Him - E.O.

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A/N - Request from wanda_lizzie 

Hope you don't mind I changed Wanda into Lizzie so it would make more sense. Let me know if this is what you had in mind! 

Warnings: abusive relationship


You clutched tightly onto the coffee cup in your hands. The steam from the coffee rose up from the cup that you would occasionally take a sip from. The air in New York had grown cold already and you were fighting it as long as you could. Hence the lack of gloves you were not wearing and your delight in the warmth radiating off of your cup. Normally you would drive where you were going but today you thought a walk might clear your head.

Things had gotten more complicated in the recent months. Balancing everything with work, your boyfriend, and all the other complicated emotions you had been feeling recently were really starting to weigh on you. The only relief you found was when you were spending time with your friends. One in particular that you were on the way to meet right now.

When you reached the door to their house the door was already opened before you could even knock. "Wow." You smiled eyebrows raised. "Someone is excited."

"I expected you a half hour ago. You walked? Love you must be freezing." Lizzie ushered you inside shutting the door behind you.

"I didn't expect it to be that cold." You said letting Lizzie take your coat from you.

"Scarlett can you make a fire?" Lizzie yelled, her voice echoing through the empty halls.

"What the bloody hell for?" She replied, her voice getting closer. "Oh Y/n is here. That makes sense now. How you doing?"

"Cold." You smiled guiltily.

Though it was hard to believe you had actually met Scarlett first. It all started when you moved to New York to take a job working as an assistant for a famous photographer. Jackson Miller. He did anything and everything. He was one of New York's most famous and youngest photographers. It had probably been about eight months working for him when he was scheduled to photograph Scarlett for a magazine spread he was doing. The two of you ended up clicking instantly. What you never thought would happen was that she would introduce you to Lizzie. Especially since she was one of your favorite actresses. The rest was history from there.

"Come sit." Lizzie said pointing to the couch in front of the fireplace. "I'll get your surprise."

"This better be good Olsen. I nearly froze to death to get here." You yelled after her as she disappeared towards her room.

"So how are things?" Scarlett asked bending down to start the electric fireplace.

"Things are ok." You nodded playing with your now empty cup.

"Just ok?" Scarlett raised her eyebrows at you turning from the newly ignited fire.

"Good, I'm good I guess. I don't know. I didn't think that 'just ok' was a bad thing."

"I guess it's not." She shrugged taking the empty cup from you to throw in the trash.

"Close your eyes!" Lizzie yelled from the hallway.

"Oh my god." You rolled your eyes but did as she said. A smile couldn't help but creep onto your lips as well.

You could hear Lizzie walk over to you and the slight shift of the object in her hands. "Now open."

You gasped and jumped up with pure adrenaline excitement. "You didn't! How did you get this?" You said reaching out for the discontinued Scarlet Witch backpack. "When I asked they said they were out of stock and never coming back."

Wanda / Elizabeth Olsen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now