New years party - E.O

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Every year Elizabeth Olsen dreaded the large New Years' party Scarlett Johansson would throw. Her hatred came from the fact that most of the night she sat in the corner of the room nursing the same all evening. But this year, she had hope.

Enter Y/N L/N the bright and beautiful barista she had recently found herself rather fond of. Over the past month, Lizzie and Y/N had become rather close due to the fact Lizzie had been staying past closing time to keep Y/N company.

With just a few days left before the party, Lizzie had been trying to work up the confidence to ask Y/N to be her date. The only issue was every time she would begin to ask Y/N she would revert to the anxious girl who lacked any sense of courage.

As the day once again came to an end, Lizzie sat in a booth in the cafe and watched Y/N slowly clean up. She admired the girl's natural beauty and could only wonder what she looked like all dressed up. Not that she didn't love her and her bright red apron.

Y/N could feel Lizzie's eyes on her as she flitted around the cafe.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Y/N asked while joining her in her booth.

A grin grew on Lizzie's face as the girl sat across from her.

"Just admiring you and all your hard work."

Y/N blushed, her comment going right to her heart.

"I know it might sound dumb but this cafe has been a part of my life for so long I don't even see it as work anymore."

"That's really admirable." Lizzie replied.

Y/N was quick to shake her head. "I work at a cafe and you're a famous actress. I would say one of us has an admirable job and it's definitely not the barista."

Lizzie couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"You are still a hard worker especially during the holidays."

"And I don't care what you say Y/N I think it's admirable."

Without admitting it to each other both Lizzie and Y/N longed for these nights.

They both enjoyed this time together when they could just be in each other's presence and not worry about life outside of the cafe.

As the two continued to talk through the night Y/N could tell something was wrong.

"I won't press but is there something going on?"

Lizzie's eyes wouldn't meet hers as she let out a deep sigh.

"I want to ask you something but I don't want to make anything weird between us." Lizzie began.

"Lizzie you could ask me to do almost anything and I would probably do it without hesitation." Y/N reassured.

After hearing the girls words Lizzie noticeably relaxed.

"Every year Scarlett throws a big New Year's eve party and usually I sit alone in a corner and am very miserable but this year I was hoping you'd go with me."

Without thinking Y/N agreed. "Lizzie I'd love to go with you."

Her face was taken over with a smile.

"Perfect! I will pick you up at five o'clock sharp on Friday and we can head to dinner before the party." Lizzie replied.

The two sat in the booth for a few more hours talking but also dreaming about what Friday night could bring.


And just like she promised come Friday Lizzie was knocking on Y/N's door at 5 o' clock.

Lizzie waited patiently on the other side of the door. She could hear Y/N rushing around her apartment.

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