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I paced around my apartment thinking about what happened just moments ago outside of my door.

"I almost kissed Loren," I ran my hand through my hair gripping it tightly while biting my lip.

"Loren almost kissed me!" I plopped down on my couch covering my mouth with my hands. I felt a small smile grow under my fingers the more I thought about it.

His lips looked soft and pink...

That thought alone caused me to break into a huge smile squealing whilst flailing my arms around like crazy.

"WE ALMOST KISSED!!" I yelled standing up again pacing around my coffee table. I just couldn't think about anything else but his face- no- his lips being so close to mine.

"Gosh why didn't I just kiss him," I sat back down pouting at my stupidity. I rested my head in my hands mumbling complaints about missing out on the chance to kiss him.

But my eyes quickly widened and I gently slapped my cheek.

"What the hell has gotten into me? I'm getting attached way too fast again," Now I know what you're thinking.

"She must've been in a toxic relationship all because she moved to fast and mistook want for love" But! That's not the case. We had a very heathy and loving relationship but we just so happened to get unlucky and fell out of love.

My old friends told me that we weren't going to reach the stage of infatuation. While they were right it wasn't as terrible as they made it seem.

I've learned lots of lessons from past relationships whether it be high school or college. But I can't seem to remember not to fall so fast.

I mean even though I've known him for a short period of time I just feel this pull towards him that makes me want to break all the rules and be with him.

But then there's that little voice in my head telling me to slow down and really think about my decision.

But how am I supposed to if I keep running into him? If not a second goes by that his name doesn't pop up in my mind? I'm crushing on a guy that I met on a train for goodness sake!

I rubbed my eyes both frustrated and tired. Getting up I walked to my room to do my night routine before jumping onto my bed.

Since tomorrow is Saturday and I made plans with Jeong-ha to go out for lunch and do some shopping. We've become good friends over the past few days and both agreed that we should hang out outside of work.

We've actually been talking about the openings for jobs at the Kape Keompoteu headquarters. We basically make reports, attend meetings, revise papers, and sometimes we can run one of the cafés and do weekly checks to make sure everything is as it should be.

The headquarters are connected to another company that's two floors up. I'm not exactly sure what they do there yet but if we get the job then we'll also get a tour of both the headquarters and the other company's.

Let's just hope we both get in...


"So I went to the headquarters yesterday to get our applications," Jeong-ha said reaching into her purse. She pulled out two thin packets of paper and handed one to me.

"We need to turn them in by the end of this week so keep that in mind," I nodded folding the paper and putting it in my bag.

"If we get in I'll most definitely miss the café and the regular costumers there," Jeong-ha sighed nodding in agreement. To be honest I think one of our regulars his name being Min-jun only goes there to see jeong-ha.

They must like each other because every time they meet their moods seem instantly boosted.

"I'm sure you'll miss Min-jun the most," I smirked as her cheeks instantly turned pink at the mention of his name.

"N-no! I'll miss everybody there!" I laughed placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Including Min-jun?" She blushed harder pushing my hand off of her shoulder and running away.

"Jeong-ha! Come back!" I yelled between laughs. She turned around shaking her head.

"Never!" She replied playfully. I quickly ran after her


Today is probably the worst fucking day of my life. Not because of my personal life or work. It's because of Jade.

We so close to fucking kissing and then the stupid lady had to come out of her dumb apartment with- WHY?

(Calm down Loren my goodness!)

I know I shouldn't be mad but who the hell wouldn't be?! It's Jade for fucks sake! I run my hands through my hair gripping it tightly on the verge of pulling it out.

Why am I so pent up about this? Never in my life have I felt this way for anyone. Anyway now is not the time to stress over this. I'm even blaming an innocent lady for my mistake.

God I need to relax

Taking a deep breath I got up from my desk and walked over to the kitchen. Opening the fridge grabbing a bottle of water downing it in a few gulps.

Earlier I got an email from my boss saying that there will be an "orientation" for new employees that will be working at the cafe company upstairs.

It'll be held in a week or so after they make their final decision on who they want working there. To be honest I've never been upstairs so I don't know what cafe the company owns.

I've only ever been in the lobby and the third floor which is where I work. I guess the rules changed since I've been working here. When I first started we didn't really have an orientation or a tour of the building. We were given a tour of the office and met our seniors but that's about it.

Speaking of work I better hurry up and get there before I'm late. I grabbed my laptop and phone stuffing it in my bag before exiting my house.

I just know today is going to be one long day...

This is a filler chapter!! Also I wanna credit aleesha0108 and the kdrama "Something in the Rain" for the inspiration for the upcoming chapters! Much love ❤️

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