling? What happened?' She quickly says in one breath.

You give her a soft smile, trying to answer all her questions.

You go to sit up, wrapping the towel better around you so it doesn't fall down. Wanda's arms still around you, holding you up.

'I'm okay, I'm okay. I got really dizzy suddenly and I must have passed out'.

You look up at her, still seeing the worry in her eyes. 'I promise, I feel fine now.'

'Are you sure? let's go to medbay just to be safe.' Wanda says helping you to stand up, keeping a hand around your waist.

'Wanda I'm fine, I don't need to go to medbay. I probably just didn't drink enough. Can we just go watch a movie in your room?' I ask, not wanting her to drag me to medbay for nothing.

'fine, but wait here for a second' She walks out of the bathroom, only to return not even 2 minutes later with a pair of leggings and one of her hoodies. 'I couldn't find your hoodies, so I got you one of mine.'
she says while walking out again, sitting on your bed waiting for you to get dressed.
I walk out of the bathroom, wearing her hoodie. Wanda gets up, grabbing my hand and leading me to her room. When we walk in I see she already has my favorite movie set up. She climbs in bed and gestures for you to come sit next to her.
Wanda magics a glass of water in her hand and hands it to me. 'come on drink, all of it'
I take the glass from her and drink all of it at once. I proceed to lean on the headboard, but Wanda grabs my waist and pulls me over to her. Leaning against Wanda, she uses her powers to levitate the blanket around me, making sure I was warm, putting an arm around me.

I snuggle closer to her, pressing play.

Wanda POV
Somewhere an hour in the movie, y/n was getting tired. I could feel her head, which was leaning against me, getting heavier and heavier. I wrap my arm more tightly around her, when she shuffles around to get more comfortable. I softly scoot myself a bit more down, laying down on the bed. Y/n's head on my chest and her hands grabbing my hoodie. I smile while looking at the girl in my arms, vowing to myself to always take care of her. Feeling her heartbeat on my chest, I close my eyes. Drifting off to a peaceful sleep as well. 


Authors note

so yeah, that's the first part of this book. I hope it wasn't to bad. Feel free to give me some feedback, always happy to try and improve.

If you have any requests let me know!

I'll probably upload 1-3 times in a week.

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