Paper rings - E.O

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A/N - i'm back bitches, sorry for the delay. have absolutely zero motivation to do anything at the moment apart from working A LOT.  I'm gonna try and upload more often again. for those who stuck around -> Thank you so much!! also 48K reads!! thats crazy! 

yes this one shot is inspired by Taylor swifts paper rings. i heard it and thought of  my lovely wife  @fand0msedits It's our song. And that's why i hereby challenge her to use/reference this song in one of her chapters ;) goodluck

chapter is not proof read, hope you'll like it.
Warnings: none



Today was a shit day. I woke up, worked out, and was headed to the conference room for a script reading, and just now realised I forgot to take my ADHD meds. And I have to go to a damn meeting. How in hell was I supposed to do this? I have nothing to fidget with. I don't know what to do. I could call in sick? "Y/N? You ok?" A voice pulled me from my thoughts. I turned around. It was Lizzie. "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied with a smile. "Alright. Kevin's calling us." Lizzie touched my shoulder before heading into the conference room. I took a deep breath. Here we go.

Sitting in a chair, trying to listen. I think I did pretty well for the past hour. It's getting difficult. I can't sit still. My eyes just scanning over anything I hopefully could use to fidget with. "Y/N!" A voice yelled at me. It was Kevin. I had zoned out. I stopped listening when he said, "this is important....". I honestly have no idea what he said. "I was talking to you!''
'Sorry, please go on'. And that he did. You were about to give up until you saw a blank piece of paper. Picking it up you started to tear the paper in little rows. Lizzie was sitting next to you, curious about what you were gonna do with the paper. She knows about your ADHD and often lets you fidget with her rings if she's wearing any.
However you noticed at the start of the meeting that Lizzie wasn't wearing any rings which gave you less objects to fidget with. Taking a piece of paper you started to roll it up, making a little tear on the end which worked like a little lock when you slid it under the last layer of rolled up paper. You took Lizzie's hand in yours, Lizzie doing a little head tilt, curious about your action. You took the paper ring you made and slid it on lizzies finger, which made her giggle and smile affectionately at you.

This became a little tradition of yours. Anytime you noticed lizzie wasn't wearing one of your paper rings you'd make her a new one. Unbeknownst to you, Lizzie saved every single paper ring you made her in a little box.
8 months later you asked lizzie to be your girlfriend with the use of a paper ring made with coloured paper. She accepted and you were over the moon.

Fast forward 2 years and here you are, on a date with the most perfect woman in the world. Your nerves are going crazy, today was the day you would finally propose to this gorgeous girl sitting next to you on the picnic blanket. You were gonna propose with the most detailed paper ring you have made up till now (obviously you also bought her an actual engagement ring). The paper ring consisted of two different coloured bands of paper, twisted together forming a circle. On top you put a little red ball of paper which would serve as the 'ruby'. You put the paper ring in a ring box which was currently in the pocket of your jacket.

When the sun was setting you got up and took lizzie's hand, making her stand up as well.

Looking at each other with nothing but love in your eyes, you got down on one knee.

''Lizzie, you have been the happiness in my life for 3 years now. Every morning I wake up and thank whatever power in the universe there is that allows me to spend my time with you. I want to spend the rest of my life caring for you, loving you and standing by you. I can't promise I can fix all of the problems that will be on your path in your life, but I can promise you that you won't have to face them alone. You're the love of my life and I can't imagine not having you next to me forever. Will you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?''
You opened the ring box, showing the paper ring.
Lizzie, who had tears in her eyes, had a huge goofy smile on her face upon seeing the ring.

'' yes of course i will marry you y/n'' Lizzie pulled you up and kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Pulling away you took her hand and slid the paper ring on her ring finger of her right hand. Pulling the actual ring out of your pocket you put that on her left ring finger. Lizzie smiled at it and pulled you in for a hug.After a while you sat back down again and watched the stars for the rest of the night, cuddled up in each other's arms. Both of you content and with no intention of leaving each other's embrace any time soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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