sick day - E.O.

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A/N, not proof read. if you see any mistakes or unclear parts let me know.

if you have nay requests please let me know!


Y/N found the edges of her lips curved upwards into a smile, as the bright-eyed woman that opened the door beamed at her, allowing her to step inside. Closing the door she followed her to the kitchen, which was spotless except for one pot that was set on the stove. Leaning her elbows on the cold, smooth surface of the counter she turned to face the woman, "so Scar, how bad is it?" she wondered out loud. Giggling softly she hoped that the girl in the room next to them would be oblivious to their conversation. Rolling her eyes lovingly, as she thought about her oh so stubborn friend that was passed out on the bed with covers wrapping her up like a burrito. She moved closer, whispering, "you know how she is, thought she could go around town in her state". She paused for a moment recalling the previous nights dilemma, "but the moment her head hit the pillow, she was knocked out". 

After a few minutes, the woman waved goodbye as she made her way to the door, clutching her bag, "I've got to get to work now", she smiled, holding the brass doorknob in between her fingers. "I'll see you later", promptly leaving the house, the door smoothly shutting with a click. Mirroring her wave, y/n moved forward to lock the door behind her friend, the grin still plastered on her face, thinking of Lizzie, her persistence and how cute you found her still wanting to do everything.

Tip-toeing on the hardwood floors, y/n tried her best to not make them creak. It would echo throughout the entire household and wake the sleeping girl.
Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She bit her lip tightly, palms gripping the door handle steadily, before carefully closing the door, moving so slow that she was almost standing still. Out of the blue, a muffled voice rang through the small space, "Babe, I'm awake", making the girl jump. Spinning her head around rapidly, eyes landing on the figure slumped on the bed, wrapped up in a mountain of blankets to the point where only her eyes where visible, "you can stop trying to not wake me up". Smiling sheepishly at the girl, she quickly closed the door, making her way to her.
Sitting herself on the edge of the bed, reaching a hand out to brush back some of the stray strands of hair that fallen in front of her eyes. Taking a closer look at her she sighed gently. Seeing how her eyes and nose were tinted a light crimson, a light layer of sweat making her skin appear shiny, while her head was surrounded by crumpled, clumps of papery tissues. Leaning down, she connected her lips to her forehead, leaving a tender kiss and cupping the side of her face. Stroking her thumb across her cheek fondly, making her hum delightedly.
Rising from where she sat she reached her hands out, frowning at the litter that cluttered her room, to collect the scattered lumps of tissue. She tossed them into the already half-full waste paper basket in the corner. The sound of movement on the bed perked her ears up, quickly shifting her attention back to the girl who now sat up, eyes half closed, groaning a little as she attempted to plant her feet on the ground. Haphazardly grabbing for the scrunched up sweater that stuck out from under the bed frame. Throwing the last of the used tissue away y/n spun her body around to face her, one hand on her hip, as the other instinctively flew up to slap her forehead, "lizzie, no", she scolded.
With a quick motion y/n easily snatched the sweater from her hands, pushing Lizzie back down onto the soft, fluffy pillows.
The edges of her mouth pulled down into a pout, using her best puppy eyes at her while gently tugging at her waist, making her land across her torso. "Baby please", fixating her gaze on her, letting out a small sneeze. "I still need to do so much". Rolling her eyes affectionately, she wiggled out of her embrace, readjusting herself so that they lay side by side, staring at the ceiling, bringing a smile to her face as she interlocked their hands lacing her fingers through her.

Turning her head to face lizzie she sighed softly, running her free hand down the side of her face. "I think you can survive a few days without running around all day", tilting her face forward as lizzie nodded tiredly in agreement, to join their lips together only to be stopped with a soft hand blocking her path. Her dramatic whine made lizzie turn so that she could gaze into her eyes, admiring the way y/n seemed to look just as stunning even when her hair looked like a complete mess, the thick locks sticking out in multiple directions.
Snapping out of her daydream, her eyes grew wide, "baby, though I would really like to make out right now", she sighed, mouth curving into a frown, as her eyebrows furrowed together, "you would get sick too".
Shrugging her shoulder, y/n sent her a confident smirk, "I'd like to take my chances", giving it a second try, tilting her head down finding her expression soften into a smile as lizzie kissed her back passionately. Having missed the taste of her lips since she'd been sick, matching her grin as she pressed her body closer towards her. Her arms wrapping around her neck deepening the kiss, making her sigh contently. 

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