Insecurities - W.M.

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A/N – this was a request. Hope you like it.

If you have any requests, leave a comment or send me a message!


Y/n stands menacingly near her locker, arms folded around her training gear as she stares into the distance. Standing a few feet away from her is her loving girlfriend, Wanda Maximoff... and her best friend, Vision. The pair cracks up loudly over who knows what. Whatever it is has sent Wanda into full hysterics, bent at the knee and clutching onto her stomach. If y/n could punch through a locker, she so would right now.

"What's up, Y/n?" Natasha asks, appearing by her side.

"Well, I was waiting for my girlfriend to go to lunch with me, but I see she's too busy... see you later, Natasha." She states, turning towards her locker to place her gear in it then slamming it shut.

She slightly stomps away, leaving Natasha extremely confused. Wanda looks over to where Natasha stands since she heard the locker slam. She sees Y/n storming off and wonders what's wrong. She looks to Natasha for a clue, but Natasha sends back a nonverbal shrug. Wanda figures she'll let her cool off a bit before getting to the bottom of... whatever the issue is.


Wanda finally makes her way into the kitchen, Vision on her left and Natasha on her right. The trio catches up with each other's day so far, cackling every now and then at a joke that was cracked. Wanda looks up to see her lovely girlfriend, Y/n, sitting alone at the table. She munches away at her lunch, just about done with it. She dreamily sighs to herself at the sight of her; she'll never get over how lucky she is to be with her.

She puts some extra pep in her step to reach their table quicker than Natasha and Vision. A big smile is plastered on her face the closer she gets to her.

Y/n hears footsteps approaching her and takes the moment to look up. When she sees Wanda with a dorky grin on her face, she feels a bit warm. Until she sees Vision not too far behind her with Natasha. The small smile she has on her face has fallen. With a 'hmph!', she picks up her lunch and walks away.

The smile on Wanda's face falters as she sees her girl walk away and throw away the rest of her lunch. She sits down at the table, confusion setting in. Natasha and Vision make their way to the table with the same confused look on their faces.

"What's wrong with her?" Vision questions, watching the other two eat.

"Beats me..." Wanda responds, feeling deflated.

"Well, go after her, genius!" Natasha suggests, motioning towards Y/n leaving the lunchroom.

She scrambles out of her seat and runs after Y/n, slightly tripping over herself as she does so.


Wanda finally catches up to Y/n, a little breathless since she wasn't prepared to run. She lets out a deep sigh and an eye roll before turning around to face her. Her face looks apologetic, and she feels a little bad... she's not even sure what she's getting ready to apologize for.

"Baby girl—" She starts before getting interrupted by Y/n.

"Wanda?" She sharply asks with a fold of her arms and a roll of her neck.

Wanda has to admit hearing her name instead of a pet name stings a bit. She clears her throat to continue her disrupted speech.

"Uh, ouch... I just... wanted to check in with you. Haven't really seen much of you lately. It's like you'll see me and immediately run away... what's wrong?"

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