Tiktok - E.O.

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"They look so creeped out by this!" You laughed, slapping your hand across the top of your leg as you continued to scroll through your TikTok feed, centered on a particular challenge.
The one where pet owners kissed their beloved dogs, cats, even birds, on the top of their head to generate a reaction. You had become consumed with the short videos for the last hour now, showing them to Elizabeth each time who just stared at you and smiled from ear to ear.
"I'm doing this with Lucky and you can't stop me." You cackled, Lizzie, shaking her head.

"Alright, well, you and Lucky have fun. I'm heading out." She smiled as she hovered above your spot on the couch and kissed your forehead. Your lower lip pushed outward and you gazed up at her longingly. Puckering your lips, Lizzie smirked and grasped your cheeks, kissing you hard. You squealed in delight and watched as she gathered her things to leave. Lucky, the six-month-old Australian Shepard wagged her tail immensely as Lizzie ensured to pet her head as she exited the house.

You and Lizzie had been in a relationship for almost eleven months now but did well to keep it out of the public eye. You were an actress yourself, but you didn't want your work overcast by the fact that you were dating THE Elizabeth Olsen. You adored your fanbase as well as liz's, but you two figured it was best to keep it under wraps rather than let the whole world know. That meant you ensured not to be seen on the set of Wandavision or made people taking photographs to promise not to have you featured in any of them, as you knew what the public would say.

"Lucky, come here," You tapped the lonesome spot on the couch and watched as she wagged her tail excitedly, hurrying to jump onto the couch beside you. "I promise I won't tell mamma you were on the couch." You giggled, hugging her tight. Lucky belonged to you and Lizzie both. Once you two became more serious, it was her bright idea to go adopt a puppy. Both of you natural dog lovers, it only seemed like the perfect scenario.

You quickly got back on your TikTok and set up the video, adding all of the effects. You got lucky to look right at you as you kissed the top of her head. She stalled for a minute, gazing up at you before her tongue pushed itself out of her mouth and licked your face, making you giggle wildly. You edited it for a few more minutes and posted it, not thinking much of it.

You didn't think posting a video on TikTok would receive so many views in under five minutes. You tossed the phone to the side of the couch and got up, walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water. You decided to head back to yours and liz's room to do a few chores, lucky close behind.

An hour later, you heard your phone ringing. You gazed down and saw that it was... Florence? You answered and put it on speaker.

"Hey, Florence! What's up?"

"I thought you and Lizzie were keeping the relationship secret?"

You furrowed your eyebrows, casting a look down at Lucky who turned her head repeatedly.

"Um," You cleared your throat. "We are?" You said hesitantly.

Florence busted out laughing, your heart quickening.

"That little TikTok you posted with Lucky? The fans figured it out."

Your eyes widened as you exited off the phone call and logged back into TikTok.

"No, no, no," You stammered.

You scrolled through the comments, sure enough, the top ones were:

"Wait a min, isn't that lizzies dog"

"There's a picture of her jogging with that same dog from the other week!!"



The same person who commented about that also tagged a video in the comments of them green-screening the interview Scarlett had with someone from a few months back.

"Yeah, Lizzie became a mamma a few weeks ago. Her name is Lucky. And before the fans get crazy, she's a dog, not an actual kid."

You groaned loudly, thinking about deleting the video, but that wasn't going to fix it, because magazine outlets began posting.

"Fans are trying to figure out if actress (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and actress Elizabeth Olsen are actually dating, based on a TikTok the actress posted featuring Elizabeth's dog, Lucky."

"Florence, what am I going to do?!" You cried, massaging your temples. Suddenly, the front door opened, and in came Lizzie.

"You just had to do that challenge." She gazed at you, already smiling. You told Florence you had to go and hung up, walking halfway to meet Lizzie.

"I'm sorry." You looked at her with saddened eyes. "I-I didn't think they would figure it out based on her." You pointed at Lucky who made a noise at the gesture. Lizzie smiled widely at you and pulled you into her arms, kissing the top of your head with ease.

"Babe, it's going to be okay. At least we had eleven months of no publicity." She chuckled, rubbing your back. "We don't have to hide it anymore." She looked down at you and smiled.

"I guess one positive thing of me messing up is I get to kiss you in public" I smiled at Lizzie and my heart melts at her while she makes her little nose scrunch. 

Wanda / Elizabeth Olsen one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now