Dancing with her - W.M.

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What is wrong with me?

y/n get your head straight

Go back out there

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I was a mess. My mascara was smudged, my lipstick fading. I can't do this. I don't even know what I'm doing here. I don't even like parties and here I am all dressed up, in the hopes I could dance with her.

All I wanted to do is go to the party, find the courage to ask her to dance and spend time with her. Wanda. The most amazing woman I have ever met. She is funny, gorgeous, caring and waayyyy out of my league, but despite of that I thought it was a good idea to go to starks party and dance with her. But here I am, hiding in the bathrooms because I'm freaking out.

Trying to get a hold of myself I didn't notice Natasha walking in.

"Hey, why are you here. Go out there and get your crush! If you don't try you will never know how she feels''

She was right

''I know Nat, but it's Wanda. The most perfect human being ever and then you have me. She'll never like me the way I like her''

''I seriously doubt that y/n, she always goes out of her way to talk to you and sit next to you. I'm 78% sure she likes you too''

''78% Nat? really? That is oddly specific. What about the other 22%?''

''the other 22% doesn't matter, you have to try. So go on and get your ass out there!''

''Fine fine, im going.''


She can't be that hard to find

I was looking for the brunette all over, but couldn't find her anywhere.

Looking at the groups standing around I saw tony and steve

''hey guys, have any of you seen Wanda?''

''She left like 15 minutes ago, I think she went looking for you.''

Great, now where do I look

''you could try the balcony or otherwise the bedrooms?''

''yeah, thanks tony. I'll find her.''

If she went looking for me, she probably went to the balcony first since im there a lot

Opening the door to the balcony I looked around. She wasn't here.

Just as I'm about to go back inside I spot a silhouette on a bench in the field outside.

I stepped out the door, walking towards the silhouette.

''Wanda? What are you doing here?''

''What am I doing here? You left for like half an hour. I thought you were avoiding me''

''Avoiding you? Wanda I wasn't avoiding you, I could never. I was just nervous''

''Nervous? Nervous for what y/l/n''

I grabbed her hand, sitting next to her on the bench.

She looked at me with worry in her eyes.

''I can't say it, I can't. I'm sorry''

She grabbed my face, looking at me. Staying silent.

She carefully brushed a strand of hair out of my face and laid her head on my shoulder.

Neither of us saying anything, just enjoying each other's presence.

''I get it y/n, I feel the same. Just let me know when you're ready to talk''

''I'm sorry Wanda, I'm just scared I'll ruin this''

''it's okay'' she said, giving me a kiss on my cheek

We stayed outside for hours, occasionally having a casual conversation, but mostly just enjoying each other's company. My hand holding hers all night, looking at the stars and listening to the faint music coming from the party that was going on inside the building behind us.

Wanda / Elizabeth Olsen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now