Him - E.O, part 2

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Request by Wanda_lizzie 

Part 2 to the last one shot


you knew this wasn't goin to end well.

After stopping by back home and getting ready, you were on your way to Lizzie's party. Jackson insisted that you wear a dress but that was a fight he wasn't going to win. You ended on some skinny jeans, a long blue sweater, and some combat boots. You were silent the whole care ride unknowing how things were going to end for you. Lizzie had interacted with Jackson a few times and the tension between them was undeniable. If only Jackson knew how you felt about Lizzie. That might actually throw him over the edge.

When you arrived at the party music was pumping through the speakers of the club and echoing into the street. You smiled allowing yourself even a moment of relief to enjoy that fact that you were at one of Lizzie's parties. You couldn't remember the last time you had been at one. Jackson always forbid you from going or found some stupid reason why you couldn't. Your temporary relief was interrupted by Jackson escorting you inside by his tight grip on your arm.

Everything was subtly decorated Scarlet Witch. Even the hors d'oeuvres had a Scarlet Witch flair to them. It was amazing. Jackson wasn't so impressed.

"You think the self obsessed bitch would ease up on the Scarlet Witch stuff eh?"

You ignored his comment and kept making your way through the party and deeper into the crowd. The whole party was part of an event lizzie was doing to raise money for charity. It was truly amazing what Lizzie did. Lizzie had offered to let you plan some events, but you always turned her down in fear of what Jackson would say.

You stopped suddenly Jackson's hand removing from you in surprise. Your realization hit you hard like a ton of bricks and suddenly you wanted to cry. Why was Lizzie still friends with you? You've turned her down for so many things and disappointed her numerous times. It was a shock she still continued her invitations and offers to you.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked frowning.

"Nothing. Sorry." You said shaking your head and nodding for him to keep going.

You were almost to the drink table when you felt someone from behind tap you. You spun around and squealed to see Lizzie. She quickly picked you up in a hug and it was impossible to not breath in her scent. It was amazing and comforting. She mostly smelled of parfum with a hint of fresh laundry and mint toothpaste.

"You came." She laughed. "I'm so happy to see you. Can I get you something to drink?"

Before you could even respond Jackson was at your side. "She's fine."

"She can speak for herself." Lizzie cocked her head at Jackson's interruption and then glanced back at you.

"I'm ok." You echoed quietly.

It was silent for a very long time, almost unbearably awkward until Lizzie finally broke the silence. "Well, I have some people I have to go say hi to but I'll catch up with you later. Nice to see you again." Lizzie smiled clenching her jaw as she extended her hand to Jackson that he shook in return.

"Pleasure is all mine." Jackson nodded. You felt like you were going to explode and couldn't wait until they were out of each other's proximity. Lizzie nodded and then disappeared into the crowd. "Rather rude of her to rush off." Jackson scoffed.

"She's busy." You defended, wondering if you just shouldn't have said anything. Jackson seemed to blow it off though, so you let it be.

A few hours had gone by and thankfully Jackson had disappeared from your side. He was busy talking people up about his photography and exchanging phone numbers with people of note. You didn't mind and in fact welcomed the time hiding in the corner just watching people.

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