Sparring - W.M.

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A/N I swear i'm working on the requests, bit busy at the moment. Sorry for the wait. Will upload the requests soon, until then here is a random idea that came into my mind. (not proof read)


You threw yourself into the routine. Forcing your body to do what you wanted it to, your chest heaving with each breath you tried to take, your hair plastered to the back of your neck with sweat. You roll across the foam mat in the gym, punching out at thin air as you get back to your feet. You'd been down here well before dawn, practicing and practicing, ignoring your muscles as they screamed for a break.

Kicking, punching, jumping, rolling... you needed to be better and if that came by spending hours down here, every spare minute you had, then that's what you'd do. The last mission hadn't gone your way and you'd taken it to heart when Steve had told you that you were falling behind the others. He hadn't been cruel, hadn't berated you in front of the others but you could read between the lines well enough. You weren't superhuman, you didn't have past training like Natasha or come equipped with high tech suits like Tony and Sam. You were just you and you needed to up your game if you expected to stay on the team.

Kicking out at the empty space in front of you you lose your footing, your hip and shoulder taking most of the punishment as you hit the ground. A gasp leaves your lips, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as you cradle your arm, angry at yourself for not landing the move you've seen Natasha pull hundreds of times during a fight.

"You're trying too hard."
You sit up abruptly, looking to the doorway across the room, hastily wiping away the tears as you notice Wanda standing there, arms crossed over her chest. You scramble back to your feet, ignoring the jolt of pain through your leg as you put too much pressure on it. Wanda walks towards you, her eyebrows pulled together in a furrow. "Your movements need to be fluid, like you're dancing.

You nod your head, looking down at your feet as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth. You wonder how long she'd been standing there, how much she'd seen. The Avengers had always been a family; you'd never felt any reason to be self conscious around them. The longer you'd trained with them all and even after you'd officially joined the team you'd never felt like you couldn't talk to them. But the last few weeks had been different. You felt out of place, the tag along. You ended up spending more and more time in your living quarters.

Wanda kicks off her shoes by the edge of the mat, pulling her hoodie over her head leaving here in a just a top, the heat crawling up the back of your neck as you glance at her figure. She takes a long drag from her water bottle.
"What are you doing?" You ask, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"If you want to be better you need to practice with someone," She says. "You'll never improve if all you're doing is punching out at thin air."

The thought of sparring with Wanda mortifies you. Especially after Steve's comments the other day. You're not sure you can stomach anymore criticism from anyone right now, especially Wanda. Even if what she was saying was exactly what you'd already been thinking about yourself. Wanda lowers herself into a fight stance while you continue to stand there and stare at the floor. If you spar with her now and it goes terribly will she tell Steve and just kick you off the team no questions asked?

"Wanda I'm - I'm not sure this is a good idea, I don't want to waste your time."
"You aren't, come on. Let's see what you've got."

All out of excuses you mimic her stance, big, loud alarm bells going off in your head. Being down here by yourself was one thing but embarrassing yourself in front of the Scarlet Witch herself was entirely another. It was only made worse by the secret crush you'd been harbouring from the minute you'd laid eyes on her. Wanda was a lot of things and you'd been drawn to each and every one of them, your heart so full of admiration for the woman.

Wanda makes a move and you're jolted from your thoughts, barely missing her first advance, only to be knocked on your ass by the second. It takes the air out of your lungs, your brain still trying to catch up.
"Focus," Wanda growls.

You swallow the lump in your throat and force yourself to pay attention, calculating your next move as soon as she lunges towards you. You dodge the next few attacks, hooking a leg around her as you use her own weight against her. You get up around her neck - another move you'd seen Nat use - trying desperately not to think about the fact she was between your legs. Wanda's hands clamped down around you, swinging you around and back to the floor. You ball your hands into fists as you lie there catching your breath.

"That was better," Wanda praises, bracing herself against her thighs. "It's easier to use their own force against them rather than waste your own."

The sparring continues until your muscles ache, your sweat covered body crying out for you to stop. Wanda catches you off guard and knocks you down hard, tears springing back to your eyes as you cover your face. You couldn't do it anymore, the hours of being down here using the last bit of energy you had left. You roll over and push up onto your knees as Wanda squats down beside you.
"You good?" She rasps, sticking out her tongue to wet her lips.
"I can't do this anymore Wanda, I'm exhausted."
"You were so close, you nearly had it."

You roll your eyes, shaking your head.
"Don't patronise me," You snap, struggling to your feet, shaking Wanda off as she tries to help you steady yourself. "I'm just not cut out for this! Steve said so himself."
She frowns, running a hand through her hair.
"Is that why you're down here punishing yourself?" She asks.
"Yes! I'm the only one on this team that needs to fight to keep her spot Wanda, I'm falling behind and it's only a matter of time before I get booted out of the Avengers."

You limp over to the bench, picking up your water and taking a few huge mouthfuls, the tepid water heaven as it slides down the back of your throat. You feel bruised, your whole body still shaking, the aches in your body only intensifying the longer you stand. An angry tear slips down your cheek.

"Y/n," Wanda says your name softly, coming to stand beside you, sighing as you refuse to look up at her. "Steve is not about to kick you out. No one is." When you don't say anything she continues. "When Steve said the other day you were behind it wasn't to try and make you feel like you don't belong and he certainly didn't mean for you to be down here for hours hurting yourself to try and prove something. He said it because he's worried something is going to happen to you out on a mission. And to be honest, so am I. I'm terrified something will happen to you."

You look up at her with surprise, startled by what she'd said.
"You're a damn good fighter, your smart, beautiful and yeah okay, maybe you need a bit more training but we just don't want you getting hurt out there, that's all."
"I thought I was letting everyone down," You admit quietly.
Wanda reaches up and brushes some hair out of your face, her green eyes bright and sure as she gives you a soft smile. You let the air catch in your throat, your stomach fluttering as her touch sends a shiver down your spine. You don't know what's suddenly changed but the air around you feels thick.

Wanda blinks slowly and starts to lean towards you. As much as you want the feel of her lips pressing against your own another idea comes to mind, a smirk crossing your lips. You act quickly - while she's distracted - using her sudden surprise to your advantage. Hooking your legs up and around her body you bring the two of you crashing down to the gym mat, your knees on either side of her hips as Wanda lies there on her back. With your hands braced on her chest you lean down and kiss the tip of her nose.
"You'll have to catch me first Wands," You tease, hoping up straight away and dashing out of the gym.

You hear Wanda's quick footsteps behind you a minute later.
The ache in your body somehow doesn't feel as bad anymore.

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