Family - W.M.

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a/n - I'm back from the dead people! Sorry for disappearing for a bit. I will upload the requests and part 2 of LIAR soon.

TW: homophobia


The gentle music from the musicians fills the room, and as you're fiddling with the engagement ring on your finger, you can't help but wonder how much longer it will be until your mom arrives. You'd invited her to grab dinner with you, wanting to share the news of your recent engagement.

"Hi Y/n! sorry I'm late. There was an accident on the highway and i couldn't get through." A familiar perfume tickles at your nose, your mom pressing a kiss to the top of your head before she takes a seat across from you. She doesn't say much after that, the two of you having some meaningless conversations before ordering.

"I know it's been a while since we last saw each other, you being out of the country for the past five years. I've been crazy busy with work, new clients have been signing on and I've been assigned the new ones especially as the manager with the most experience," you try to talk about work, just enough to give yourself the bravery to announce it. "Wedding planning, however, has taken up most of my spare time."

The double take your mom did was almost comical, and you wondered if she actually believed you. You could tell she wanted proof, so you flashed her the engagement ring. "Oh honey, I am so pleased for you! Nicholas finally popped the question, hmm?" her voice was sweet, but your heart cracked a little when your ex was mentioned.

"No, mom. Nick and I broke it off six months after you left the country," you tried to not let the pain show too much. "A couple of months after Nick left, I started dating someone new. She proposed to me 3 weeks ago and well, obviously i said yes." You told her while looking at the ring around your finger that your fiance designed for you. The emerald in it reminds you of her eyes.

"Well, that's just lovely, Y/n." you could hear her voice change and see the utter look of disapproval on her face. She stood up suddenly, picking up her purse and leaving some money on the table, "I won't be attending, however, I don't think a woman marrying a woman should be allowed."

You couldn't bear the thought of watching her leave, so instead you let your gaze drop to the white tablecloth that your hand was resting on. You suddenly felt anxious, so you flagged a waiter over to apologise before you left as well. She'd change her mind, you told yourself, there was no way she would willingly miss her own daughter's wedding.

Five months after the disastrous dinner, you stood at the altar in a white satin dress, arms encased in lace. It had been Natasha to walk you down the aisle, and you were eternally thankful to have her as your wingwoman, partner in crime and best friend. As the priest spoke, you looked into the crowd of people gathered to celebrate the day, hoping to see your mothers bright smile.

But when her chair was empty, you turned your attention back to Wanda, the love of your life. You spent the rest of the wedding, and consequent party, on autopilot. You excused yourself two hours into the party, the stark reminder that your mother had chosen not to attend causing you too much pain to enjoy yourself. You promised Wanda you'd be fine, and that you'd be back later.

You hadn't invited anyone else in your family, they were too full of hate. But your mom was the one person you wanted there, wanted her to celebrate with you. You wanted her to see how happy you were, wanted her to see that your hurtful family had not stopped you from finding love and being happy. Your happiness, you had quickly come to realise, was not of great importance to her.

"Hi, my love." Wanda's voice was soft as she came to find you, the party having just ended. She wondered why you'd skipped out on the party, why you had looked so crestfallen during the wedding itself. "I missed you down there, how are you feeling?"

"Mom didn't show" you confessed, tears ruining your makeup, leaving sticky tracks in their wake. Wanda looked confused, not that you blamed her. You never told her about what happened. "I went to have dinner with my mom five months ago, she's been living in Egypt. Told her you proposed and she looked so disgusted and said she wouldn't come because our love isn't normal and shouldn't be allowed. But it is normal. Our love is love. And our love is my happiness."

"Oh honey." Wanda murmured, rushing to drop by your side. Soft hands cupped your cheeks, your new wife wiping the tears away with her thumb. Wanda didn't hate many people in this world, but your family just so happened to be at the very top of her list. You were more important, however, so she gently guided you towards the bedroom and helped you get ready for bed.

Snuggled against her side, your head on her chest listening to the comforting sound of her heartbeat. Thump. Thump. Thump. "I'm sorry for ruining our wedding night.'' Wanda looked at you with sympathy.
"I cannot imagine how much you must be hurting right now, my love. I know that your family has never been kind to you, but you show me everyday you get through it. You show up, you smile, you never let anyone hurt you. You are allowed to hurt, my love. You don't have to be sorry for letting it go, because we can start our own family who will always show you love. I'm your family now. I love you."

And with that you fell into a peaceful sleep with your wife.

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