Nightmare - Wanda

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A/N - This takes place about 4 months after the battle in Sokovia. Wanda hasn't been talking much, but you got her to open up to you after a while. She still doesn't talk much, especially not with the rest of the avengers, but she does talk with you.


I was tired from having spent the day training with Steve when I enter my room, only to find a certain brunette sitting on the floor at the end of my bed.
''what are you doing here Wanda?'' I ask.

She looks up at me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks, making my face fall.

''Wanda? Wanda what's wrong? What happened?''  I ask my voice full of worry.

She doesn't say anything, instead she just bursts out in tears.
''hey, hey.. it's okay. I'm here, you're safe now'.'  I softly whisper to her while quickly wrapping my arms around her.
Wanda puts her head in the crook of my neck, softly sobbing. Her whole body shaking.

We sit like this for a while, until eventually Wanda stops crying and calms down.
''What happened?''  i ask concerned, continuing softly stroking her back.
Still shaking Wanda softly answers ''I went to take a nap, but I had a nightmare and I didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry y/n, I didn't know who else I could go to.''

''hey, it's okay. You can always come to me, want to tell me what your nightmare was about?'' I gently ask.

''we were back in Sokovia and I just saw Pietro die, again and again... It kept repeating itself, I kept feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest. And then I woke up and I felt so alone, my parents are gone, Pietro is gone, I have no one. No one that loves me.'' a tear leaving her face, telling me.

''Look at me okay, you will always, always have me. You are the strongest person I know, you'll never be alone. I won't let that happen, I love you okay? Remember that.''

''you love me?'' Wanda says looking into my eyes, surprise visible on her face.

''of course I do Wanda, how could I not?'' I reassure her.

''thank you.'' she says, hugging me and closing her eyes.
I can see how tired she is, with bags under her eyes and her body falling heavy against me.

''Do you want to try and go back to sleep?'' I whisper

Wanda quickly shakes her head. ''no, I don't want to have another nightmare and be alone again.''

''who said you'll be alone again? Come on, I will stay with you'' I tell her while getting up, taking her hand. I guide her over to the bed, making sure she's comfortable under the covers. I turn around and set one step forward before a hand grabs my arm. ''where are you going?''  a small and sleepy voice sounding through the room.
''I'm just going to change into a pajamas, I'll be right back.'' I say walking to my wardrobe, quickly changing into my pajamas and joining Wanda in the bed.

Closing my eyes, I can feel Wanda turning around and fidgeting.
I put out my hand, grabbing her waist and pulling her over to me. She snuggles close to me, her head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist. Softly stroking her hair, I can feel her head getting heavier and hear her sigh contently.

''y/n?'' Wanda whispers
''yes Wanda?''
''thank you.''
she mutters softly, before falling asleep.

I close my eyes and fall asleep soon after.


Took a little longer then expected, but here it is, the second chapter of this book of one-shots.
If you have any requests or commentary/tips, send me a message or leave a comment. 

If you're actually reading these chapters, Thank you so much! I hope you like it.

Wanda / Elizabeth Olsen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now